Hearing the voice of the

comer, Frieza also turned his head curiously, looked at the old man in front of him, and said with some doubts

"Who are you

" "King Frieza, my name is Pallas used to be your most loyal subordinate"

The person who came was Pallas, when the spacecraft fell to Earth, Raditz let No. 18 take the two children home first, and the rest also rushed to the battlefield, Because Pallas's strength is too weak, it will be too late.

And when he first arrived here, he happened to see a familiar figure, and quickly went over to check, it was Frieza who was hiding on the side watching the battle, so he stepped forward to say hello.

"Oh, you're a Saiyan"

Frieza glanced at Pallas, who was not interested in him at all, but when he saw the tail behind him, his face instantly darkened.

"Yes, Lord Frieza

" "Who is Broly fighting with"

Hearing the fight scene ahead, Pallas also looked over and said with some doubt.

"Oh? You know that Saiyan,"

Frieza asked coldly with a chill in his eyes.

"Yes, that's my son Broly,"

Pallas said, looking up with some pride.


Hearing this, Frieza's face became even more ugly.

"Then when... Ah,"

Pallas was just about to answer, only to feel a sharp pain in his body, and saw that Frieza's hand had passed through his chest.

"For... Why"

Pallas looked at Frieza in disbelief, he could not have imagined that the other party would actually kill him.

"Saiyans deserve to die,"

Frieza said coldly in his ear.

"Damn it, my son Broly will definitely avenge me,"

Pallas fell in a pool of blood and died with tears of remorse.



With Sun Wukong's shout, the whole person was directly beaten out by Broly, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his body seemed to fall apart.

"Damn, doesn't this guy feel pain"

Sun Wukong said secretly, his own strength is above the other party, but Broly does not seem to be injured at all, nor will he feel fatigue and pain, as if like a machine that can only fight, the long-term consumption of Sun Wukong's physical strength has dropped a lot, and his body has also suffered a lot of damage.

"To deal with Broly, you can only pinch with absolute strength like the master, otherwise he will always grow to the point of surpassing you"

Seeing that Sun Wukong, who originally had an advantage, was now beaten in embarrassment, Majin Buu reminded with some kindness.


Broly roared, and rushed towards Sun Wukong again, and Sun Wukong quickly stood up when he saw this, ready to fight.


, when Broly was about to reach Sun Wukong's side, Vegeta suddenly shot out and knocked the other party out.

"Kakarot, this guy should be handed over to me

" Vegeta glanced at Sun Wukong with contempt, with a strong contempt in his eyes, as if to say "Don't you mean it too

" and then looked at Broly, and said a little arrogantly

, "Let Prince Ben teach you how to be a man today"

Vegeta sneered, and flew directly into the air, the furious aura continued to gather in his palm, in the blink of an eye, The dense golden energy condensed out.

"Go and die

, Dada Click" Vegeta shouted, and the energy balls smashed into the position where Broly fell, and suddenly the ground was as hot as a flame evaporating.

Broly glared angrily, burst out and rushed out directly from the ground, not dodging or dodging in the face of Vegeta's attack, not taking his attack into his eyes at all, Broly got closer and closer to Vegeta's position, and then clenched his fists and delivered his strongest blow towards Vegeta.

In Vegeta's eyes, the momentum of that punch was extremely powerful, as if only that fist was left in the entire heaven and earth rushing towards him with a majestic one, and Vegeta quickly put away his attack to block.

The attack of the injury directly broke through Vegeta's energy shield, and the shattered energy was sprayed in all directions like fireworks, bursting into a dazzling scene.

Vegeta was shocked, he never thought that the other party could actually break his own attack, and he couldn't help but have a trace of fear in his heart, of course, not because of the opponent's strength, but because of the deadly style of play, the other party and himself seemed to be attacking all the time, completely defenseless.

"What a monster"

Vegeta looked at the irrational Broly in front of him, and his emotions became a little excited, and his eyes were a little more nervous, less calm.

"Vegeta, I'll help you"

Seeing the hesitant Vegeta in the air, Sun Wukong came directly to his side and said.

"Hmph, don't worry about it, I can solve it,"

Vegeta snorted coldly and said.

However, Sun Wukong did not pay attention to Vegeta's words, but rushed to Broly,


Vegeta chanted a sentence and followed.

"The two of them seem to have joined forces,"

Wess said lightly.

"Indeed, I really didn't expect the two of them to join forces"

Beerus's eyes also flashed a hint of surprise, the temper of the two of them Beerus still had some understanding.

"Hehe, Beerus, you see that their battle has destroyed the surrounding ruins, Mr. Goku is afraid that the earth may not be able to bear it if it continues like this, so I want to solve the opponent as soon as possible"

Hearing Weis's explanation, Beerus also nodded in agreement.

"Damn, these two bastards actually joined forces"

Looking at Broly, whose cultivation was suppressed, Frieza said with some resentment, if it continued like this, wouldn't his fisherman's profit be gone.

Immediately saw the strength of Pallas under his feet, thought of some interesting ideas, and couldn't help laughing

, "Boom, then I'll add some material to you"

and then grabbed Pallas's body and flew to the battlefield.

"It's so lively, I don't know how King Ben is also participating in

it" Frieza's voice also suddenly interrupted Vegeta and Sun Wukong's movements

, "Hey, Frieza, what do you want to do" "I want to help you guys make this game more interesting"

Hearing Frieza's

words, Sun Wukong had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Hey, big guy gives you something"


End of this chapter

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