At this time, Broly's eyes suddenly became hollow, his eyes did not carry a trace of emotion, and his face became a little fierce

: "Card... Card... Gauze... Broly

said fiercely, and then his body rushed towards Sun Wukong like a wild beast.

The somewhat dazed Monkey King was directly pinched by Broly's neck, and the figures of the two directly knocked away Vegeta and Frieza who were fighting at the same moment.

"What's the matter, isn't that person a friend of Raditz, why did he suddenly make a move on Goku"

Klin was also confused at this time, his face was full of worry, and he said with some doubts.

"Master, what is the situation, why did Xiao Bu suddenly lose control"

Majin Buu also asked a little unclear, Broly's mood had been quite stable when they were together before.

Raditz thought thoughtfully, it seems that it was mentioned in the original book that Sun Wukong always cried when he was a child, disturbing Broly's sleep, so Broly would become particularly irritable when he heard Sun Wukong's voice.

But naturally it was impossible to say this to others, so Raditz had to shake his head and said that he didn't know.

"Maybe Chief Kakarot is not beaten,"

Vegeta and Frieza, who were interrupted from the battle at this time, also looked at the two people with a confused expression.

Sun Wukong used all his strength to break free from Broly's hands, and then quickly gasped loudly

, "It's so dangerous, it's dangerous, I was almost strangled

" "Ah

" Seeing that Broly who lost his mind rushed up again, Sun Wukong's face changed, and he secretly shouted

"not good"

in his heart, just when he reacted, Broly's violent murderous aura instantly unfolded, and he slammed into Sun Wukong's body.

Sun Wukong screamed, the whole person's expression became a little distorted, the facial features were even squeezed together, it looked extremely painful, Broly desperately attacked without order, so that Sun Wukong didn't even have a chance to transform, he could only use all his strength to reluctantly parry the opponent's attack first and save his life.

"Oh, Sun Wukong didn't expect you to have today"

Frieza saw the embarrassed Sun Wukong on the ground, and his mood was also very good, and suddenly he rushed over to make up for the other party to relieve the hatred in his heart.

But when Frieza was just close to Sun Wukong, suddenly a huge energy behind him broke through the air, and the furious force swept through everything, smashing towards Frieza and Sun Wukong.

Frieza reacted and quickly turned around and resisted Broly's attack with his own hands, but Broly, who had lost his mind, directly punched Frieza in the face.

"Lying groove"

Frieza directly burst into foul language, and the whole person flew out directly.

And at the same time, Sun Wukong quickly transformed into Super Saiyan Blue, his eyes stared at Broly like a beast, and he did not forget to say politely to

Frieza: "Thank you, Frieza

" "Damn, you two bastards"

Frieza who stood up was a little angry, and he directly hated both Sun Wukong and Broly this time.

"This person's breath is so familiar

, is he also a Saiyan" Vegeta is very sensitive to the Saiyan breath itself, after seeing Broly's move, he very much suspected that the other party was a Saiyan, but he was not very sure, after all, this person did not have a tail on him.

"But the breath on this person is so powerful, it's actually not weaker than me"

Vegeta's brows frowned slightly, how come the strong people have gone all over now.

Broly's whole body is surging with murderous energy, and now he is like a hell killing god descending to the world, which makes people feel a little scared at a glance.

"Come on, fight me well"

After Sun Wukong saw the strength of Broly, his heart became extremely excited, he didn't expect that there were so many powerful people in the world.

I saw that Broly's hands condensed a bright and huge ball of energy, and threw it towards Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong did not panic at all when he saw this, and directly his hands suddenly formed a flower look, and slowly said in his mouth

"Turtle Qigong"

Two strong energies slammed together, violent explosion, so that the ground began to shake uneasily, the ground spread in pieces, shaking so that ordinary people could not stand at all.

I saw that in the wave of the explosion, a black star was thrown out from it, and Frieza fell out violently in the wave of qi, and his whole body fell into the dirt, looking very embarrassed.

"You two bastards, can you watch a little while fighting"

Frieza pulled his head out of the dirt and fled the battlefield of the two men first, and now cursed angrily at the two from afar.

Sun Wukong ignored Frieza, and the two of them also started a fierce fight at this moment, and with the collapsed mountain peaks, the entire venue became turbulent, and danger permeated every place around.

"These two bastards"

Beerus also felt a little annoyed for a while as he watched the ice cream in his hand fall to the ground because of the fight between the two people.

Standing up directly from the recliner, he shouted angrily at the two people in the distance:

"Hey, you two bastards give me a good fight, be careful that I destroy

you" "Hehe, Lord Beerus, don't be irritable

" Weiss laughed lightly and said

, "Now that Goku has entered a combat state, he can't listen to you

" "Hmph

" "What an idiot"

Beerus couldn't help but curse secretly

, "By the way, where did the guy who fought with the Monkey King come from

" "It seems that Mr. Raditz brought it, and he is also a Saiyan,"

Weiss reminded.

"Saiyans really don't have any peace of mind,"

Beerus threw the small dried fish in front of him into his mouth and said lightly.

"Yes, and this person's strength has also reached a divine turn, but it is only in the first stage."

Weiss said with some surprise.

"The first stage? Then how do I feel that Sun Wukong seems to be unable to beat him,"

Beerus said with some doubt.

"The strength is indeed in the first stage, but he has now lost his mind, he is not afraid of pain or injury, plus his defense is surprisingly amazing, so Mr. Goku will be like this,"

Weiss explained lightly.

"I don't know what's going on lately, one human after another has the power of God

" "Isn't this a good thing?" Lord Beerus, this will also raise the overall level of our seventh universe. Hearing

Weiss's words, Beerus couldn't help but nod.

Suddenly, a huge roar resounded between heaven and earth, the rubble and dust in the sky echoed in the air, and Frieza in the distance narrowed his eyes, revealing a burst of killing intent in his eyes, staring at Broly in the distance and said viciously

, "Another stinky monkey, Saiyans are really a nasty race

" "Fight, when you lose both, I can just kill you Saiyans

" "Boom"

Speaking of this, Frieza couldn't help but laugh.

"King Frieza, why are you here"


End of this chapter

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