Beerus's face was gloomy, his eyes were full of contempt and disgust, as a god, he naturally had his nobility and pride, and now a god who was not afraid of his destructive energy was actually willing to be a slave to a human being, which was completely to hit him in the face, and couldn't help but say viciously:

"Hmph, today this god will teach you a good lesson about this spineless god."

Facing the challenge of Beerus, Xiao Jin was also unexpected, the muscles of the whole body were tense, ready to fight, at this time, the palm of his hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder, Xiao Jin looked back but saw Raditz said lightly:

"According to the strength, you can't afford his opponent, leave it to me, I've been waiting for a day for a long time."

Hearing the master's order, Xiao Jin also retreated to the side with great interest, he was very aware of Raditz's strength, and he could say that he completely pressed himself and hit without worrying at all.

Raditz glanced at the retreating Xiao Jin, and then the pair of eyes full of fighting desire stared directly at Beerus, his mouth opened slightly to reveal a faint smile, and unconsciously stretched out his finger to tick Beerus, full of provocation.

Since Frieza, his strength can be said to be improving rapidly every day, it has been too long since he has not appeared the urge to make him want to start, he has been waiting for this day for a long time, only feeling that the belligerent Saiyan cells in his body are boiling, and the whole person is as excited as chicken blood.

In the face of Raditz's provocation, Beerus actually calmed down this time, not angry or impulsive, because in just one day his heart has experienced too many ups and downs, and his little heart is almost unbearable, of course, more importantly, he is full of curiosity about Raditz.

"Oh? Is it? Come on, I'd rather see what you are capable of.

Beerus said lightly.

The two looked at each other for a long time in the air, both of them were full of interest and curiosity about each other, Raditz snorted coldly not to be outdone, the sharp aura all over his body burst out, and the whole earth was trembling because of Raditz's power.

"This... This is the power of Raditz, and he has not yet become a Super Saiyan, how can this be"

Feeling the vast power of Raditz Vegeta's whole person is not good at this time, at this time, his fists are clenched, and his tendons are bursting, how can he not think that Raditz's strength has exceeded his full strength just as normal.

"Brother really did it, how powerful this power would be if it transformed into a Super Saiyan, I can't imagine it."

Unlike Vegeta's explosive mentality, Son Wukong is watching this game with some excitement, the biggest difference between him and Vegeta is that he doesn't care how much others surpass him, he prefers to have a goal that he keeps pursuing.

Beerus picked his cat ears, not taking Raditz's momentum in his eyes at all, for him this power was no different from an earthling, and did not raise his interest at all, and said to Raditz:

"Is this power?" Aren't you all all going to be that Super Saiyan? Use it to show me

" "As you wish"

Raditz also drank lightly when he heard this, the golden aura on his whole body completely exploded, his hair instantly turned golden, his eyes were different, like a killing god descending, this time he directly transformed into the state of Super Saiyan three, the power was increased to four hundred times the original, the power of the power like a flood emerged, and the powerful power even Beerus couldn't help frowning.

"I didn't expect a human to have such terrifying power, you should be really good" The power

of Raditz, who transformed into Super Saiyan Three, can be said to have reached an extremely high level, it can be said that Sun Wukong, who is the God of Super Saiyan, has been left far behind, and even Beerus, the God of Destruction, can't help but praise Raditz's strength.

"Powerful, it's really powerful, even more powerful than expected"

Feeling the overwhelming breath of Raditz, Sun Wukong's whole blood is boiling, this powerful power has far exceeded his imagination, and now he secretly made up his mind that he must cultivate harder, and one day he will definitely be able to reach this height.

"How is it possible, this guy is actually strong to this point, just feeling it makes me feel like a suffocation"

Vegeta clenched his fists, although he had fought with Raditz many times, but there had never been such a sense of powerlessness today, he was now a little doubtful, could he really surpass the other party by cultivation alone.

"Oh? Not bad

" Raditz's strength Weiss was a little praised, and couldn't help but say to himself:

"Saiyans are really a peculiar species, just by relying on a transformation can instantly improve the power of Dao One God Transformation from the original unpopular strength, if you cultivate it well, you may be able to become a good God of Destruction."

In the face of the improvement of Raditz's strength, Beerus was not to be outdone, and the aura of the whole body also emanated from cultivation, different from the previous fight, this time he was ready to use his true strength, because he could feel that the other party seemed to have some hidden strength, and the guy who predicted the fish seemed to be really right this time.

The two breaths of one purple and one gold filled every corner of the earth, and at the same time, they continued to slowly extend out of the universe, and even some creatures of the surrounding planets thought that the end was coming, and they began to flee to farther planets on spaceships.

Even in the distant Realm King God Star, these two powerful breaths have not receded, the Realm King God has been shocked by the power of these two people and trembled a little, this terrifying aura lingers in every corner of the Realm King God Star, even if they know that the other party is fighting on the distant earth, but several gods still unconsciously find a safe place to hide and watch the game.

"Lord Lao Zu, do you think who has a better chance of winning this battle"

Looking at this battle of dragons and tigers, the realm king god couldn't help but want to gossip, so he even asked the old god next to him.

"Destruction God Beerus"

The old realm king god replied very firmly, firmly making the realm king god a little surprised, but he had personally felt the power of Raditz, could this destruction god really be so strong?

The old world king god looked at Xin's doubtful gaze, and also explained indifferently to

the other party, and said: "You don't understand the horror of destroying the god at all, and he is still Beerus"

Hearing the words of the old world king god, Xin did not continue to say anything, but quietly watched this battle, no matter what, in his heart always felt that Raditz would win, he has always had an inexplicable sense of worship for the other party, Maybe it's because he once easily solved the cause of the nightmare that had plagued him for years.

On the earth

, Raditz quietly looked at the powerful Beerus in front of him, the body's desire to fight has become stronger and stronger, the first strike for Qiang Raditz did not hesitate, took the lead in attacking the other party, a streamer flew by, Raditz blinked and came to Beerus, surprisingly fast, and then the attack was like a storm towards Beerus.

Raditz punched down, and Beerus couldn't fight back at all, the two people's fists collided, the golden and purple light instantly exploded, and the surrounding air was rippled because of the form, and the stirring explosion sounded the man's tinnitus buzzing.


End of this chapter

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