Beerus looked at Raditz thoughtfully, and couldn't help but be a little surprised, thinking in his heart:

"Could it be that there is a very powerful mysterious teacher behind the other party?" It must be so, otherwise how could the other party know the extreme intention of freedom, how could he let God be a slave, and how could his strength surpass the God of Destruction.

Raditz naturally didn't know Beerus's crankiness, and his face once again showed a confident and excited look, and said to Beerus:

"Beerus, you don't think that you have mastered the freedom to eat me, how do you know that it is my full strength just now."

"What do you say, is it... Don't... You"

Hearing Raditz's words, Beerus couldn't help but take a few steps back, looking at the other party's appearance did not look like he was telling a lie, could it be that he was still hiding his strength.


" Raditz's words were not only surprised by Beerus, even Weiss felt a little surprised, but he didn't expect that the other party really still hid his strength

, "What an incredible human being

" At this time, the enchantment of the earth and Weiss suddenly trembled, and then the already surprising aura in the sky actually skyrocketed again

, "How is it possible"

Beerus, who was closest to Raditz, clearly felt the improvement of the other party's breath, and his hands were already shaking unconsciously, it seemed that he still underestimated Raditz.


" With the momentum like a long rainbow instantly poured out, Raditz's breath soared again, and at this time, Raditz's whole body flashed with red light

: "This is... This is... Realm King Fist, brother can actually use Super Saiyan and Realm King Fist together, won't his body explode? Sun

Wukong, who was most familiar with the Realm King Fist, recognized it at once.

"Lord Beerus, this is my full strength, the Twenty Times Realm King Fist under the Super Saiyan Four Form"

Raditz felt the surging power in his body and looked at Beerus with excitement and said.

"What a terrifying power, Ves, do you think Raditz can defeat Lord Beerus?"

Now Vegeta has been completely impressed by Raditz's strength, and now he hopes that the winner is Raditz, because this proves that the Saiyan must be the strongest.

"It's hard to say, Mr. Raditz has surpassed Lord Beerus in terms of strength, but in terms of realm, although Mr. Raditz's strength has improved, he is still wandering in the two-god turn, which can also be said to be a half-step three-god turn.

The transformation from two gods to three gods is not only an improvement of strength, it can be said that it is a sublimation of life, strength, and breath.

The world itself is unfair, and the gods are above all else. It is difficult for human beings to break through the three gods, but it is not difficult for gods.

There are only two ways for humans to achieve the Three Gods Turn, one is to become a god, and with Mr. Raditz's strength, if he can become a god, he can easily enter the Three Gods Transformation or even higher. The second is to make a breakthrough again, if it is only the improvement of strength, it will always enter the level of the three gods. But once inside, he can break the shackles of life and step into a whole new state.

Weiss thought about it seriously and answered Vegeta's question very carefully.

In the sky, Beerus looked at Raditz with red light in front of him with wide eyes and some trepidation, his forehead could not help but have cold sweat coming down, Raditz's shock to him was too great, he couldn't help sighing, and said,

"What a monster, how can a human being be so powerful

" "How can the god of destruction be this to admit defeat?"

Raditz said as he looked at Beerus with some playfulness.

"Hmph, it's impossible to admit defeat, since you want to fight, let's have a good fight today."


Raditz's ghostly figure stepped out in one step, the powerful force turned the sky a little distorted, his eyes shot a cold chill straight towards Beerus, without suppressing his energy at all, a punch directly slammed towards Beerus.

Seeing this, Beerus also tried his best to do his best, and the purple light around him was like a surge, and he was ready to fight by using the kung fu between his breaths, and with a strong swing, a large purple light covered the position of Raditz.


two powerful forces collided in the sky again, the faint roar spread through the earth to every corner of the seventh universe, even the realm king god star is not powerful, the space is also broken by the two shocks, the figures of the two are retreating, although the comprehensive strength of the realm of Beerus is higher, but in terms of strength, Raditz can be described as dead, the two were shocked back more than a dozen steps before stabilizing their figures.

The hearty battle

of "Come again" and "Come again"

had made the two forget how much damage had been caused to the surroundings, and the two of them said it at the same time, and the suffocating power surged through their bodies and collided again.


However, this time the collision did not occur any scene of mountains and rivers breaking, the two only felt that their strength seemed to merge into a huge whirlpool and disappeared without a trace, feeling a little strange that the two looked up, I don't know when Weiss had appeared between the two people, and used his ingenious power to defuse the attack of the two people.

"Weiss, what are you nosy"

Beerus snorted coldly, the interruption of the unfinished battle obviously made him a little very angry.

However, Raditz did not think so, and now he was surprised by the power of Weis, and he couldn't help but think in his heart:

"Although Weiss was very strong in his previous life, he only knew the horror of the other party when he saw it with his own eyes, and there was nothing to block his full blow, the horror is that he can dissolve the power of him and Beerus at the same time and have no impact on the surroundings, and he himself does not breathe at all, what a terrifying power to do."

Seeing that the two had stopped, Weiss also relaxed his heart, and said lightly towards the two

: "Look at what the surroundings have been destroyed by you."

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