
scanned the curious gazes of everyone around him, and his face unconsciously showed a confident smile, and then his fists clenched


Suddenly, Vegeta burst into drink, and the monstrous aura suddenly emanated from his stand-in, and the powerful temperament rushed straight into the sky, and then Vegeta's body burned red flames like flames, and the rocks around him were instantly wiped out.

"Such terrifying energy, could it be that Vegeta has also achieved that step,"

Sun Wukong frowned, and said with some doubt.

"Oh? Vegeta, is this successful

" Raditz showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, glanced at Xiao Jin next to him, and asked

, "Yes, master

" "Then this battle is still a bit of a look, I originally thought of letting Broly try his skills."

Hearing Xiao Jin's answer, Raditz said lightly.

As a strong momentum swept through everyone's hearts, Vegeta also completed his transformation, only to see that he was wearing brown-red hair at this time, a tail symbolizing the identity of a Saiyan behind him, and his hair also changed back to his original appearance, which was no different from Raditz's previous transformation.

"Groove, this is Super Saiyan Four"

Beerus saw Vegeta now, and the orange juice in his mouth couldn't help but spit out, he still had a little shadow of this transformation.

"That's right, Lord Beerus, it's Super Saiyan Four, but Mr. Vegeta is much worse than Mr. Raditz."

Weiss replied lightly.

"Hey, Weiss, who do you think will win between the two

of them," Beerus asked with some curiosity

, "It's hard to say, both of them have just come into contact with the second stage of the Ichigami Transformation, but neither of them has fully mastered it, Mr. Vegeta seems to have a better grasp, but Frieza is a little stronger in terms of strength and speed,"

Wes also analyzed this carefully.

"What about the Monkey King,"

Beerus said suddenly.

"Frieza's strength is above Sun Wukong and Mr. Vegeta, but it is not much stronger, if you fight for a long time, Mr. Sun Wukong will win,"

Weiss said lightly.

At present, Frieza's whole body is wafting with a terrifying momentum, as if the actual killing intent makes people feel suffocated.

"I will let you know the pain of death"

Frieza shook his head gently, and with a hoarse and deep voice fell, the temperature around him also dropped rapidly, making people can't help but get goosebumps.

Hearing Frieza's words, Vegeta showed a look of nonchalance, and did not seem to pay attention to the other party at all. As for Sun Wukong, he was surprised, it seemed that during the period of his cultivation of the Destruction God Star, everyone's strength had improved considerably.

The next moment, Vegeta's figure instantly disappeared in place, so fast that he couldn't even find a chance to capture the afterimage.

Frieza carefully captured Vegeta's position with his eyes, and suddenly his eyes seemed to be in a trance, and then his chest hurt, the white liquid in his mouth flowed in the air, and the whole person flew out directly upside down, and his body rubbed on the ground for tens of meters before he could stop.

"Frieza, are you good at this,"

Vegeta taunted at Frieza.

"I should have said that,"

Frieza said, standing up, wiping the saliva-like liquid from his mouth, and a strange arc across his face.

Frieza looked up at

Vegeta, and said coldly again: "I now know your strength, then it's up to me next

" The wind suddenly rose, and after Frieza said that, the whole person came behind Vegeta like a ghost

, "What"

Vegeta was a little unresponsive for a while, and his face became a little ugly.

Frieza raised his right hand, his fingertips aimed at Vegeta's back, and as the red fire flashed with his fingertips, a brilliant and dazzling energy shot out, and the powerful and destructive energy made people feel a little terrified.

Vegeta only felt some rumbling in his throat, and then a large mouthful of blood spurted out, and after a scream, the whole person flew out like a cannonball.

"Oh, it's actually not dead

" Frieza was slightly surprised to see Vegeta who actually stood up again not far away

, "It seems that the reaction is quite fast"

Vegeta got up and wiped the blood from his mouth, and he couldn't help but be a little afraid in his heart.

If he hadn't reacted in time just now and concentrated most of his energy on his back to block, his body would definitely be pierced just now.

Vegeta's eyes also began to become solemn at this time, seeing that the other party was still stuck in place with a swollen face, he grabbed his strength and quickly struck, launching a fierce attack on Frieza, and his fists fiercely only hit Frieza's point.

Seeing this, Frieza was not careless, and used all his strength to dodge

Vegeta's attack, but he still laughed coldly in his mouth, "Your movements are too slow, just this strength is good to pretend"

However, this time Vegeta did not care about what the other party said, because he knew that the other party just wanted to provoke him to disrupt his attack rhythm, seeing that his attack was about to hit Frieza, Vegeta couldn't help but show a sneer on his face.

Frieza's face was full of shock at this time, he knew very well how powerful Vegeta's fist was at this time, and if he was hit, he would definitely be injured.

At this thought, Frieza's palm burst out with golden flame energy, and for a while it was like an angry dragon opening its mouth and tightly holding Vegeta's fist, and both of them used all their strength at the same time.

In an instant, under the influence of the aftermath of the powerful force, there were shocks within tens of thousands of meters around, and Frieza's face was also full of hideousness at this time, and the eyes that exuded a chill were also filled with blood.

And Vegeta's face was not good, at this time, he also gritted his teeth, and the bruises on his forehead erupted, obviously using all his strength.

In the center of the ground, Sun Wukong quietly watched the battle between the two people, and the violent gasping sound of the two made Sun Wukong's blood a little excited, and there was already an uncontrollable urge in his heart to make a move.

"Vegeta, if you can't do it, change me,"

Sun Wukong was almost unable to suppress the desire to fight in his heart, and when he saw the inextricable two, he shouted directly.

"Kakarot, you shut up Lao Tzu"

Vegeta scolded directly at Sun Wukong.

While everyone was still watching the thrilling battle between Vegeta and Frieza, they were suddenly attracted by a roar from Raditz's side.


End of this chapter

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