"Find me something

" The sudden appearance of Raditz and the others startled the three of the Realm King God, and said with a difficult face

: "Mr. Raditz, you haven't left yet

" "Brother..."

Sun Wukong, who was just about to speak, quickly covered his mouth after seeing Broly next to Majin Buu, and his eyes drifted up and down.

"Kakarot has something to say, Broly has been able to control his sanity

" "Really, that's great"

After Sun Wu's great joy, he also explained everything that happened in the Destruction God Realm for Raditz and the others, and the purpose of his coming this time was to find a player who competed with the sixth universe.

"Counting brother, you, Xiaojin, Majin Buu, and Broly, we already have six people,"

Sun Wukong wrenched his finger and said dumbly.

"When will the competition start

" "It seems to be three days later

" Sun Wukong thought for a while

and said, "I know, we will participate

" Raditz responded lightly, and then turned to the Realm King God and the others on the side and

said, "There have been many disturbances in this time, I have spoken to count that our gambling contract is voided today

" "Polite Mr. Raditz"

said, Raditz took the three of them and prepared to leave

, "Mr. Raditz is free to play often" "


Hearing this, Raditz turned back to the Realm King God and asked.

The "Eh"

Realm King God was a little speechless for a while, and the Old Realm King God next to him was already as pale as black charcoal at this time, staring at him deadly.

"Haha, don't worry! I won't spoil it next time,"

Raditz responded with a smile, and everyone left the Realm King God Realm.


Three days later

, Raditz came to Bulma's house with Xiaojin and the others as agreed, and when they arrived, they found that all the partners such as Klin, Turtle Immortal, Tianjin Fan, Kiki and others had arrived in advance.

"Isn't that guy from Kakarot here yet?"

Raditz asked the crowd with some doubt.

The corners of Beerus's mouth twitched slightly after seeing everyone, and he said with some annoyance: "We are going to the competition, you should be a tourist, and drag the family with you

" "It's great that everyone is here"

At this time, Sun Wukong suddenly appeared behind everyone, and said with some excitement

"Lord Beerus, let's go quickly"

Beerus glanced at Sun Wukong, walked to Weis's side and said lightly

"Then let's go and join those guys from the sixth universe"

Hearing this, Weiss smiled gently, and the scepter in his hand suddenly shone with a cyan light, and everyone was wrapped in it, and as the light flashed, everyone disappeared on the earth.

In the universe, Weiss and others are driving at the speed of light, everyone looks at the stars and the sea outside, and they can't help but fall into intoxication,

"It's so beautiful",

even Bulma who has come to the universe many times is deeply attracted by this scenery!

Klin subconsciously picked up the camera in his hand and prepared to take pictures, but when he jammed the lens, when he heard a bang, his entire camera emitted black smoke

"Ahem, sorry for the occupational disease"

Bick coughed dryly, and said with some embarrassment.

"Look, what a

big dragon ball, is this the super dragon ball" Hearing this, everyone was also attracted by this call, and saw six dragon balls as big as a planet surrounded there, and in the center was an earthy brown planet with no signs of life, and huge potholes were all over the surface of the planet.

"Haha, this should be the place where we play, everyone is ready for us to land"

Weiss smiled lightly, and then reminded everyone.

"Wow, what a big arena"

After landing, Sun Wukong saw a huge arena placed inside an energy light mask, the area of which was already dozens of times the arena of the world's first martial arts conference.

On both sides of the ring were signs taking away images of Beerus and Elephant Pa, surrounded by hard auditoriums.

"Is this all cooked by Lord Xiangpa, it's really powerful, it's worthy of the God of Destruction,"

Sun Wukong said with some surprise.

"Hmph, the God of Destruction won't do such boring things, but this dirt-to-slag building is to his taste,"

Beerus snorted coldly, a little playfully.

"Hmph, Beerus, you are finally here, I thought you were too scared to come,"

said Xiangpa mockingly.

"I'm afraid? I'm afraid you'll lose too ugly,"

Beerus replied lightly

, "Don't talk nonsense, have your people arrived?"

"Of course,"

he said, and behind him walked out the contestants of the sixth universe.

A thin teenager, a dark robot, a big stupid bear with yellow all over, and two...

"Oh, you don't look like Frieza,"

Monkey King said with some surprise.

"Hmph, there really is such a disgusting creature in any universe,"

Vegeta snorted coldly, and then said in disgust.

"Hey, that person looks like his eldest brother, but he has changed his ugly skin, and he can't show my eldest brother's mighty and handsome,"

Majin Buu pointed to the alien dressed in purple on the other side and said mockingly.


" "Xiaobu, what you said is very reasonable, this guy will be handed over to me to deal with in a while"

Xiao Jin glanced at the other party, then nodded and said with a smile.

"Hehe, bumping faces is not terrible, who is weak and who is embarrassed, big brother, you must teach your half-brother a good lesson in a while"

Majin Buu laughed strangely and said.


", "Ah", "

Big brother, why are you hitting me,"

Majin Buu covered his head and looked at Xiao Jin with some grievances and asked.

"I beat you up, how can I have an opinion?"


" "How is that possible, hehe, big brother beating up the little brother is a blessing for the little brother,"

Majin Buu said with a sneer.

"That guy looks too similar to Frieza, and he is not a good person at first glance,"

Klin whispered in Tianjin's ear, after all, the other party caused such a shadow to himself, I scolded him behind my back for not being too much.

Flost: ???

"Hmph, a group of ignorant people, he is the spokesperson of justice in our sixth universe, he has won several peace prizes and funded tens of thousands of poor orphans."

Elephant Pa glanced at Klin and them with disdain, and said lightly.

"What? Peace Prize?

As soon as the words "fund poor orphans"

came out, everyone was in an uproar, and their faces were full of disbelief.

"I, Nima, just kidding, Frieza can actually represent justice,"

Vegeta said with some disbelief.

"I didn't expect that with this face, I could still be a good person,"

Sun Wukong also muttered with some doubt.


" "Although I don't know who Frieza is in your mouth, you can't attack Ya personally"


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