Xiao Linger

touched her tears, took a broken

piece of jade from her neck, and said to Raditz, "Dad, my brother broke the jade pendant that Grandpa

of the Great Realm King gave me" The first stop of Raditz's trip represented the Great Realm King, and he also took his family to visit his old man's house by the way, and this piece of jade was the meeting gift given to Xiao Linger by the Great Realm King.

Raditz looked at the broken jade pei, there was still a trace of time in it, and before Raditz could continue to watch, Xiao Linger took the jade pei over, and then took Raditz's hand and walked to Xiao Ye's room.

"Stinky brother, I must let my father teach you a good lesson today"

Xiao Linger pulled Raditz and just entered the door, she saw Xiao Ye sitting cross-kneeled on the bed, closing her eyes and recuperating.

"Do you think it's okay if you pretend to sleep, dad, you hurry up and call the shots for me."

However, Raditz did not move, but touched Xiao Linger's head, and said gently

, "Xiao Linger is well-behaved, my brother is cultivating, don't bother him first"

Although Xiao Linger was a little unhappy after hearing this, he did not dare to go up and disturb, although he was young, but he also knew that it was very dangerous to disturb his cultivation, and then pouted and ran out.

And Raditz sat quietly next to Xiao Ye and watched him, not knowing how Xiao Ye suddenly entered cultivation, and he couldn't let go of his heart, so he had to stay next to protect him.

Soon an hour passed, Xiao Ye finally slowly opened his eyes, Raditz quickly opened his mouth

and said, "Xiao Ye, are you okay,

what happened just now" Hearing Raditz's inquiry, Xiao Ye did not hide it, and said what happened just

now: "Just now I was playing with my sister, and accidentally broke the jade pei that Grandpa of the Great Realm King gave her, and then a strange blue light came to my mind

I vaguely felt that I had entered a magical state, so I quickly went back to the room to carefully feel

my father, and I found that I seemed to be able to control the time now. "


" Raditz said with some disbelief when he heard

it, "Well, it's true" Seeing that Raditz didn't

believe it, Xiao Ye affirmed, and then used the time ability, as if nothing was happening around, but Raditz was very sensitive to time and could clearly feel that time seemed to go back three seconds.

"How is this possible,"

Raditz said with some surprise. If you guessed correctly, what the Great Realm King gave to Xiao Linger should be a time mind, but he didn't expect that Xiao Ye realized the ability to go back in time in it, and it took less than half a day.

Think about your ability to pause and jump in this time, only 0.5 seconds tightly, and you can't help but secretly smash your tongue, who is the protagonist.

However, seeing that Xiao Ye was safe and sound, Raditz put down his heart, and after telling the other party to cultivate well in the future and other nonsense, he also left his room, just after using the ability to regress time, he obviously felt that Xiao Ye's physical strength was a little weak, so he wanted him to take a good rest, so he started cultivating alone.

The spaceship was constantly shuttling through the sea of stars, and Raditz began his cultivation alone, when suddenly a familiar and unfamiliar aura interrupted his movements.

"How is this breath so familiar, it should be a Saiyan, and the strength seems to be not weak"

After feeling this breath, Raditz also reversed the direction of his spaceship and flew towards an earthy yellow planet not far away.

As Raditz's spacecraft passed through the planet's atmosphere, it slowly fell to the ground

, "Didi, the spacecraft has successfully landed

", "The current air quality is detected",

"No abnormal danger has been detected"


With a few mechanical sounds later, the door of the spacecraft also opened automatically, Raditz took the Majin Buu out of the spaceship and came to the ground, a fresh natural breath came to the face, Raditz only felt that the whole person was refreshed.

"Master, someone is coming,"

Majin Buu suddenly felt a very weak breath rushing in his direction, and said to Raditz.


Raditz nodded, he naturally felt this breath, but it was completely different from what he felt before, he didn't expect that there were so many people living in this rare environment.

"Here it comes"

Raditz looked around, only to see an old man with white sideburns running quickly in his direction, his body was in disarray, his torn clothes were exactly the same as Vegeta's, and his tail wagging in the wind behind him was the same as his own.


Raditz frowned slightly, in his impression it seemed that there were not a few Saiyans left

, "Looking at the appearance of this person and this environment, did he come to the place where Broly lived?"

"Hmph, that's interesting

" "You guys... Are you from the Frieza Legion, did you see my distress signal to save us? Even

if they were still two people who were far away at this time, Raditz could faintly hear each other's roars, for fear that he would give up on them and leave.

"Sai... Saiyan

" Paragas panted and ran to Raditz, and after noticing the tail behind him, he also recognized the identity of the other party at the first moment, now he is still very sensitive to Saiyan, and his tone instantly became cold:

"Hmph, you are King Vegeta sent someone to arrest us

" "No"

Raditz also determined the identity of the other party at this moment, he had no good impression of the person in front of him, However, he was still a little interested in Broly

, "Planet Vegeta has been destroyed by Frieza many years ago, King Vegeta, I have long been dead

" "What, it can't be

" Hearing Raditz's words, Paragas's eyes were full of surprise, and he said suspiciously,

"How could Lord Frieza destroy the Saiyans, you are talking nonsense

" "Do you believe it or not

" "You... You junior actually dares to talk to me like this, do you know who I am"

Paragas suddenly became a little impatient, thinking how high his status in Vegeta Star was back then, and now he was judged by an unknown junior.


Raditz did not look at this fool who was still alive in the past, and the breath of his body was released, directly sending Paragas flying out.

"Why are you so strong"

Paragas looked at Raditz with some surprise, his strength was already considered middle and upper among the Saiyans, and this young man actually defeated himself before he started.


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