
who fainted in the spaceship

, slowly woke up, and Paragas saw this and quickly took care of Broly's injuries, and Broly wanted to stand up, but found that his body seemed to fall apart.

"Hey, the big man heard that you are very powerful, even Uncle Buu can't beat you"

There were new guests on the spaceship, Xiao Ye and Xiao Linger were naturally very interested, and when they saw Broly wake up, they quickly ran over to brush their sense of existence.

"Little master, you can't talk nonsense, that's what I let him!"

Majin Buu crossed his hands at his waist and said unconvinced.

However, Broly ignored a few people and looked down not knowing what he was thinking.

"Hey, you guy is too autistic,"

Seeing that Broly ignored himself, Xiao Ye couldn't help but complain.

"Little master, don't be angry, Broly has not dealt with other people for many years, that's why it is like this"

Paragas on the side quickly explained, for fear that Broly would upset the other party.

"Goo, goo, goo~

" As several voices reached everyone's ears, Xiao Linger smiled heartily, took out

the chocolate in her pocket, and said, "Are you hungry, let's eat this for you"

Seeing what the other party handed over, Broly curiously stepped forward to sniff, seeing Xiao Linger's innocent and cute appearance, Broly did not hesitate to take the chocolate in her hand and took it casually.

"It's so delicious"

The delicious snack stimulated the taste buds of Broly, who had been drinking blood for many years, and quickly wiped out the chocolate in his hand, and licked the remaining residue in his hand with unending intentions.

"Hey, big guy, you won't even eat chocolate,"

Xiao Ye couldn't help but ask when he saw the other party's gobbling appearance.

Broly still didn't speak, but shook his head in response.

"You haven't eaten chocolate, then you're too pitiful"

Majin Buu even couldn't believe it when he heard it, this is his favorite food, and then leaned over and put his hand on Broly's shoulder, and Broly looked at the other party with some disgust.

"As long as you follow Brother Demon and me in the future, I guarantee that you will have chocolates that you can't eat in the future, as well as cakes, potato chips, pudding..." Hearing

Majin Buu said several foods in a row, Broly's mouth couldn't help but drool, Xiao Ye saw Broly so pitiful and took out all the food he collected and gave it to each other, so the relationship between the few people became better and better, and Broly gradually integrated into this environment.

A few days later

, the door of the cultivation room slowly opened, and Raditz also walked out of it, and he was completely stunned when he saw this scene in front of him.

I saw that at this time, Xiao Linger, Xiao Ye, Majin Buu, Paragas and even Broly five people were actually playing eagle and chicken, Raditz was a little speechless:

"Am I on the kindergarten car

" "What are you doing"

Hearing the voice of the comer, several people stopped their movements, only Broly was still there at a loss.

"Dad, we're playing games with Uncle Broly"

After seeing Raditz, Xiao Linger quickly ran forward and got into Raditz's arms.

After understanding, Raditz didn't say anything more, and Broly was happy that he could become friends with them so quickly.


"King Frieza, there is the earth ahead,"

Solbebi said respectfully to Frieza in front of him.

"It's finally here, Saiyan, you just wait for me to die"

Frieza looked at the vulnerable blue planet in front of him, clenched his fists, if not to kill Raditz and Sun Wukong with his own hands to avenge, now he would like to smash the planet with one punch.

He still remembers how he lost at the hands of Son Goku and Raditz, and the shame must be paid for by their blood.

"Give me a hurry up, I can't wait

" "Yes"


"What a terrible breath, this is Frieza"

Feeling that a powerful evil aura was about to descend on Earth, Son Gohan also stopped his lecture, said sorry to everyone, then took off his glasses and ran out.

"Damn, how can that guy Frieza be resurrected and become so powerful, I have to contact everyone quickly

" Sun Gohan flew towards Bulma's home as fast as he could, and couldn't help but say to himself in the air

, "Now Mr. Raditz's family is traveling to outer space, and his father has gone to the God of Destruction Realm to practice, and the only ones who can deal with him are Uncle Vegeta and Uncle Kim

Junior" Soon Son Gohan came to Bulma's house, He was applying a mask, he was startled by the sudden Sun Wuhan, and immediately scolded the other party

: "Gohan, you smelly boy, how old are you and so frizzy."

"Aunt Bulma, I'm sorry, I have something important to find Uncle Vegeta,"

Son Gohan gasped and said nervously.

"What happened,"

Bulma asked with some curiosity when she saw Son Gohan's anxious appearance.

"Frieza is resurrected and will come to Earth soon, I want to find Uncle Vegeta to deal with him together,"

Son Gohan slowly explained

, "How could that guy suddenly come back to life, could it be that someone used the power of Dragon Ball some time ago?"

Bulma said with some surprise, and then glanced at

Sun Gohan, "Gohan, it should be easy to defeat Frieza with your strength

" Sun Gohan shook his head after hearing this

, "Frieza has become very powerful now, I'm afraid that only Mr. Raditz can deal with him

" Bulma knows Son Gohan very well, and knows that he will definitely not be alarmist, and can't help but be a little anxious, "That's


Then he moved wisely, took out the ice cream cake he had just prepared for himself, and then took Sun Gohan to the courtyard, and said loudly

, "Weiss, Weis, did you hear me, I prepared the most delicious food on earth for you"

Seeing Bulma's operation, Sun Gohan was a little stunned, feeling Frieza's breath getting closer and closer, Sun Gohan did not continue to wait, but flew towards the direction where the other party came.

"Wait a minute

, Gohan, take me" "No, Aunt Bulma, this battle is dangerous

" Son Gohan kindly reminded "But now only I can summon Weis" "

Okay, don't talk nonsense, a big man don't

mother-in-law" Son Goku

gritted his teeth and agreed after a psychological struggle for a while.

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