The black-purple energy of Beerus in the sky suddenly spread, forming a huge and incomparable energy vortex around Raditz, who was shrouded in it, Raditz's brows were slightly wrinkled, and the purple light had blocked his vision, looking at this boundless energy, Raditz did not dare to be careless, and quickly used all his strength to resist.

Two powerful forces staggered together, "boom" a huge explosion resounded in the sky, as the light gradually disappeared, the two people within a few kilometers of all turned into the void, if not with the power of Ves to isolate, I am afraid that the earth and even the entire galaxy will turn into dust in this duel.

"Whew~ survived."

Sun Wukong let out a long sigh of relief and sighed.

The terrifying energy just now had spread to every corner of the enchantment set up by Weis, and everyone in the enchantment also survived luckily under the protection of Weis.

"It's really a fight between immortals, and mortals suffer."

Bulma looked at the empty environment around her, and she couldn't help but feel a little afraid in her heart.

Now that all the seawater, buildings, and of course her luxury cruise ship within a few kilometers have all been sacrificed, I can't help but rejoice and say

, "Fortunately, the birthday banquet has been held at sea, otherwise I don't know how many people will die

" "Yes, their battle has exceeded the limit of what we can understand."

Tianjin Fan clasped his hands together and said with admiration.

"The two of them have almost used their full strength now, it is estimated that the winner will be decided soon"

Weiss couldn't help but have a little headache when he looked at the battle between the two, but they had to do everything to wipe their asses, and as the scepter in their hands rippled cyan ripples to the surroundings, but in the blink of an eye, the environment originally damaged by the battle between the two had been restored as before.

Everyone looked at Ves's divine skill and was a little surprised, only Vegeta was a little disdainful of this skill, but preferred Beerus's powerful destructive power.

"Weiss, do you think which of them can win"

The battle between the two of them was far beyond Vegeta's comprehension, so he had to ask this mysterious Weis.

"It's hard to say, but Lord Beerus still has some hole cards, as for Mr. Raditz, I don't know very well"

For Vegeta's questioning Weiss did not give him an affirmative answer, in his heart he still hoped that Beerus could win, after all, he was still his own apprentice, but for Raditz, Weiss was not sure, who knew if he would transform again.

"Fan... Mortal, I didn't expect you to force me to this point

" At this time, Beerus even spoke a little breathlessly, it can be seen that he did not have any reservations about the battle with Raditz, looking at his full force in front of him, Raditz was only slightly injured, as a god, he was a little unable to sit still, staring at each other

and said, "But that's the end of it"

said Beerus gently raised his hands, and the purple light on his body gradually dissipated, Then he quietly closed his eyes.

"Talking big, not afraid to flash your tongue"

For Beerus's words, Raditz was naturally dismissive, although he could not feel the other party's breath, but he had clearly felt that Beerus's physical strength and momentum were gradually declining.

Seeing Beerus with his eyes closed, Raditz was not paralyzed, the lion fighting rabbit, and he still understood the truth with all his strength. Immediately afterwards, Raditz disappeared in place, and came behind Beerus at a very fast speed, and then all the strength of his whole body was suddenly concentrated together, this blow can be said to be his strongest strength, if Beerus hits it will definitely be injured, it will definitely be defeated, so he does not allow any mistakes.

Raditz saw the timing, in order to use his own trick not far from Beerus's body in case his fist was not far from Beerus's body, teleported, and saw that his fist was about to touch him, Raditz was ecstatic in his heart, and muttered unconsciously in his mouth:


, but what he didn't expect was a sudden cat's claw grabbed his arm, and Raditz watched his fist graze Beerus's illusory figure


As Raditz screamed in pain, I don't know when Beerus's fist had hit his body, and the powerful impact directly knocked Raditz out, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Awesome my Lord

Beerus" Looking at Beerus, who turned his disadvantage into an advantage in the sky, Weiss also showed a gratifying smile on his face and said lightly.

"What happened just now, I obviously saw that my brother had hit Lord Beerus, why suddenly..."

For this sudden change in the sky, Sun Wukong was also confused, and asked Weiss for unknown reasons.

"Lord Beerus has only now used his full strength, this thing is called the Freedom Extreme Skill

" The gratifying smile on Weis's face could be seen even by a fool like Sun Wukong, and he couldn't help but admire it in his heart:

"Lord Beerus's own talent is already a genius among geniuses, but because he is too lazy and has never thought of taking the initiative to cultivate, otherwise he would have left many destruction gods far behind

." And the original Lord Beerus just mastered the half-step Freedom Extreme Skill, probably because under the stimulation of Raditz, he felt that a mortal can surpass himself and must have received a lot of blows in his heart, so he took out his potential in battle, and really mastered the Freedom Extreme Lord Beerus

is really good, you are the first of all the gods of destruction to enter the Three Gods Turn" "

Freedom Extreme Intention?" What is that, is it very powerful?"

Hearing Weiss's introduction, Sun Wukong was immediately interested, and asked with interest.

"It is a divine skill, very powerful, I will explain it to you when I have the opportunity in the future, you and Mr. Vegeta should take a good look at this battle, it will be of great help to your future cultivation."

Weiss pushed the Monkey King who came up with a look of disgust and slowly explained.

"Mortal, thanks to you, I can better grasp the freedom of the extreme, rest assured that I am no longer in the mood to destroy the earth, but it is still okay to teach you

a mortal" Beerus carefully felt the changes in his body, and after mastering the free extreme, he felt that his body and spirit became much lighter, thinking that he was almost defeated by a mortal just now, his heart was very unhappy, and he said to Raditz.

"Comfortable Extreme Intention, it turns out that this wonder so easily dodged his own attack"

Raditz is no stranger to this kind of thing Raditz, but I remember that in the original book, Beerus seems to have only mastered half of the Freedom Extreme Intention, how can it be so powerful, is it that he is too strong to stimulate him.

"Oh? It's really not simple for you, a mortal, to know the extreme of freedom

" Beerus was a little surprised to hear Raditz's self-talk, he didn't understand how a human being in Raditz knew that Freedom was wrong, and his heart was a little surprised

, "Wait, is it......"......

End of this chapter

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