Sun Gohan's strength has far exceeded the imagination of the realm king god, at this time, watching the king of the demon realm, Dapura all defeated in his hands, he couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, but when he turned back, he saw that Raditz and the others did not have the slightest joy of victory on their faces, but saw a contempt and disappointment in the eyes of several people, which made him a little confused for a while, and asked curiously:

"Mr. Sun Gohan defeated Dapla, are you all happy?"

"Cut, how strong you blew this king of the demon world before, I thought how powerful he was, I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable, even this level of Sun Gohan can't win, I see that the demon Buu you said is not remarkable!"

Vegeta snorted coldly, looking at the realm king god in front of him who had never seen the world, his face was full of contempt.

"Mr. Vegeta, don't be careless, Majin Buu and Dapra are completely two levels of monsters, let's hurry up and solve him before he is resurrected!"

Seeing that the King God of the Hall Realm was actually so timid, he was actually scared into this bear by a guy who had not yet appeared, it was simply an insult to the word God, and he didn't bother to deal with him and turned his head directly.

Seeing Vegeta's proud and arrogant appearance, the Realm King God was also angry in his heart, but after all, the other party was strong and he couldn't say much, so he had to put his eyes on the two brothers next to Vegeta again, and said a little nervously:

"Mr. Monkey King, Mr. Raditz, do you think so?"

"Actually, I still really want to see that Majin Buu, don't worry, Lord Realm King God, we will definitely solve him, and didn't my brother also say that Majin Buu is not so powerful."

Hearing the excited inquiry of the King God of the Realm, Sun Wukong had to comfort him a little first, after all, the status of the people there still had to give a little face.

At this time, the battle between Sun Gohan and Dapura had been divided into victories and losers, and I saw that Dapura, the king of the demon world, was full of scars, and he was defeated under Sun Gohan's hands in embarrassment, looking at the condescending Sun Gohan, he couldn't believe that he would actually die at the hands of an earthling.

"You go, I won't kill you, I hope you don't do bad things in the future."

Just when everyone thought that Dapla would definitely die, Sun Wuhan suddenly moved the idea of the Holy Mother, and the words he said really frightened the Realm King God, at this time, the Realm King God was about to collapse, and he couldn't imagine how many strange things he encountered in one day.

"Mr. Son Gohan, don't let him go, Dapla has done all the bad things and it is absolutely impossible to have the idea of repentance"

The Realm King God was almost kneeling on the ground with his legs, and at this time, he could no longer withstand any blows.

"I know, but I don't want to kill."

"But if you don't kill him, the person who was petrified by him can't be restored."

Hearing this, Sun Gohan hesitated for a while, he really didn't want to kill, but in this case, Uncle Vic would be a stone statue for a lifetime, and in his heart, Vic was not lost to Goku at all.


At this time, Dapla's hideous face showed a strange smile, those resentful eyes stared at Sun Gohan tightly, and the next second Dapla took advantage of Gohan's hesitation to come out, the only remaining strength in the whole body filled the whole body, and with a bang, it exploded and turned into a purple tornado and sneaked away with Sun Gohan.

"Give me death, earthling, magic light solitary dragon turn

" "Gohan be careful

" Seeing this situation, the realm king god quickly opened his mouth to remind Gohan, but the gap in strength between the two is not just a sneak attack can win, and Sun Gohan, who quickly reacted, did not have the slightest carelessness, and his whole body strength condensed, making a decisive move that he had studied hard for many years:

"Ultimate Magic Flash"

A surge of breath formed a substantial terrifying energy, and the golden light instantly swallowed Dapura, like a fierce dragon driven by Sun Gohan through the chest of the other party

, "No... No... Probably, I... I am not willing to die at the hands of a guy like you. In

this way, Dapura died, and died very completely, he will never understand what a powerful race the Saiyans are, and left this world completely with remorse and unwillingness.

After killing Dapla, Bick and Jebbit, who were petrified by him, gradually returned to their original appearance, and Son Gohan, who was still full of guilt and anxiety in his heart, instantly disappeared from the moment he saw Bike, and ran over like a child to save each other.


Suddenly Son Gohan realized that something was wrong, the short man who came with Dapura disappeared, he didn't even notice how the other party disappeared, according to the words of the realm king god, this Bafiti is more evil than Dapla, if this guy really runs away, it will definitely be a hidden danger to the future earth.

The Realm King God also noticed Sun Gohan, who was a little puzzled at this time, walked up to him, and slowly explained:

"Baffedi is definitely still around, but he hides himself, I said before he is a complete war scum, but his magic is indeed very powerful, he must have used some special method to make us unable to capture his breath."

As the King God of the Realm said, Buffidi already had this idea when he realized that Dapura would be defeated, as long as he could delay time and wait for the resurrection of Majin Buu, then the victory would definitely be himself, so he took advantage of the time when Sun Gohan fought him, regardless of Dapura's life or death, and hid himself in the other-dimensional space at the cost of his life.

He has always believed that as long as he can contact the seal of Majin Buu and let him see the light of day, he will definitely achieve his ambition of ruling the universe. Thinking of the horror of Majin Buu, the corners of Buffydy's mouth couldn't help but show a sneer, as long as Majin is born, then everything he does is worth it.

"Mr. Gohan, let's leave him alone for now, the most important thing now is to stop Majin Buu from breaking the seal, otherwise the earth will definitely face a devastating disaster."

Looking at the device that carried the heart of the demon Buu, the realm king god's heart was full of apprehension and unease, which showed that the shadow brought by the other party to the rest was not small.

"Then what should we do Lord King God, his energy seems to be full, or I can directly try to destroy him?"

Hearing Sun Gohan's words, the Realm King God hesitated again at this time


End of this chapter

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