At this time, as Raditz and the others entered the Realm King God Star, and the world's first martial arts conference on the other side also ushered in the end, everyone did not notice the crisis that they were almost destroyed just now, and they were still immersed in fiery cheers, and in everyone's excited shouts, this world's first martial arts conference was completely over.

The winner of this year's No. 1 martial arts conference was No. 18, and no one expected that this match would be won by a woman.

"Really, Goku that guy doesn't know where to run"

Kiki watched as the rich prize almost all fell on Raditz and their house, feeling like a cooked duck flying, and her eyes were very hungry.

And Buoma, who is the richest man, did not care, but complained a little:

"That is, I don't know where these three guys have run, leaving only a few of us women here, it's really too much."

"Don't worry, they may be delayed by something, with the strength of a few of them, I'm afraid that there is no one in the entire universe who can pose a threat to them, and there will be no trouble."

Number 18 smiled, he had absolute confidence in his own man.

At the same

time, Raditz and the others followed the Realm King God on the way to find Excalibur, and were also attracted by the beautiful scenery of this Realm King God Realm, Sun Wukong couldn't help but speak:

"The environment here is really quiet and peaceful, even the air doesn't know how many times fresher than the earth, if you can cultivate here, it will be very helpful" "

You are the first time to come to the Realm King God Realm, you should feel honored, However, the Realm King God Realm is not what you humans want to come"

Jebit has always had some unique pride in his identity, although Sun Wukong's strength is indeed very strong, but identity determines everything here.

"It used to be, but in the future, I can come here when I want, and I can leave if I want

" At this time, Raditz's words caused Jebbit's discomfort, and he couldn't help but reply:

"Do you really think this is your home?"

Raditz glanced at Jebit in surprise, this guy has no brains, after seeing his own strength, he dares to talk to himself like this, didn't I see that your master is polite to me, how can you be a servant without any eyesight, you know, you are really brave ah

who am I Raditz, we are civilized people are not wild men like Vegeta, to convince people with reason, so he said:

"Don't forget what you promised me, as long as I defeat Majin Buu, you will give this planet to me, so from now on this is my home, Kakarot, as my younger brother, can of course

come here to cultivate at any time" Hearing Raditz's words, Sun Wukong reacted, yes, this will be my brother's house in the future, isn't that my home, I want to come here to cultivate still need your consent, you are really a der, so the eyes looking at Jebit became unkind.

At this time, the Realm King God and Jebuic remembered that there was such a thing, and their faces instantly became ugly, "

Mr. Raditz, are you serious?"

"What do you say?"

Hearing this, Jebit's face was instantly difficult to see the extreme, it was absolutely impossible for them to give away the Realm King God Star, but how could he take back what he said at this time, and the other party's strength was still so strong, if he used force, it would not be good.

"Mr. Raditz, or I will give you the Excalibur, the Realm King God Star will not have to be used

" "How can the realm king god say something and want to regret it, the sword is originally the thing of the realm king god star is naturally mine"

Raditz naturally felt a little dissatisfied after hearing this, exchange my things for my things, how can the ugly think is so beautiful.

"Human, isn't your appetite a little too big"

Jebbit's anger was already extremely strong at this time, although he was a little afraid of the other party's strength, but his home was gone, and he fart.

"Why, are you guys being such a bully

" Raditz's eyes became cold at this time, and the breath of injury instantly pressed Jebit and couldn't stand up

, "Okay, we agreed

" "Lord God of the Realm, you..." "

This is our own words, we will bear the mistakes we make, but do we gods have to lie to a human being?"

The Realm King God sighed, and then said categorically, hearing this, Jebit lowered his head and said nothing more.

And Raditz glanced at Jebit with disdain

, mockingly mocked, and said, "Look at this pattern, why is the king god of the realm and you are just a servant

" "You..."

Jebit was also a little angry by Raditz at this time, but he couldn't and didn't dare to speak more.

"Okay, I'd better show you

the God Realm first" The Realm King God also interrupted the two who were arguing at this time, and then everyone followed the Realm King God to a piece of grassless land, an ancient looking sword was inserted into the ground, and only a sword hilt appeared in the sight of several people.

"Is this the legendary Excalibur?" Sun Wukong stepped forward and looked up and down carefully, and then asked the

Realm King God Dao King God after listening to it, and slowly explained for several people:

"This sword has been buried in the soil for thousands of years, there is a legend in the Realm King God, as long as you pull out this Divine Sword, you can get unparalleled power

" "Oh

" Hearing this, Sun Wukong was more interested in this sword

"Well, let me try it"

Then Sun Wukong held the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, and tried to pull it out with all his strength, as Wukong's power emerged, the ground was shaking with it, but seeing that this sword was indeed not moving, he couldn't help but say in surprise

: "It's really hard to pull it out, no wonder it stayed here for so many years

" Seeing this, Jebit secretly sneered, and then said with a slightly mocking meaning:

"I just said things that even God can't do, How can a small human being pull it out.

However, Sun Wukong did not pay attention to Jebit's words, but moved his hands and feet, directly transformed into a super saiyan, and said,

"Now I'm going to be serious"

The King God of the Realm looked at Sun Wukong hopefully, to be honest, he really had someone who could pull out this sword and break the legend that had been circulating in the God Realm.

In the next second, Sun Wukong took a deep breath, the hilt of the sword held by both hands was only slightly forced, and a metallic humming sound sounded, and with the loosening of the surrounding soil, the hilt slowly pulled out of the soil with the sharp sword.

"This guy... It's true... Pull it out, it's terrifying, this can't even be done by God"

Jebbitbeak's mouth was already shocked to be able to stuff a basketball in, staring at the Excalibur in Sun Wukong's hand, he felt that he seemed to be really short-sighted.


End of this chapter

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