
" "Stop"

watching Beerus and Xiangpa fight more and more fiercely, the universe constantly devouring the surrounding environment, Weiss and Bardos both shot at the same time to stop the two.

"Lord Beerus, Lord Elephant Pa is a guest after all, let's invite them into the house first,"

Weiss said lightly.

"Yes, Lord Elephant Pa, don't forget the purpose of our visit today

," Bardos comforted him from the side

, "Well, let him go this time," ×2

Beerus and Elephant Pa said at the same time.

"The two of them are worthy of being brothers, and they even speak in such synchronization,"

Monkey King whispered in Vegeta's ear.

Vegeta nodded vigorously after hearing this.

In the ancient room

, Beerus and Xiangpaxiang sat opposite each other, and the two looked at each other with a slight contempt and unhappiness, while Weis, Bardos, Sun Wukong, and Vegeta stood dumbfounded.

"Say, what are you trying to do here,"

Beerus said with some impatience as he held his head in his hands.

"Beerus pay attention to the tone of your speech, we have found a delicious food, specially come to give you a taste, don't be ignorant of the good heart,"

Elephant Pa tilted his head and said with some pride.

"I think you're here to show off,"

Beerus's eyes suddenly turned cold.


With a sneer at the corner of Xiangpa's mouth, Bardos next to him made a look, and with the wave of her scepter, a reddened body suddenly appeared on the table, something similar to a rice cooker.

"Beerus, this time I will let you taste what endless despair is"

Bardos pressed something similar to a button on it, and with a white mist evaporated, I saw six dark green eggs placed inside the rice cooker.

"Isn't this like an egg,"

Sun Wukong stepped forward and looked at it curiously, since the things that can be taken out by the God of Destruction must not be worse.

"Beerus, this is my newfound delicacy, the boiled eggs of the Dongdong bird, it will make you delicious speechless."

Xiangpa picked up an egg and said with some pride

, "He will make you feel

delicious, can't say anything", "Is it really that delicious"

Hearing Xiangpa's words, Sun Wukong's saliva couldn't help but flow.

"Of course

" "This god will be kind today, let several of you taste it

" Xiangpa saw Sun Wukong's stupid appearance, and couldn't help but snicker

, "It's really a long face for Beerus, young man"

With a wave of his big hand, four Dongdong bird eggs fell perfectly into the hands of Beerus and the others.

"You're welcome, try it,"

said Xiangpa smugly.

"It's so delicious,"

Sun Wukong said excitedly as he bit more than half of the bird's egg.

After listening to it, Vegeta also tasted it curiously in his mouth, and couldn't help but have black lines, but because of the identity of the other party's destruction god, he didn't say it, but he complained a little in his heart

: "Kakarot, this fool, this is clearly like an egg, it can actually be blown so delicious by this group of fools

" "Haha, see, our sixth universe white is a food paradise"

Xiangpa laughed loudly and said arrogantly towards Beerus.

Beerus glanced at him indifferently, and then knocked the bird egg in his hand, the shell automatically fell off, took a simple bite and tasted it carefully, and directly spit it out, and said

, "Weiss, take that out for them to taste

" "Okay, Lord Beerus"

Weiss put the food of the elephant on the table, to be honest, just looking at the appearance, he also knew that this bird egg was not a delicacy.

Then, Weiss took six buckets of instant noodles and put them on the table, and said lightly

: "Lord Xiangpa, please taste our food

" "What is this thing, it will be better than our bird eggs?"

Xiangpahu glanced suspiciously at what he saw in the package in front of him.

Five minutes later

, "Ah,"

Elephant Pa yelled, then covered his mouth and said with some weakness

, "Is this food just ordinary, and it's not much delicious?"

Then why don't you even have soup left"

Beerus naturally saw the other party's thoughts, and he had long been accustomed to his brother who liked to play tricks.

"Hey. Beerus, where did you get this instant noodles?"

asked as he slapped the table and stood up.

"This thing comes from the earth, and there are a lot of delicious foods that are no less than instant noodles, it's endless to think about,"

Weis's face couldn't help but blush a little as he said.

"Hey, Bardos, our universe should also have Earth,"

Xiangpa asked curiously.

"I'm sorry like Lord Pa, the earth where our universe is located has now become a veritable waste star because of human beings' perennial wars,"

Bardos said with some regret.

"What, damn it,"

Elephant Pa clenched his fists and said a little angrily.

"Weis, why do they also have an earth in the universe?"

asked Monkey King with some curiosity.

"I said before that our seventh universe and the sixth universe are relative, or they can be said to be twins, so there will be most of the similarities,"

Weiss explained lightly

, "Che, hillbilly"

Like Pa glanced at Sun Wukong in disgust.

"Doesn't that mean that there will be Saiyans in their universe?"

Vegeta asked with some excitement.


" "Hey, Beerus, do you dare to make a bet with me"

At this time, Xiangpa glanced at Sun Wukong and said with a move of his wit.

"Oh? What to bet on,"

Beerus asked curiously.

"Just bet on the earth, our two universes send some feelings to carry out at this time, and the winner can pass the earth,"

Xiangpa said lightly.

"Okay, okay, Lord Beerus, you quickly agree, it's just too exciting to be able to play with other masters of the universe"

Before Beerus could speak, Sun Wukong excitedly took the lead and agreed.

"Hey, you idiot didn't hear clearly if you lost, and the earth will belong to them?"

Beerus looked at Sun Wukong a little speechlessly.

"It's okay, anyway, Wess said that the two universes are very similar, the earth is just a different place to live, and it is not destroyed,"

Sun Wukong said with some indifference.


Beerus looked at Sun Wukong a little angrily

, "I'm just joking, and do you think we might lose?"

Sun Wukong smiled awkwardly.

"This is also

" Beerus couldn't help but think of the scene of the battle with Raditz, and whispered

, "With that guy here, it's really hard to lose"


End of this chapter

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