With a loud noise in the sky, the two energies collided together in an instant, and the smoke and dust swept up the sky, and the amazing power fluctuations made the entire earth tremble.

When the smoke and dust filled the air, Vegeta instantly disappeared in place with his skillful control of the breath, and came to the location of Majin Buu accurately, looking at his seemingly clumsy body but hiding amazing strength and speed.

Vegeta did not hesitate, taking this opportunity to strike directly, without any flashy tricks and routines, and the pain of fists to flesh seemed to make him enjoy the fun of fighting even more.

As Vegeta's punches became faster and faster, Majin Buu was a little overwhelmed for a while, but at this time, the other party showed amazing fighting talent, while fighting with Vegeta, the other party seemed to have learned a lot of skills, and the strength was improving little by little, which undoubtedly surprised Vegeta!

The roar of the collision of the bodies of the two in the air was endless, and the two figures staggered each other in the air at a very fast speed, and Vegeta's continuous punches had gradually suppressed the Majin Buu.


Vegeta clasped his hands into fists between the gaps between the several punches of Majin Buu, and suddenly it was like an iron hammer smashed on a person, and suddenly Buu only felt that his body seemed to have borne the power of a thousand pounds, and the whole person fell heavily from the sky.

Buu's figure Vic stayed in the deep pit on the ground, and Vegeta had a confident smile on her face in the sky, and her hands condensed a dazzling light, like a meteor shower densely bombarding towards the deep pit, and the prince's combat method was like a heavenly punishment towards the Majin Buu bomb rain.

In the sky, Vegeta gasped, it was obvious that the battle just now consumed a lot of his physical strength, looking at the deep pit facing his fierce attack, at this moment, Majin Buu had been blown apart, and his body was scattered everywhere.

Wildfires burn endlessly, and the spring breeze blows again. Even though Majin Buu had been beaten to pieces, his endless life and tenacious resilience did not weaken and dodge, and pieces of pink flesh and blood on the ground continued to condense in the air, and in less than a quarter of an hour, Majin Buu had recovered as before.

"How is it possible"

Vic and Son Gohan looked at each other, and the scene in front of them completely shocked their worldview.

When Bafeidi saw this, his face couldn't help but show surprise, and he praised Majin Buu loudly:

"Good Buu, you are really powerful."

The mentally incomplete Buu heard Buffidy's praise of himself, and suddenly jumped happily like a child, Vegeta who saw this scene in the sky looked solemn, in terms of strength and speed, he himself has not lost and even surpassed the Majin Buu, but his endless physical strength and terrifying healing ability far surpassed himself, and the longer it dragged on, the more unfavorable the situation became.

Buu came back to his senses and felt the unusual energy condensed by Vegeta in the air of Bike, even he did not dare to be careless, squinted his eyes locked the brilliant brilliance, took a deep breath, the whole body quickly expanded like a balloon, at the moment when Vegeta's attack was about to come to him, Buu suddenly opened his closed mouth, exhaled his good air towards the ground, and dodged Vegeta's attack at a very fast speed with the power of the earth and his own speed.

"Not good" x2

Ren no one expected that Majin Buu actually became so smart at this moment, and actually dodged Vegeta's strongest blow so easily, but if such a powerful force is allowed to fall to the ground, the earth will definitely be destroyed because of this, and at the moment of the attack, Sun Wukong secretly shouted "not good", and came to the position where Majin Buu left at the fastest speed, and even took Vegeta's attack without even having time to change into Super Saiyan III.

At the same time, the demon Buu, who had come above Vegeta, had a smug smile on his face, and the tentacles on his head were suddenly aimed at Vegeta who did not know why, and the God of the Realm also shouted at this moment:

"It's not good, Vegeta quickly dodge"

But it was too late for the King God of the Realm to make a sound, and before Vegeta could react, the air around him suddenly became quiet, and his body became immobile, In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Buu used bizarre magic to turn Vegeta into chocolate, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

In order to protect the earth, Sun Wukong took Vegeta's attack without using his full strength, and at this moment, he was also seriously injured and lying on the ground unable to move.


" The king god of the realm shouted, I thought that I had won the situation steadily, but I didn't expect to lose the two generals of Sun Wukong and Vegeta in this short moment, and now all hope can only be pinned on Raditz's body

, "Mr. Raditz will ask you next" "Don't worry, don't forget that you promised me

" Raditz said it, Raditz came to Sun Wukong in an instant


It seems that you are destined to fail to fight this battle, you can't blame me, who let yourself be unlucky

" Then Raditz pulled up Sun Wukong and threw it casually behind, Vic hurriedly went over to pick him up, Sun Gohan dragged his injured body and greeted with concern:

"Dad, are you okay"

"No problem, but I can't fight, it's really unwilling"

At this time, Sun Wukong felt very annoyed, I already knew that this was the case, and said that I would not let Vegeta, the little cutie, appear.

Raditz stared coldly at the funny and ridiculous demon Buu in front of him, if it was someone else who faced him, he might be treated strictly, but this guy was like a jumping beam clown in his eyes, and his eyes were full of contempt.

Majin Buu looked at Raditz in front of him, he had just tried the joy of victory, he was naturally a little blind, with a mocking smile on his face, and said:

"Do you want to fight with me too?"

"Of course,"

Raditz nodded, and then a wicked smile appeared on his face, and he continued: "

Majin Buu, right?"


" "You open your

eyes and talk to me" Although Majin Buu's brain is a little uncomfortable, he can also hear that Raditz is laughing at his small eyes, this sentence deeply stimulates his small self-esteem, and his face also shows a hideous and terrifying face at the same time, the steaming heat above his head continues to rise, and he viciously said to Raditz word by word:

"I'm going to kill you"


End of this chapter

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