"What's that, haven't you already set up a protective enchantment around us,"

Beerus was very clear about Ves's ability, so he didn't even look at it and said without care.

"The enchantment power I set up can only withstand the three gods below the maximum limit, I didn't expect Lord Beerus to be able to break through, your collision just now has already withstood the enchantment's bearing capacity, I don't believe you look around"

Weiss had no choice but to patiently explain to him.

After hearing this, the two people also looked around, and saw that many places in the sky had been torn into the void, and the enchantment set by Weiss also turned into a cyan point of light and disappeared into the air with cultivation, and the Monkey King and the others below were shivering and looking at Raditz and Beerus.

"You guys see it, if you let you fight again, let alone the earth, I'm afraid the entire universe will be gone"

Weiss saw that the two battle maniacs had come out of the state, and he was completely relieved.

"But what is this, we haven't finished the competition, who wins and who loses"

Raditz had no problem with stopping, after all, he couldn't let his wife and children be hurt because of his recklessness.

"Nonsense, of course I won, didn't you see that my realm is much higher than yours"

Beerus blurted out without thinking after hearing this.

"Why, my strength is still greater than yours, the realm is amazing, we are now comparing combat strength, and I am taller than you and stronger than you, short bamboo pole"

Hearing such an unceremonious Beerus, Raditz naturally couldn't let him, unconvinced.

"What do you say, who do you call a short bamboo pole, you reckless man who only has strength."

Beerus stared at Raditz angrily and shouted loudly.

"Dwarf bamboo pole" "mangfu

" "dwarf bamboo pole" "mangfu" "dwarf bamboo





" saw that the arguing duo Wess was already a little impatient to hear, so he stopped the two

and said: "How old are the people one more childish than the other

" "I think it's better to tie, how

" Raditz listened and thought about it, this result is not bad, and then said:

"Tie, that's okay, but not necessarily next time, dwarf bamboo pole"

He didn't pay any more attention to Beerus, and went straight to No. 18 and hugged him, he hadn't seen each other for years.

"Hey, you stop for me, I have the ability to fight again

" Beerus was still there in the sky, and Weis, who couldn't stand it, directly leaned over and said:

"Lord Beerus, you want you to be a god of destruction if you pass it out and a human to lose more face."

What's more, although your realm is high, after all, the other party's strength has also reached that level, in case one accidentally loses to him and passes it out, aren't you afraid of being laughed at.

If you think about it again, you said that you are a tie between the three gods and the two gods, and everyone will definitely say that it is because you don't want to hit this human being too much, so you let each other, everyone will only think that you have a big heart. Hearing

Weiss's talk, Beerus's eyes suddenly lit up, and he coughed dryly and then said:

"Cough, Weiss, I think what you said is very reasonable, draw and tie."

If you really let the two destroy the seventh universe, although they will not disappear, they will inevitably be punished, maybe they will have to close the small black room, it is terrible to think about. Seeing Beerus, who was finally willing to stop, Weiss also sighed and whispered

: "This farce is finally over

" After saying that, Weiss also took Beerus to the ground, and said to Raditz very politely:

"Mr. Raditz, do you want to be the God of Destruction?"

Hearing Weiss's question, before Raditz could answer, Beerus on the side jumped off the wall and said

: "Hey, Weiss, when did I say that I was going to be a successor

" "This is the meaning of the Great Priest

" After hearing this sentence, Beerus also closed his mouth, and Weiss did not continue to pay attention to Beerus, but continued to look at Raditz and asked:

"Mr. Raditz, what do you mean?"

I'm not interested in destroying God or anything, I have my own way to go,"

Raditz waved his hand and said with a serious face.

"In that case, then we will leave, you are welcome to come

to the Destruction God Realm to play" "Hey, Weiss, I am the master of the Destruction God Realm, do you want to make a noise, believe it or not, I will destroy you now"

At this time, Beerus was already a little fried when he heard it, and scolded him angrily.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, Master Beerus, let's go back,"

Weiss covered his mouth and laughed awkwardly twice, and then said apologetically to Beerus.

"Hmph, then let's go back, I happen to be a little sleepy."

Beerus pouted.

"Everyone, then we'll leave,"

Weiss said as he greeted everyone.

"Goodbye, welcome to play on Earth again, of course, as long as you don't want to destroy the earth, then I will serve you with the best food on earth"

Seeing that this plague god was finally leaving, everyone breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and Bulma stepped forward and said very politely to Weis.

"Then thank you Miss Bulma,"

said Jawis, along with Beerus, turned into a brilliant colored light and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.


In the cosmic starry sky

, Beerus sat cross-legged together, the cat's claw in his hand dragged on Weis's back, and said with some doubt:

"Hey, Weiss, what you just said about the Great Priest is true?"

A nonchalant smile appeared on Weis's face and said

, "Lord Beerus, do you think I will deceive you with this kind of thing?"

"What, doesn't that mean that the Great Priest also knows that I almost lost at the hands of a human."

Beerus looked dejected, and said with some worry,

"The Great Priest won't really remove my God of Destruction position."

Suddenly, Beerus's eyes lit up, and he hugged Weiss with his hand, and said with some excitement:

"Weiss, you honestly say what have I done to you for so many years?"

Weis, who was suddenly hugged, was a little surprised, afraid that Beerus would have problems with his sexual orientation by the blow just now, subconsciously moved the other party's hand, thought about it and then said:

"Lord Beerus, what do you want to

say" Beerus had a flattering smile, grinded his palm and said

, "Hehe, isn't the Grand Priest your father, let's see if you can go through the back door and say good things to me"

Hearing this, Weis's face was full of black lines, I really don't know what Beerus's cat brain is thinking about day by day, but he is still a little speechless, he still comforts him:

"Lord Beerus, don't be discouraged, Mr. Raditz does have his excellence, but you are already the first person among all the gods of destruction to grasp the ultimate will, and you have personally praised this great priest."

"Then I'll be relieved,"

Beerus touched his chest, gasped, and said.

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