At this time, Paragas noticed the full picture of Raditz, and a sense of familiarity came to his face, and he couldn't help but muttered in a low voice:

"Why is this person so familiar, thinking a little like... It's kind of like "

You're Bardock's, Raditz"

Paragas suddenly realized, and immediately guessed the identity of the other party.

"No wonder your strength is so strong, your father surpassed many superior fighters with his own efforts as a junior warrior

" "Raditz, I also had some friendship with your father back then, according to the generation, he already called me an uncle

" "Hahahaha"

Hearing the other party's words, Raditz suddenly laughed loudly.

"It's ridiculous, people like you actually talk about feelings

" "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore, since you are a Saiyan, I will give you two choices, surrender or die"

Raditz's eyes suddenly became sharp, he was not interested in the person in front of him at all, if it weren't for his son Broly, Raditz felt like a waste of time when he looked at him more.

"Hmph, I don't know how thick the sky is, you dare to talk to me like this, even your father has to be respectful when he sees me,"

Paragas said angrily after hearing Raditz's words.

"What kind of thing are you, you actually dare to talk to my master like this"

As Raditz's faithful slave, Majin Buu could not stand the other party at the moment, and directly prepared to kill the person in front of him.


Just as Majin Buu was about to make a move, a rough voice came, and Raditz also reached out to interrupt Majin Buu's movements, only to see a young man with a strong body running in his direction.

"This should be Broly,"

Raditz thought to himself, and then his eyes fell on the person who came. I saw that this person was burly, with large and small scars all over his body, his clothes were all the fur of wild beasts, and his face was somewhat similar to that of Paragas, and his appearance was not very handsome, but he was much more handsome than his father.

"Who are you and why did you hurt my father,"

Broly saw the scars on his father's body and asked a little angrily at Raditz and Majin Buu.

"Broly, quickly kill these two people for me, and then we can leave this ghost place in their spaceship

" Hearing his father's order, Broly lowered his head deeply and whispered:

"Father, I don't want to fight or kill

" Paragas stood up sharply when he heard this, slapped Broly fiercely, and loudly reprimanded

, "You unfilial son, Don't you even listen to your father's words?

"Hey, the old man looks at your virtue, I really think that this stunned young man can beat us, to tell you the truth, Lao Tzu's strength ranks fourth in the universe, and you can take this stunned blue casually"

Majin Buu heard the conversation between the two and stepped forward to mock the two.

"Hmph, I don't know if the monster is dead or alive, if you have the ability, you can try it"

Paragas knew that his character was not willing to make an easy move, so he had to provoke the other party to take the first step.

"Oh, my violent temper"

Majin Buu heard that the other party actually dared to call himself a monster, and he was suddenly a little unhappy, and looked at Raditz next to him, with an inquiring look in his eyes.

"Since the other party thinks so, then you can play with him,"

Raditz said lightly towards the Majin Buu beside him. With a curious expression on his face, he thought in his heart

, "Just so I can see how powerful this legendary Super Saiyan is"

Hearing Raditz's order, Majin Buu was no longer polite, clenched his fists and rushed forward as soon as he stepped on the ground.

Broly stared at the Majin Buu who rushed over, subconsciously took precautions, and raised his fist to the Majin Buu who rushed up, bang, the moment the two fists collided, the powerful impact directly shook Broly out, and the whole person fell on the mountain behind him, buried in it by the dust and smoke flying from the falling rocks.

"How is it possible, this monster actually defeated Broly with one punch"

Paragas had horror in his eyes, he couldn't imagine how powerful this monster was when he was born with 10,000 combat power, and after so many years of cultivation.

"Cut, I thought how powerful it was, but I couldn't even catch a punch, which is too weak"

Majin Buu glanced at Paragas, who was kneeling on the ground in pain, and couldn't help but give him an international gesture.


a roar, Majin Buu subconsciously looked over, and saw that Broly at this time actually walked out of the ruins unharmed.

"Broly, I know how you could have lost like this,"

Paragas said, looking at Broly with excitement.

"Oh, it's kind of interesting, but I didn't even use Issei's strength just now"

With that, Majin Buu once again launched an attack on Broly.

Majin Buu has come behind Broly in the blink of an eye, and the terrifying red energy in his hand is directly behind Broly, and the huge pain makes Broly feel as if he has fallen to hell, and Majin Buu did not stop, one after another explosions sounded, and the surrounding ground was also bombarded into powder by this powerful destructive force.


Broly" Paragas fixed his eyes on this suspenseless battle, only to see that the other party actually suppressed Broly without any ability to fight back, and the whole person couldn't help but become a little angry.

This is not the result he wants to see, he thought that Broly's strength was strong enough, and he could definitely suppress the entire Vegeta Star and couldn't raise his head, but he didn't expect that a random monster could not be defeated.


Paragas slammed his angry punch to the ground.

At this time, Broly fell to the ground with serious injuries, but saw that the other party actually supported the ground with his hands and was about to stand up, this scene even Majin Buu was a little surprised, he was so seriously attacked by himself and actually did not fall, how can this person's body be so resistant to beating.

At the moment when Broly stood up, Majin Buu came to him in an instant, stretched out his right hand and grabbed Broly's neck, and his left hand condensed into a fist, and hit the opponent's body with inspirational strength.


Broly cried out in pain, but the other party had no intention of stopping, only felt that his body seemed to slowly become heavy.

"If you still have consciousness, then I'm not welcome"

Majin Buu pinched Broly's neck fiercely, and he couldn't help but appreciate the other party's ability to resist the beating, and he could almost compare with himself.

However, Majin Buu had no intention of mercy from his subordinates, his eyes stared at each other coldly, and his breath was concentrated on his left hand, and the terrifying breath made Broly almost feel the breath of death.

Broly looked at the fierce demon Buu in front of him, bean sweat flowed from his forehead, his consciousness cultivation became blurred, and he couldn't help but mumble something in his mouth.

"Are you going to die"

At the moment when Majin Buu's fist touched Broly, suddenly a pair of wide and large hands held his fist, Majin Buu subconsciously wanted to break free, but he was surprised to find that the other party's strength was unexpected.

"Hit the cool"


End of this chapter

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