Feeling Frieza's powerful aura, the warriors on the earth also put down what they were doing and rushed towards the place where the breath came.

"Uncle Bike"

Sun Gohan, who was flying extremely fast in the sky at this time, saw Vic who was also rushing to the battlefield in front of him and stopped the other party.

"Gohan, you're here too

" "Hmm

" "I really didn't expect that Frieza guy could actually be resurrected and become so powerful"

Feeling the terrifying aura in the distance, Son Gohan said solemnly.

"Gohan, Bike"

was talking to the two, Klin, Tianjin Rice, Turtle Immortal, Yamucha and others also flew to their side at the same time, and all the earth warriors were also gathered together.

"Bulma, why are you here, it's dangerous to be in a hurry"

Seeing Bulma in Son Gohan's arms, Klin couldn't help frowning and said.

"Why can't I come, don't forget that only I can call Weiss over now

" "Okay

" "By the way, Vic do you have news of Vegeta?"

Bulma turned to Vic and asked.

"He is now cultivating with Mr. Xiaojin in the Spirit Time House, and I already dare to go to the Dan Di and wait for them to come out and come here directly,"

Vic said lightly.

"It's here, it's here"

In the conversation of several people, the soldiers also came to the vicinity of Frieza's spaceship, and saw that the door of the cabin was slowly opened, and thousands of people in combat uniforms flew out inside, and the dense crowd made everyone a little smashed.


Hehe Shouldn't it be that he was afraid of being hid by the king

" Sun Gohan gritted his teeth, stepped forward, and said without panic

: "My father and uncle will arrive soon, if you get out of the earth now, there may be a glimmer of life

" Hearing Sun Gohan's words, Frieza only felt a little ridiculous, looked at the familiar person in front of him, and said,

"If I'm not mistaken, you are the little ghost back then, I didn't expect it to grow so big

" "Cluck."

Frieza laughed dryly

, and then said to everyone:

"It's a pity, it's a Saiyan wild species, since the two guys Raditz and Sun Wukong are not there, let's take you first

" "Is that guy Frieza Frieza?"

Haha, it's so funny, it's actually shorter than a woman, I suddenly think Vegeta is also very good, I thought he was a very tall and powerful monster"

Bulma glanced at Frieza thoughtfully, and said with some curiosity.

Hearing Bulma's words, all of Frieza's subordinates couldn't help but feel a chill behind them, and they had to admire that this woman was too brave.

"Earthling, what an impolite fellow

" Frieza's flat eyes gradually became cold, and he said a little angrily

, only listening to the "bang", a red light was stimulated from Frieza's fingers, aiming straight for Bulma's eyebrows.

"Aunt Bulma, be careful"

Sun Gohan, who reacted, quickly threw Bulma to the ground, and the red light grazed Sun Gohan's shoulder and rushed into the distance.

The "boom"

shocking explosion sounded, and I saw a huge mushroom cloud appear above the city where the red line fell, and the entire city was destroyed.

"Damn, you guy actually..." Seeing

the destroyed city in the distance, Sun Wuhan's green tendons exploded, the fists in his hands were tightly clenched, and his body emitted a strong golden light, directly transforming into a Super Saiyan.

"This is... This is a Super Saiyan, I didn't expect that you little ghost has also reached this point"

Seeing that Son Gohan in front of him turned into a Super Saiyan, Frieza couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Bulma, you hurry up and try to contact Mr. Weiss first, they will leave it to me first"

Gohan reminded him with a glance at Bulma, who was already frightened and stupid.


The shocked Bulma quickly stood up and ran towards the distance, she now regretted that she did not listen to Sun Gohan's words and came here.

"Let me kill all the earthlings,"

Frieza said fiercely with a grim face.


Solbe replied lightly.

The next moment, thousands of alien warriors rushed towards Sun Gohan and the others like a wave.

"Stop them, you must not let them hurt the innocent"

Seeing this, Sun Gohan and the others did not hesitate, and they burst out their strongest strength and started a chaotic battle with Frieza's men.

At the same time, Vegeta in the Spirit Time Room

was panting and lying on the ground at this time, while Xiao Jin on the side stood indifferently to the side and said lightly:

"According to the master's request, I have helped you reach Super Saiyan Four

" Vegeta nodded, feeling the surging power in his body, a little excited, but also a little curious

" Why is that guy in Raditz so powerful

when he becomes Super Saiyan Four, and I can't even beat you" "Hmph, you are also worthy of being compared with

the master" Xiao Jin didn't look at him, directly threw him a face, and said angrily in his heart

: "If it weren't for the fact that you guy is so talented, it took so long to break through Super Saiyan Four, I would have been able to return to the master's side a long time ago"

Vegeta stood up when he heard this, and said angrily

"Damn, you actually dare to underestimate me"

Xiao Jin turned his head and ignored Vegeta.

"Hey, thank you"

Although Vegeta was a little reluctant, it was indeed the other party's credit that he was able to reach this point.


thank me, if you want to thank my master" By the way, thank you for having a good wife, if she hadn't invented that strange instrument, I'm afraid you wouldn't have been able to get

to this point in your life, the master is right, it's good to eat

soft rice" Xiao Jin turned around and said lightly,

"Damn, you actually dare to say this about me"

Vegeta hates people the most that he eats soft rice, But Raditz always mocked himself with this, which made him disappear in an instant when he just had a good impression of Raditz.

"Sure enough, the person who is with that nasty guy of Raditz doesn't have a good thing

" "Have you finished talking nonsense, after you finish talking nonsense, hurry out, I'm going to find my master"

Xiao Jin looked at Vegeta who was still stunned in place, and said a little unpleasantly.


In the universe

, "A-snee", "A-snee

", "..."In

the spaceship, I don't know why Raditz, Majin Buu and many others sneezed at the same time

, "Damn, which bastard is scolding me behind my back"

Raditz touched his nose and said a little unpleasantly.

"Master, we are about to return to Earth,"

Majin Buu, who had just finished sneezing, walked to Raditz's side and said lightly.

"Well, it looks like Gohan they should have already fought with Frieza and them,"

Raditz said lightly.

"Aren't you going to use teleportation to go back and help first, Son Gohan doesn't seem to be this Frieza opponent,"

No. 18 asked a little puzzled when he saw Raditz, who was not nervous at all.

"This is a good opportunity to hone them, besides, isn't there still Xiao Jin"


End of this chapter

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