"Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, do you dare to guarantee that they will not come back to harm the earthlings in the future, with their strength, it is easy to destroy the earth in secret,"

Raditz looked at Sun Wukong's innocent idiotic appearance and said with some blame.

"That's right, Kakarot, your cheap compassion will kill a lot of people, think Kiki is a normal person,"

Vegeta agreed.

"This..." At

this moment, the descendant Wukong was a little speechless.


While several people were chatting, Broly roared strangely, and then swept past Raditz and rushed directly to the Monkey King.

At the same time as Broly's fist was thrown, countless dark green rays of light instantly condensed in the air, and Sun Wukong also greeted it unceremoniously when he saw this, his energy raged, and the blue and green collisions were surrounded by extremely strong shock ripples, and scattered around the two of them.


Sun Wukong shouted, and all the energy in his body burst out at this moment.

However, the gap in the strength of the two can not be narrowed with all their strength, I saw that the powerful power released by Sun Wukong was being penetrated by the other party little by little, Broly's heavy fist suddenly burst out more powerful, and Sun Wukong's whole person was directly shocked and flew out.

Sun Wukong's entire body fell directly into the ground, and the earth seemed unable to bear Broly's huge power, making Sun Wukong's body sink little by little.

"So strong

" saw that he couldn't hold up a move in Broly's hands, Sun Wukong was very shocked, and then frowned, and then shouted

"Ten Times Realm King Fist"

instantly, Sun Wukong's body burst out with a dazzling red light, and the color of inner blue and red outside shrouded the body, which was dazzling and dazzling.

With the use of the Realm King Fist, Sun Wukong's body also stopped sinking, a smile appeared on his face, he suddenly got up, and appeared in front of Broly again, looking at each other.

Sun Wukong's eyes became particularly serious, and the muscles of his whole body were ready to fight, and he punched out violently, with the distortion of space, and hit Broly's stomach fiercely under the blessing of powerful power.

Hit by the sudden force, even Broly couldn't help but take a few steps back before stabilizing his body.

"How is it possible"

Sun Wukong was taken aback when he saw this, the other party was actually so much stronger than himself, and his own attack had no effect on him at all.

Not far away, Vegeta watched the battle between the two, and saw that such a powerful Monkey King was actually pressed and beaten by Broly, and there was no way to fight back, and he couldn't help but tremble in his heart, his face was full of shock, and his expression became extremely fierce.

"Damn, there is actually another Saiyan who surpasses me,"

Vegeta clenched his fists tightly, and said with helplessness and some reluctance.

In front of Broly, Sun Wukong actually became so weak, at this time, he was almost pinched and beaten by Broly, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back.

"No way, I had to use this trick

" Sun Wukong looked at the murderous Broly, thought about it in his heart, and then showed a trace of determination on his face, and said with his fists clenched

"Next is my strongest strength

" "Ah

" "Twenty times the King Fist"

said, Sun Wukong's forehead was beating, his face had some more painful expressions, and the muscles of his whole body bulged in an instant.

The momentum suddenly increased, and a huge power poured out from Sun Wukong's body, and the surging power made the heavens and the earth tremble, and the whole body was like a fiery red flame, dazzling.


Vegeta closed his mouth in surprise at this time, he could not have thought that Sun Wukong had surpassed him so much.


At this time, Sun Wukong breathed a long sigh of relief

, and said with some difficulty: "Sure enough, the Twentyfold Realm King Fist is still a little reluctant, I feel that my body is hurting, I haven't fully mastered this move, I originally planned to deal with my brother, but I didn't expect to use it so early

" Then looked at Broly with solemn eyes, and said with some excitement:

"But to be able to fight with such a powerful opponent as you, it's all worth it"

"Come on, Broly"


"I didn't expect that Monkey King kid to hide this trick, it's amazing,"

Beerus took a bite of pudding and said with some surprise.

Then saw Weiss on the side actually snickering there, and asked a little reproachfully

: "Do you know for a long time", "If you don't speak, you acquiesce",

"It's hateful to call me not to tell

" In the face of Beerus's three-in-a-row break, Weiss only smiled lightly

: "Mr. Sun Wukong's strength is naturally clear to me, after all, now he is also my half apprentice"

Immediately glanced at Beerus, and said with some ridicule

: "Mr. Sun Wukong is much stronger than me than Lord Ruth, but he is very serious about cultivation, unlike you who only know how to sleep."

Lord Beerus, I have to remind you that if you continue to be so lazy, I am afraid that many humans will surpass you.

Whether it is Raditz, Sun Wukong or now Broly, or even Vegeta, each of them is incomparably powerful and has deep potential

" Hearing Weiss's tirade, Beerus turned away a little impatiently, and said lightly

in his mouth "Cut, boring"

but his eyes never left Raditz and Sun Wukong, Broly three, this scene was naturally captured by Weis, A reassuring smile also appeared on his face

, "It seems that Lord Beerus has also been stimulated"


In the battlefield

, Broly's eyes became more and more irritable, and the surging murderous intent continued to gush out, and no one had any martial arts to speak of, just a simple punch and hit Sun Wukong's back.

As the booming sound sounded, Broly's boundless power seemed to have found a place to tilt, tearing the clothes on Sun Wukong's back directly, and the originally white skin was smashed in an instant and the flesh and blood blurred, and even exposed Bai Sensen's bones. Receiving Broly's huge attack, Sun Wukong's whole person instantly landed, as if a meteor fell into the earth and smashed the ground.

The powerful force even made the entire earth make a loud noise, and the entire earth seemed to tremble at this moment, and suddenly sand and stones flew away, and smoke rose everywhere.

The next moment, Sun Wukong climbed out of the pit with difficulty, a trace of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth, and blood came out of his back continuously, and his expression was extremely painful.

Then he saw the red light flashing in the sky, and I saw that Broly raised his hands above his head at this time, and a huge red ball of light condensed in his hands, and the power contained in it was extremely terrifying.



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