At this time, the Realm King God frowned, his face became very ugly, although he defeated Dapla, but now he has no way to take the seal of Majin Buu.

Hearing that Gohan wanted to destroy it directly, the Kaiwang God hesitated, he didn't know if doing so would stimulate Majin Buu and make him born early.

Watching the seal of Majin Buu disappear little by little, the realm king god's heart became more and more anxious, and then groaned and said slowly:

"I hope it can succeed, Mr. Gohan please you

" "Leave it to me"

Sun Gohan agreed after hearing this, and then clenched his fists, golden points of light appeared all over his body and constantly converged, and the breath of his body burst to a terrifying height, like a billowing flame burning, The huge Weiya made both the Realm King God and the Barfidi hidden in the shadows a little breathless.

After seeing the strength of Sun Gohan, Bafidi was not flustered at all, a sneer flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he whispered to himself hidden in the secret:

"You guys underestimate Majin Buu, no matter how powerful the earthling who can defeat Dapura is, it is impossible to stop the birth of Majin

Buu" I saw Sun Gohan's hands spewing dazzling light, dazzling energy engulfed Majin Buu's seal in an instant, and the roaring explosions were endless, Shake the mountains for a while, fly sand and stones...

As Sun Gohan's light dissipated, a terrifying scene happened, only to see that Majin

Buu's seal was not destroyed, and it was directly split in half, "Abominable, we failed, Majin Buu's seal was opened"

The Realm King God showed an expression like a mask of pain on his face at this time, and said in an indignant and angry voice.

Watching the seal of Majin Buu was opened, Buffidy's whole body was trembling with excitement, his face showed irrepressible excitement, he laughed loudly, loud laughter directly exposed his current position, and then the whole person appeared in everyone's field of vision, but at this time he did not have the slightest fear, because now Majin Buu is going to recover, from now on the universe is chaotic and he has the final say.

"Lord Realm King God, that inside seems to be empty, there is no Majin Buu at all" At this time, Sun Gohan's words made the already desperate Realm King God show a strange look, and ran over excitedly to carefully look up and down at the seal that was split in half, the excitement in his heart could not be described in words, the corners of his mouth were unconsciously swirling, and he shouted loudly into the air:

"Haha is empty, really empty, we successfully eliminated Majin Buu"

Just as they were excited and excited, an extremely evil and powerful aura suddenly permeated the air, the entire ground shook unconsciously, and the uneasy atmosphere shrouded the hearts of several people.

"It seems that Gohan they failed, this qi is Majin Buu's is indeed very powerful, but as brother you said, it is not strong to the point of despair."

At this time, Sun Wukong also felt the breath of Majin Buu at the same time, the evil and terrifying power made Sun Wukong have an urge to try, to be honest, he was still a little disappointed in the power of Majin Buu, after all, after the fierce praise of the realm king god, let him feel that this is a target for him to catch up with in a preconceived notion, and now it seems that it is just Erle.

However, Sun Wukong's words reached Vegeta's ears but all changed the taste, Vegeta after so many years of hard work has made his strength qualitatively improved, although he has not reached the point of Super Saiyan Three, but in the state of Super Saiyan II he is already improving, in his perception now Majin Buu's strength is similar to his own, but it seems that Sun Wukong and Raditz completely look down on him, isn't this looking down on himself in disguise, I couldn't help but secretly scolded

in my heart: "Abominable, I was actually far ahead by these two hateful guys

" "Hahaha, you are really naïve, I tell you that Majin Buu is my father's greatest work, he will never be destroyed, you can't stop him from being resurrected"

Baffedi first glanced at a few people in fear, and then felt the terrifying aura of Majin Buu, and the confidence in his heart suddenly returned, Looking at the Realm King God and Sun Gohan with a slight mockery, he said.

"This hateful fellow"

Realm King God was already gritting his teeth with hatred at this time, and he was almost about to rush up and tear Bafidi to pieces, but no one knew better than him how powerful Majin Buu was, and it was because of this that he was instigated.

As the evil aura became more and more intense, the evil and terrifying aura seemed to shroud the heavens and the earth in darkness, and suddenly the sky was covered with dark clouds, like a violent storm coming, Majin Buu was about to be born.

Under the gaze of the Realm King God, Sun Gohan, Jebit and others, the ground where the breath came from was torn into cracks day by day, and the sense of threat from Majin Buu made people feel uncomfortable in their hearts.

Then someone was sad and naturally someone was happy, at this time Buffydi's laughter spread to the sky, a proud expression floated on his face, he raised his hands above his head, and shouted the name of Majin

Buu "Hahaha, hurry up and show up Majin Buu, let's rule the entire universe together"

The dust on the ground dispersed, and a pink gas in the sky was slowly gathering into a human form, Buffidi looked up, looked at the pink cloud, and the excitement in his heart could not be suppressed.

"Is this Majin Buu?"

Sun Wuhan carefully felt this evil and powerful power, witnessed the pink cloud gradually forming a human form, and asked the realm king god beside him puzzled.

The Realm King God did not speak, but just nodded to answer Sun Gohan's question. Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, Majin Buu also completely appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The skin of the whole body is filled with pink, the fat body plus the fat face, a pair of squinted eyes and a similar antennae on the top of the head, although the whole person exudes a powerful aura, but the appearance gives people a harmless feeling of humans and animals, everyone did not expect that the demon Buu who was blown through the sky by the realm king god actually went back to such an image, which could not help but disappoint some people secretly.

"Is he Majin Buu, it doesn't look powerful, it's quite cute"

With the appearance of Majin Buu, Raditz and others who were standing on the side watching the play also came to Sun Gohan and the Realm King God at this moment, Sun Wukong looked Majin Buu up and down, patted the nervous Realm King God and asked.

However, the Realm King God did not think so, looking at the pink fat man in front of him, he could never forget this face that brought a shadow to himself, it was he who killed the other four Realm King Gods.

"That's right, it's him Majin Buu, Mr. Goku don't be deceived by his appearance, he's a terrifying guy with no humanity"

Now the nervous forehead of the Realm King God unconsciously broke out in a cold sweat, and did not forget to carefully remind Sun Wukong.

Raditz looked at the realm king next to him and shook his head helplessly, obviously this guy has been scared stupid by the demon Buu, what a poor child.

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