Raditz's current basic combat effectiveness can no longer be described by numerical values, and his current Super Saiyan four stronger normal combat power is 2,000 times, with his transformation again, the powerful breath exploded in an instant, the vigorous breath spread in every corner of the universe, the earth and many surrounding planets were affected, if not Latili's fine control of his breath, I am afraid that the moment when the breath is dispersed is enough to destroy the entire solar system.

"What is this, is there a higher existence above Super Saiyan Three"

Sun Wukong saw Raditz at this time, and the surging in his heart could not be described in two words of excitement.

"That's right, this is the real Super Saiyan, why can that guy in Raditz come this far

" Vegeta looked at Raditz's Super Saiyan Four form, this is the Super Saiyan he longed for the most, clenched his fists tightly, and said,

"Super Saiyan Four?" I must also reach this state, I must be"

At this moment, all the people and gods have been completely impressed by Raditz's shocking power, even Weis, at this time, his face no longer has the playful smile he had before, staring at Raditz with that sharp gaze, and couldn't help but mumble:

"Unexpectedly, this Super Saiyan Four actually raised his strength to the second god to the third stage at once, you must know that the strength of the God of Destruction is basically between the second and third stages of the second and third stages of the God of Destruction, and his strength has exceeded the vast majority of the God of Destruction, and now Lord Beerus may really meet an opponent."

Beerus's expression also became serious at this time, because he didn't know if the man in front of him had hidden more powerful strength, he only knew that there was a slight throbbing in his heart, and now he was a little afraid, he was very afraid that he would lose back in the hands of a mortal, so he would not be able to raise his head in the God Realm.

Looking at the appearance of Raditz in front of him, he imagined that he actually began to ridicule himself, Beerus was not angry because he knew that the other party already had such strength, and now he just wanted to seriously come to a hearty battle to draw an end to his line, Beerus, who was full of fighting intent in his eyes, stared at Raditz deadly, and said seriously:

"I admit that I underestimated you a little before, but I will also let you know how powerful the God of Destruction is, Next, I will use my true strength as you wish.

"Then fight" Raditz stepped out, the powerful aura drove as if to split the earth in half, the momentum spread like a tide, and the sound of the momentum like a rainbow echoed in the sky like thunder.

"Hey, Vese, over to you"

Beerus did not rush to fight at this time, and roared loudly at the ground, because he understood that the battle between the two of them was not something that the earth could withstand even the slightest collision.

"I know Lord Beerus, it seems that you have to fight today, leave it to me"

Weiss and Beerus have intersected for countless years, naturally quickly understood each other's intentions, as the scepter in his hand emitted a light cyan light, spreading towards the surrounding thousands of meters, and soon named a huge enchantment to isolate the two from the outside world.

"Next, let's fight well

" Beerus said lightly

, "Well, thank you, Lord Beerus"

Raditz also politely thanked Beerus, the moment Weiss released the enchantment, he understood that if he fought rashly, the earth would definitely be destroyed, and he would not be able to live in a vacuum at that time.

"Cut, there is a lot of nonsense, the time of the God of Destruction is very precious"

said Beerus did not hesitate any longer, the black and purple destruction energy of the whole body was all over the body, and his own power had been raised to the extreme in just one minute, and the terrifying power pointed directly at Raditz.

Then, Beerus's figure instantly disappeared in place, turning into a strange figure and appearing behind Raditz, without any unnecessary movement, the black-purple destructive energy smashed towards Raditz one after another.

"Raditz, you are qualified to make me remember your name, now I will see how much destruction you can take me"

The black-purple energy rushed towards Raditz like a meteor shower, and the terrifying destructive energy spread in all corners around Raditz, giving him no room to retreat.

"Is it so big to play as soon as I come up, then I have to accompany you"

In the face of Beerus's destructive energy, Raditz did not dare to be careless, he was not immune like Xiaojin, and quickly released his own energy to block, and the red energy starlight appeared on Raditz's body bit by bit, rushing towards the surrounding destructive energy one after another.

"Boom, boom, boom"

With the collision of two energies, one after another explosions, the sound of breaking the air, the aftermath quickly spread to the surroundings, not far away to watch the battle Sun Wukong and others were analized by this sound some headaches, if not for the help of some Weis, like Klin, Yamucha, these weak strength may be bled to death by this voice and the aftermath.

"This is also too terrifying

" Klin and the others quickly hugged Weiss's thigh in fright, this is now a life-saving artifact, as more and more people hug Weis, even if he is an angel, he can't stand it no matter how good his temper is, his eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and he bounced everyone away with a simple shake, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, Lord Beerus promised not to destroy the earth as long as you can win, I won't let you get hurt until then, so please don't come so close to me. In

the sky, Raditz also rushed out of the billowing smoke after the explosion, and jumped in front of Beerus, and the distance between the two was narrowed in an instant, and I saw Raditz, whose whole body was burning with red flames, and Beerus, whose body was filled with black and purple destructive energy, two momentum hovered staggered, and the two forces constantly collided and shuttled through the void.

Looking at the two people fighting in the sky, Sun Wukong, Vegeta clenched his fists tightly, and secretly made up his mind

"I must surpass you, Raditz (brother)"


End of this chapter

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