Looking at Majin Buu's angry appearance, Raditz didn't say anything, but in an instant, it turned into a Super Saiyan three

"bang", and Raditz's figure disappeared instantly, so fast that everyone present did not react.

"Little fatty, I'm behind you"

Majin Buu who was still looking around looking for Raditz, a sudden voice reached his ears, and Majin Buu who turned around saw a fierce man with long blond hair, a golden tail wrapped around his waist, and his palm slightly raised.

Before Majin Buu could react, Raditz slapped Majin Buu's fleshy face, and the heavy force was like the collapse of the sky, and for a while Majin Buu only felt that his head was a little confused, and the whole person fell from the air, looking very embarrassed.

What a terrifying power, Sun Gohan saw that Raditz had already beaten Majin Buu without fighting back with a simple slap, his eyes were bigger than a copper bell, and the Realm King God was clenching his fists, he now only hoped that Raditz could quickly eliminate it, and definitely not give him the opportunity to repeat the mistakes of the past.

And Buubikbik, who fell to the ground, stood up again and stabilized his figure, looking up at Raditz in the sky with an angry expression on his face, but saw that the other party smiled playfully and hooked his finger towards

him: "Hateful, actually dare to underestimate me

" "Huh" Buu who came to Raditz at a very fast speed, did not hesitate to punch him, Raditz easily dodged the blow of Majin Buu with his hind legs, Then another slap was slapped on the other party's face, and the pink face instantly left a red slap print.

Just as the so-called beating people do not hit the face, the opposite side so humiliating the demon Buu naturally could not bear it, directly burst out his strongest strength and desperately rushed towards Raditz.

Dense fist shadows flickered in the air, Buu's playing style was very frenzied, obviously he had been mad by Raditz, and then to everyone's surprise, this terrifying attack could not even touch the corners of Raditz's clothes, and the demon Buu's face at this moment had a lot more red slap prints.

"Bastard, don't hit me in the face again"

Raditz's slap also completely woke up Majin Buu, making him completely understand the gap in strength between the two sides at this moment, and scolded Raditz angrily.

"Oh, you still have a temper"

Hearing Majin Buu so rude, Raditz immediately stepped forward and opened two more fierce ears in his face.

"Well, I'll satisfy you when I see you being so pitiful"

In the next second, the golden light in Raditz's hand suddenly shot out, passing through the chest of Majin Buu like a dragon, and the terrifying force directly took it hundreds of meters away and fell to the distant peak.

Unsurprisingly, this level of attack really could not kill Majin Buu, but I saw that the large hole that had been penetrated in his chest was slowly repairing, and the pink flesh on his body was squirming little by little, knowing that it had returned to its original appearance before stopping.

"Oh, the healing ability is good, it's kind of interesting"

Buu heard Raditz's mocking words, his face changed, and he rushed towards the other party again in anger, a strong momentum burst out, and then his whole body was wrapped in pink energy.

"Show you something fun"

Seeing the Majin Buu Raditz rushing up, he did not panic at all, only to see that he stretched out his finger, and then a red light directly passed through the body of Majin Buu, and then the endless dense death rays left holes in Majin Buu's body, even Majin Buu's powerful recovery ability could not keep up with Raditz's attack, and his breath slowly weakened in an instant.

"I didn't expect that this guy even learned Frieza's tricks"

Seeing the abused dog-like demon Buu in the sky, Sun Wukong sighed helplessly. Even the two who are both Super Saiyan three, Sun Wukong has to admit that Raditz is much stronger than him.

The King God of the Realm finally saw the power of Raditz at this moment, and he couldn't believe that a single human could actually have such strong combat power. Now I see that what Raditz said at the beginning is indeed not bragging, but his so-called god's vision is too short-sighted.

Seeing this scene now, the King God of the Realm has understood that the earth and the universe have been saved, and then he also relaxed his original tension, just as a pure bystander to enjoy this battle without suspense.

"Buu, what are you doing, hurry up and fight back, kill all these humans for me"

At this time, Bafedi, who was hiding on the sidelines and watching the battle, was completely unsure, how could he not believe that the Majin Buu would actually lose in the hands of an earthling, and he was so completely defeated.

Raditz's terrible attack even if the super recovery ability of Majin Buu is a little unbearable, only to see that his battered body is no longer able to repair, and the breath is weakening little by little, I am afraid that if Raditz continues to attack like this, Majin Buu will really be eliminated.

The red light continued, the terrifying picture had made everyone close their mouths, and Jebit on the side couldn't help but feel ashamed to recall the scene when he looked down on humans, this man was too powerful, so powerful that Majin Buu had no power to fight back.

For Sun Wukong, Raditz's strength will always be so deep, he has not seen Raditz go all out for a long time, and he can't help but recall that he once said that he was waiting for an opponent to wake up, and muttered in his mouth

, "What kind of talent is worthy of your full strength, brother, I want to see"

This man defeated all unattainable enemies, Vegeta... Frieza... Gura... Majin Buu, he seems to be like the most dazzling star in the sea of stars in the universe, and everyone who is pressed by powerful strength cannot raise their heads. He is like the nightmare of all evil powerhouses, crushing their ambitions!

"Okay, I've had enough, it's time to end"

As Raditz's expression suddenly became cold, his eyes showed a trace of cold killing intent, and a devastating compressed energy suddenly condensed in his hand, wrapping Majin Buu in an instant, and Majin Buu's body gradually disappeared in this dazzling light.

However, what no one noticed was that Raditz did not completely destroy the body of Majin Buu, and quietly left a piece tightly held in his hand, but at this moment, his breath had become weak and people didn't care at all.


End of this chapter

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