Hearing Raditz's words, Majin Buu also stopped, turned his head and looked at Raditz with a grievance, and said,

"Master, don't leave me"

However, Raditz did not pay attention to him, but left directly, Majin Buu saw this and quickly followed, and kept shouting next to Raditz that he was also going.

The Destruction God Realm


only listened to Sun Wukong's shout, and the whole person flew directly out tens of meters away, leaving a long trace on the ground.

"It hurts, it hurts

" Sun Wukong covered his stomach, stood up tremblingly, looked at Weiss in front of him and said,

"Weis, you are so powerful, I have used all my strength and

can't touch you" Weiss smiled lightly

"Mr. Sun Wukong, don't be discouraged, you can accurately grasp the power of the super Saiyan god in your body in such a short time, your talent is still very good

." It's just that whether it's you, Vegeta or Raditz, there is a common problem, that is, when you fight, you will always use your brain to think first and then send it to your body to fight back, which will take a lot of time, and if all parts of your body can react during the battle, the speed will be quickly improved.

Hearing Weiss's words, Sun Wukong also thought carefully, the other party was right, he did have problems in this regard, and then turned to Weiss and asked:

"Are you talking about the ability that Lord Beerus and my brother used in that battle

" Weiss nodded and said with a smile

"Mr. Sun Wukong is really smart, it is true

" "But, Even if this is the case, Lord Beerus may not be able to beat my brother"

Sun Wukong's biggest goal now is to surpass Raditz, but even Beerus still can't defeat Raditz even if he uses this method, which makes him a little puzzled.

"Mr. Raditz is really amazing, and he has thought of his own path from the beginning, and has been pursuing his goal, he is taking the ultimate strength route, paying attention to breaking all laws with one force,

everyone must have their own way to go, the reason why Mr. Vegeta did not choose to come to me to cultivate is because he has already thought about how to go next, before that, you and Mr. Vegeta were just blindly following the power, So he has been left far behind by Mr. Raditz.

And now Mr. Vegeta chooses to go down the same path as Mr. Raditz, which is also very suitable for him, although you are indeed above the top now, but if you continue blindly, it will not be long before you will be surpassed by Mr. Vegeta. Hearing

Weiss's talk, Sun Wukong was a little dazed, although most of what the other party said he didn't understand, but there was one sentence he understood, that is, Vegeta was about to surpass himself soon, which made him how to endure, quickly bowed deeply to

Weis, and said, "Mr. Weis, please train me, I want to become stronger" Weiss

nodded and said

, "Each of the three of you has some of your own advantages, Mr. Raditz is extremely talented, Mr. Vegeta has some persistent and unyielding will, and you are very simple.

To be honest, the two of them are not suitable for my route, especially Mr. Raditz, he has a lot of things to do and thinks about and can never calm down, and you are the most likely person of the three of them to master the ultimate intention. "

Freedom of Extreme Intention"

Sun Wukong kept chanting in his mouth, it was not the first time he had heard of this, it seemed that Lord Beerus used this trick.

"Weiss, if I master it, can I defeat my brother?"

Ves was silent for a while, then shook his head

, "It's hard, Mr. Raditz is the most talented human I have ever seen, he can surpass the power of the God of Destruction by himself, his talent is difficult even for me to estimate

, but if you can really learn to be comfortable and surpass Mr. Vegeta, there is no problem, and you can follow Mr. Raditz's footsteps before"

After listening to Sun Wukong, he was a little disappointed, he found that the gap between him and Raditz had become larger and larger, but he believed that as long as he worked hard to cultivate, he would definitely be able to catch up with Raditz, with an affirmation in his eyes, he said to Weiss with a serious face:

"Please teach me to be at ease, Weiss"


A huge spaceship is flying in space, and the day after Bulma gave it to Raditz, he took his family on a trip to outer space, where they have been flying for more than two months.

"Master, the guy who is called the super Nemesis just now is really too bad, so much strength actually dares to be arrogant with us, and as a result, I have already destroyed him before I moved my fingers, next time we find a stronger opponent to play."

At this time, Majin Buu was bragging proudly next to Raditz, saying how many ants he had destroyed along the way.

The more Raditz listened, the more he regretted it, when the demon Buu had been lying at his feet crying bitterly and letting himself bring him with him, but such a pitiful look really coaxed Xiao Linger, and he had to let himself carry this chatter, but this guy really gave him some sunshine and he was brilliant.

"Well, don't you want to find an opponent, I'll take you to play with Beerus in a few days, I believe he is very willing to communicate with you

" "Master, don't joke, he's so thin I still don't bully him, let's go find someone else"

Majin Buu couldn't help but feel a little cold in his back after hearing Beerus's name, that guy left a deep shadow on him, even if he just heard his name, Majin Buu would unconsciously get goosebumps.

Majin Buu was a little afraid that Raditz would really take him to Beerus, and quickly changed the topic and

said, "Master, we are really happy to go sightseeing this time, you said that if you let the eldest brother know, will it be sad that we didn't take him, it seems that my position is still a little more important in the master's mind, haha

" "Okay, when I go back, I'll tell him your original words"

Raditz was a little speechless for a while, How does this guy Majin Buu grow longer and more crooked.

"Then don't need it, master"

Raditz's words once again startled Majin Buu, it can be said that he can't afford to provoke these two people, feeling that the more he talks, the more he dies, Majin Buu also closed his mouth, and Raditz's ears finally calmed down.

"Dad, brother grabbed my things"

At this time, Xiao Linger ran to Raditz with a crying nose and coquettishly sued.

"What's wrong, Xiao Linger, is that stinky boy bullying you, I'll beat him up"

Raditz touched the other party's head and said gently.

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