Beerus's whole body flashed with lilac light, and the divine breath continued to flow, watching Raditz's surging attack hit, and his body also made extremely fast reaction movements, and the two people fought fiercely in the air one after another.

In an instant, Beerus suddenly burst out a strong aura, although Raditz, who had no way to feel the breath of God, could also feel that the other party used a lot of power, only to see Beerus's purple aura flowing around, and it had disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Raditz was shocked in his heart, his eyes turned sharply, he didn't expect that the other party could actually disappear under his nose, spreading his breath and wanting to look around, but what gave him a headache was that there was no trace of fluctuation in the air, and he couldn't sense the other party's breath, which was really a headache.

"Boom" saw Beerus suddenly appear, a dark purple energy sneaked towards Raditz, a terrifying energy instantly exploded, and the explosion produced made everyone's hearts palpitate.

The corners of Beerus's proud mouth rose slightly, towards the smoke-thick, radiant Raditz mocked: "The

taste of my blow is a little uncomfortable"

Just when Beerus was proud, the golden aura of Raditz's body burst out, easily blowing away the surrounding smoke, and several golden energies in his hand were instantly thrown towards Beerus, but saw that the other party simply dodged and dodged his attack.

"How is it possible, you actually have nothing at all, this is not scientific"

Beerus saw that Raditz was safe and sound, he obviously saw that his move hit Raditz's body, and it was still when he was unguarded, but the other party didn't even hurt a single hair, how could this not surprise him.

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise the move just now was indeed enough for me to drink a pot"

Raditz did not hide the strength of Beerus, thanks to his divine skills, otherwise he might really be injured due to carelessness just now.

"Boy, honestly explain what you just did"

Beerus's face became more and more ugly, just now he was proud to think that he was hitting the bullseye, but he didn't expect that the other party hit his face fiercely, which made him feel good face, he had to ask clearly!

"Lord Beerus, do you want to know."

"Of course

," in the face of these nonsense asked by Raditz, Beerus also nodded naturally and said.

"Then I'll just... I won't tell you, slightly"

Raditz grinned, suddenly grimaced childishly at the other party, and said playfully.

"Hmph, then I'll send it until you say"

The other party's sudden change in style couldn't help but make Beerus stunned, his answer made Beerus very dissatisfied, and he hit Raditz directly.

As the two people fought again, there was a fierce battle in the sky, Raditz and Beerus were more and more excited about the battle, and their strong strength gradually resonated in many encounters, and each shot of the two was in the rhythm of both sides. The strength and speed displayed by both men now reached almost a level, and the battle was deadlocked.

"I really didn't expect ah, Saiyan actually have the ability to control time, it's incredible"

Everyone present in the battle just now did not see clearly, but only Weiss captured a trace of detail, just at the moment when Beerus's long-condensed energy touched Raditz, time seemed to pause, although it was very short, but for a master like Raditz, it was enough to prepare for defense.

For Raditz's performance, the more Weiss looked at it, the more satisfied he felt, feeling that it was the material to destroy the god, and did not hesitate to praise:

"Mr. Raditz's strength is really good, the old look is very fun with Lord Beerus

" Hearing Weis's words, everyone couldn't help but be stunned, if he heard correctly just now, Weiss seemed to be saying "play", which means that the other party did not use his strength at all.

Looking at the shocking battle in the sky, Vegeta really couldn't accept to understand what the sentence in Weis's mouth meant, even Sun Wukong was confused, if this was just playing, then what did his battle belong to just now, some curious he finally couldn't help but ask

, "Mr. Weiss, what did you mean by that sentence just now, hasn't Lord Beerus used his strength yet?"

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Weiss covered his mouth and secretly laughed a few times, and then said to everyone with a serious face

: "Hehe, how can the strength of the one-god turn make Lord Beerus use his full strength

" Hearing Weiss's words, everyone was also confused, and Vegeta asked Weiss in confusion:

"What does that one-god turn mean, does it mean the division of the power realm?"

Hearing Vegeta's words, Weiss nodded and said

, "Mr. Vegeta is right, this is indeed a division of strength."

Looking at everyone's curious eyes, Weiss also kindly explained for everyone

: "In the realm of the god realm, there are eight types, in order:

no introduction, one

god turn, two god turn, three god turn, four god turn, five god turn, six god turn, god peak" "And the power of human beings is basically too weak, so whether it is ordinary earthlings or Mr. Vegeta, they are collectively called not introductory, And Mr. Sun Wukong also officially stepped into the threshold of the One God Turn after reaching the Super Saiyan God, which is the so-called First Order of One God Turn. Hearing

that everyone here also basically understood the division of strength in the divine world, suddenly Sun Wukong walked in front of Vegeta, patted him on the shoulder, and then laughed loudly

: "Hahaha, Vegeta didn't expect you to be the strength of not entering the middle

" Hearing the ridicule of Sun Wukong's dog man, Vegeta's face suddenly darkened, and he scolded at Sun Wukong:

"Kakarot, what are you stupid proud of, If you didn't become a Super Saiyan god first, wouldn't you also be introduced? "

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