"But why should I bet with you, it seems that winning and losing is not good for me,"

Beerus replied after thinking about it.


Xiangpa hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said,

"Beerus, do you remember Super Dragon Ball?" It is the one that can grant any wish. I have collected six now

, if you win, I will give them all to you" Beerus's eyes shrank, and he said lightly

, "How do you want to bet"

"It's very simple, each of our universe sends five warriors to fight, and the two sides take turns to compete, if you win Super Dragon Balls to you, I win Earth to me"

Xiangpa thought for a while, and then said.

Hearing this, Beerus showed a weird smile on his face, looking at the other party's confident smile, Beerus couldn't help but laugh in his heart

: "Okay, then I agreed

" "Deal

" Xiangpa smiled

"Okay, then let's go back to find the contestants to participate

" "Then don't send it"

Beerus said coldly.

Subsequently, the two of Xiangpa and Bardos turned into a stream of light and left the seventh universe.

"Lord Elephant, do you really want to bet with Lord Beerus, if they win, you will definitely have to play tantrums again,"

Bardos asked a little helplessly.

"Bardos, what do you mean this guy? Do you think the seventh universe can defeat us, you are thinking of farting and eating,"

Xiangpa said a little angrily.

"That's not certain, I heard Weiss say that they have produced a very powerful person in the universe, but he didn't say how powerful it is

" "Depend, Bardos, why didn't you say it earlier

" "You didn't ask, haha

" "I don't care, the matter of the contestants will be left to you, no matter what, you have to win this match for me

" "But, Lord Elephant Pa..."

"Well, you don't need to say, I have decided"



, it's too exciting to fight with the masters of the sixth universe, I hope they can be stronger,"

Sun Wukong exclaimed with some excitement.

"Hey, Monkey King, do you know what you're talking about? If you lose the game, I'll destroy you,"

Beerus's eyes turned cold, and he warned with a serious face.

"Hahaha, don't worry, Lord Beerus, I will definitely fight well, I will definitely not lose, besides, isn't there still my brother in the pocket, it's okay,"

Sun Wukong said with a confident look.

"I hope so"

Hearing Raditz's name, Beerus also relaxed.

"Che, what a simple-minded and well-developed fellow,"

Vegeta snorted coldly and said arrogantly.

"Hey, Vegeta, don't you want to compare the feelings of other universes,"

Monkey King said a little unconvinced.

"Uncle Ben has no interest in those goods, I just want to defeat Raditz now,"

Vegeta said with a solemn look in his eyes.

"Okay then, since you're not interested, then I won't take you this time, I'll go find my brother and Gohan them

" "Lying groove, Kakarot, you bastard"

Vegeta's face instantly turned livid, I didn't expect to be tricked by this brainless guy.

Beerus looked at the two who were arguing endlessly, and said without care

: "The matter of the contestants will be left to you, but remember for me that if you lose, don't blame me for having a black hand."

"Well, no problem, Lord Beerus! Just leave it to me!

Sun Wukong agreed

, "Let me look for it, found it

" "Huh, strange"


The King

God Star is the planet where the God of the Realm lives, which has a lush environment, the air is several times clearer than the earth, and the buildings are full of solemn and solemn feelings, quiet and peaceful.

However, all this was interrupted by the four uninvited guests a few days ago, at this time, the realm king god star has lost its former glory, and now it has become dilapidated, a decadent scene.

"Old Ancestor, they should have finished today, we can come out"

At this time, the whole person of the Realm King God shrunk into a ball and asked towards the Old Realm King God on the side.

"Whew, it's finally over,"

the Old Realm King exhaled a long

breath, and then the three of them lifted a black cover above their heads and came out of the ground.

"Fortunately, Lao Zu, you set up a refuge place in this place, otherwise a few of us would be miserable

" "You are kind enough to say, you unfilial descendants"

The old realm king god reprimanded the other party a little angrily.

"Lord Old Realm King God, this can't all blame the Realm King God Lord, it can only be said that Raditz's human being is too despicable"

Jebit hurriedly played the circle on the side.

"I haven't said anything about you, what do you think of him, actually let him lose all the family base, so that I am hiding now

" "I'm sorry, Old Ancestor"

The King of the Realm God lowered his head guiltily and said with an apologetic face.

"Forget it, forget it, I hope they can keep their promises,"

the old realm king waved his hand helplessly.

Time back, five days ago:

"This is the Realm King God Star, let's cultivate here during this time"

Raditz brought Xiaojin, Majin Buu, and Broly to the Realm King God Star.

"What a fresh air, I like it here,"

Broly said with some joy as he carefully felt the environment here.

"Master, why don't we continue to practice in the Spirit Time House and run here,"

Xiao Jin asked with some doubt.

"We have been practicing too frequently in the Spirit Time House recently, so that we can't withstand our energy anywhere,"

Raditz explained slowly, and then sighed

, "Alas, Mr. Bobo has already talked to me, saying that if we continue like this, the Spirit Time House will collapse

" "But here is different, this is the best quality planet in the universe except for the destruction god realm, and it can definitely withstand our construction."

At this time, Majin Buu suddenly stepped forward, pretending to hesitate and said

: "Master, wouldn't it be good for us to do this in someone else's house

" Raditz gave him a blank look

: "Don't worry, the owner here has lost this place to me, in other words, this is our territory

" "I lean, master cow"

Majin Buu sighed in surprise, couldn't help but give a thumbs up, and then ripped his throat and roared

"Is there anyone, hurry up and come out to entertain your Grandpa Buu

" "Majin Buu"

saw the figure of the comer, the realm king god gasped and exclaimed with some fear.

Although he knows that the other party has been subdued by Raditz, the shadow left behind is not so simple to erase.

The Old Realm King God and the others looked at the sudden demon Buu in horror, and no one knew what the other party wanted to do here.

"Hey, you are the natives here, now that my master has accepted here, you can leave, of course, if you are willing to stay as a servant or something, it is not impossible"

Majin Buu stepped forward and said with an arrogant face.

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