Watching the demon Buu in the sky being destroyed, Bafidi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he really couldn't believe that the Majin Buu would die in the hands of such a humble planet, a humble earthling, and the Majin Buu who was revived with his own hands died like this.

Thinking of this, Buffidi only felt a chill in his heart, after cleaning up some Majin Buu, the target of this group of people must be themselves, and they were about to escape through the climate of magic, suddenly a red light came from the sky penetrating his body, and the magician Buffidy died.

With the disappearance of Bafeidi and Majin Buu, the sky slowly became calmer, the smoke and dust in the sky were blown away by the breeze, and a thrilling battle ended, and everyone's hearts were full of mixed feelings.

"Majin Buu has finally been eliminated, Mr. Raditz, what are your plans next, is it to continue to go back to participate in the world's first martial arts conference

" At this moment, the mood of the Realm King God also became very good, and he also admired Raditz's strength from the bottom of his heart, stepped forward and asked respectfully

, "It doesn't make any sense to participate in that competition, not to mention that no one is the opponent of No. 18 there, I want to go to the Realm King God Realm next, lead the way"

Hearing that Raditz wanted to go to the Realm King God Realm, Jerbit frowned, but quickly stretched out again, just quietly hiding behind the Realm King God to follow his arrangement.

"Of course, you are very welcome to be a guest

" Sun Wukong suddenly asked with some curiosity at this time: "Brother, why do you suddenly want to go there, I know that there must be some way to improve your strength, right

" Raditz glanced at Sun Wukong with some surprise, not understanding how this guy suddenly became so smart

, "How do you know?"

"I heard Gohan and Bulma say behind their backs that you are generally in a hurry to go back to No. 18 to play poker in this situation, and suddenly want to go to the Realm King God Realm, there must be something strange

" Sun Gohan heard that his father sold himself so easily at this time, and quickly stepped forward to block the other party's mouth, and said anxiously:

"Dad, don't talk nonsense" "Hmm, I didn't

say nonsense, this is what you said with her last time you went to Bulma's house, Vegeta and I heard it"

The gagged Monkey King also spoke at this time, and continued

, "Yes, Gohan, I remember that you are a good boy, don't you know that it is rude to talk about elders casually behind your back?"

At this moment, Raditz's face was gloomy, and a cold voice came out behind Son Gohan.

"That Raditz Gohan still has injuries on his body..." Seeing

this, Vic quickly wanted to excuse his "own son

", and said "roll" Looking at Raditz's vicious eyes, Vic was also completely provoked, unconsciously took a few steps back, and said,


" "

You start lightly"

Then Raditz greeted Son Gohan cordially between elders and juniors, because Son Gohan was already seriously injured at this time, so Raditz concerned about my hairy affairs, dared to talk about me, as long as I can't die, I will fight to death, and if I die, I can use Dragon Balls to revive anyway.

Seeing Sun Gohan's miserable appearance, the king god of the realm was a little unbearable, after all, his relationship with Gohan here was quite good, but if he opened his mouth to intercede, the other party would even beat him up, and he absolutely believed that Raditz could do such a thing.

The Realm King God hesitated for a moment, and then spoke: "

Mr. Sun Wukong and Gohan, you also come to the Realm King God as guests, I do have a way for you to improve your strength in a short time

" "Oh?"

This sentence completely aroused Sun Wukong's curiosity, and he looked at the Realm King God with curiosity on his face, with an inquiring meaning in his eyes.

The King God of the Realm then also explained:

"On the planet we live on, there is a very powerful Excalibur, and it is said that as long as anyone who can pull out that Excalibur, he can live a power that no one can match. No one has been able to pull out that sword in so many years, but I believe that with your abilities, you can definitely do it.

"Is it really so amazing, I really want to try it"

Hearing the words of the Realm King God, Sun Wukong's eyes lit up, completely raising his interest, and even forgetting the pain of the wound.

"Okay, in that case, let's not waste time, let's go now,"

Raditz said impatiently after taking a bad breath on Son Gohan.

Sun Gohan was a little worried about Sun Wukong's injury, and with a blue nose and swollen face, he opened his mouth and said: "But dad

his body..." Before Sun Gohan finished speaking, Raditz suddenly took out two fairy beans from his hand and handed them to Sun Wuhan, saying: "You two one by one, we will set off when you are healed

" "Brother didn't expect that you actually have fairy beans hidden on your body, it's really good" Sun

Wukong, who saw fairy beans, also became excited, With the entrance of Sendou, Sun Wukong and Sun Gohan's injuries also improved immediately.

Then Raditz, Sun Wukong, Sun Gohan, Xiaojin, and Bick left here with the Realm King God.

Before leaving, Sun Wukong suddenly scratched his head and said to himself: "It seems that we have forgotten something, regardless of the importance of improving our strength"

Just like that, Vegeta was forgotten in everyone's mind....

The King God of the Realm used teleportation to take Raditz and the others to the planet where they lived, looking at the vast environment around him, Raditz nodded unconsciously, yes, this planet belongs to me.

At this time, Sun Wukong ran over with an excited look and grabbed the arm of the Realm King God, because his strength was too strong, he directly pulled the other party to the ground, and then he couldn't wait to ask:

"I'm sorry Lord Realm King God, where is that Excalibur you said, hurry up and take us to see"

The Realm King God did not mind Sun Wukong's impolite behavior, it stands to reason that a human doing this is a blasphemy against the gods, But after witnessing their strength, there was also a change, after all, the other party is a person who can even destroy a terrifying existence like Majin Buu, and sure enough, strength white determines all existence.

However, Jebit, who stayed beside the Realm King God and held himself very high, was still a little annoyed by Sun Wukong's behavior at the moment, and although he was a little jealous of the other party's strength, he still spoke: "Sun Wukong pay attention to your behavior, this is a great Realm King God lord." "

It's okay

, Jebit" The realm king god quickly interrupted Jebit, although Sun Wukong's temper is very good, but he also has a stronger brother who has a bad temper, he doesn't want to offend such a terrifying person, after all, the other party really has to be ruthless, afraid that his realm king god star can't keep it.

"Okay, you follow me to the Realm King Temple, and I'll take you to see Excalibur."

Seeing that the impatient realm king god no longer hung everyone's appetite, and led everyone towards the direction of the Excalibur.


End of this chapter

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