Feeling Broly's shocking power, Sun Wukong couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and said with some panic

, "What kind of grudge is this, is it so ruthless"

Looking at the terrifying energy rushing towards him, Sun Wukong's face is difficult to see the extreme, he is very difficult to follow this trick with his current situation, but if he avoids, the earth will definitely be destroyed.

"Don't care"

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth, his hands directly resisted Broly's attack, and he saw that the earth was constantly shaking, the air was constantly distorting, and an inexplicable sense of death filled Wukong's heart.

Gradually, Sun Wukong's breath began to become disordered, his face became more and more pale, and the red and blue light of his whole body gradually became dim.

"Damn, I can't hold it,"

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and said, his eyes showed a strong unwillingness, he could clearly feel that his body was on the verge of collapse.

Using the Twentyfold Realm King Fist, his body itself had already borne a great load, and now in the face of Broly's pressure, the muscles in Sun Wukong's whole body were constantly compressed, and every part of his body was as painful as being inserted into a knife.

Then Sun Wukong spat out a large mouthful of blood, his body was unable to support, his whole body was wrapped in a layer of bright red blood, and the whole person looked very embarrassed.

"It seems that Kakarot can't grasp the extreme intention yet,"

Raditz frowned and whispered.

He originally wanted Broly to completely trigger the potential of the Monkey King, but now it seems that the time is still too early, and the Monkey King has not yet achieved that step.

"It seems that I have a hand, otherwise this guy will really be finished in a while"

Just as Raditz was about to make a move, suddenly a gust of wind blew, and the wind that accompanied the heavy sand instantly disintegrated Broly's attack.

Raditz looked at it and saw that Beerus had come to Sun Wukong's body, and just blew a breath to pull Sun Wukong back from the brink of death.


Seeing Beerus make a move, Sun Wukong was also completely relieved. His legs were soft on the ground, the whole person looked extremely miserable, and now he only felt that his whole body was in pain, and his whole body did not even have the strength to stand up.

Beerus glanced at Sun Wukong, and then slowly flew towards the sky, appearing very calm and calm, with a sneer on his face, looking at the irritable Broly in front of him, and said with some contempt

, "I haven't moved my muscles for a long time, let's take you today"

After speaking, Beerus simply moved his muscles, and then hooked his finger towards Broly.

Broly's eyes were manic, even if he lost his mind, he could feel the provocation of the other party, and his lips moved lightly,

"You... Death..."

Beerus's expression changed slightly, a trace of unhappiness flashed in his eyes, and he saw that Broly, who rushed towards him, raised his finger, and then lightly flicked it on the other party's forehead.

Broly's body was instantly thrown out like a sandbag, his body fell extremely quickly, and the whole person sank into the dirt, and suddenly dusted.

Beerus looked down at Broly condescendingly, and then his body slowly fell to the ground, and as his toes lightly touched the opponent's back, a purple ripple suddenly spread out around Broly.


Broly cried out in pain, and then spat out blood, and the defenses of his whole body were disintegrated in this instant, and in the face of this terrifying power, Broly's back was also as bloody as Sun Wukong.

"Now you feel the pain of the Monkey King,"

Beerus's eyes became very cold, revealing a chill.

"It's not over, I want to return all the pain that Sun Wukong has suffered to you"

After speaking, Beerus came to mid-air again, and saw a purple energy condensed from the tip of his finger, and with the gentle flick of his finger, the terrifying energy struck towards Broly like a long rainbow swallowing sun.

Feeling the hot energy approaching, Broly subconsciously got up to resist, and as the strong light flashed, a deep pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters was revealed on the ground.

In the deep pit, half of Broly's body was buried in the dirt, covered with large and small wounds, and the surrounding land was dyed blood red.

Broly lay pale in the deep pit, deliberately became urgent, his body also lost his previous brilliance, the whole person became dim, his eyes also cultivated to restore some sanity, the severe pain in his chest made him cough constantly, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person passed out directly.

"Alas, it's finally over,"

Klin said with a long sigh of rejoicing as he looked at the ruined environment around him.

Then, Klin flew to Sun Wukong with all his strength, took out a fairy bean from his pocket, and said to Wukong, "Wukong, you're okay, hurry up and eat

fairy beans first" Sun Wukong also endured the pain after seeing Klin and squeezed a smile on his face, and then said weakly

"Thank you, Klin"

With the entrance of fairy beans, Sun Wukong did not hesitate, and used his remaining strength to chew and swallow the fairy beans,

In an instant, Sun Wukong's entire body came back to life, and the festering flesh and blood on his body were intact in the blink of an eye.

"Klin, let's give Broly a fairy bean too"

The healed Monkey King immediately stood up excitedly, and then saw Broly lying on the ground not far away like a dead man, and said unbearably.

"Ah, this"

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Klin also hesitated, he didn't want to treat the other party, after all, the other party was still Raditz's friend, he just wanted to wait for the wind to calm down.

"Okay, I hope it won't fight again for a while"

Then, Klin came to Broly's body, squeezed the fairy beans into powder and sent them to the other party's mouth, quickly. Broly also healed like the Monkey King.

"This is what happened, who are you"

Broly, who woke up, also regained his senses, looking at the ruined scene around him, there was some disgust in his heart, seeing these strange people around, Broly was a little afraid for a while, so he quickly came to Raditz's side and hid behind him.

"What's wrong with him,"

Klin looked at Broly a little confused, and then asked in a low voice to Raditz.

"Broly is more introverted, he just doesn't like to deal with strangers,"

Raditz explained slowly.

"So that's the case

," after hearing this, everyone suddenly realized,

"But this Broly and the previous battle are really like two people,"

Klin said with an awkward laugh.

"Hey, I'm ..."


At this time, Sun Wukong wanted to step forward to greet Broly, and Raditz quickly gave Xiao Jin a look, and Xiao Jin, who understood it, instantly blocked Sun Wukong's mouth.

"Well, Mr. Raditz, you are..."

the unknown crowd asked curiously

, "It's nothing, Broly will lose control when he hears Kakarot's voice,"

Raditz reminded everyone.

"So that's the case, no wonder Broly became so irritable for no reason before

" Bulma carefully thought about the scene that had just happened, it seemed that it was really Broly who lost control after Sun Wukong's shout

, "Sun Wukong, from now on, when Broly is present, you are strictly forbidden to speak, hear no

" "Hmm, hmm

, hmm..." However, Sun Wukong, who was covered by Xiaojin's mouth, could not speak at all.

"If you don't speak, you agree

" Without giving Sun Wukong a chance to retort

, Bulma turned around and said to everyone, "In order to celebrate everyone's victory this time, I will prepare a variety of delicacies to entertain everyone

" "Good"

Hearing Bulma's words, everyone raised their hands and agreed excitedly.

Beerus's whole person jumped up even more excitedly.


End of this chapter

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