At this time, Frost slowly walked out of the crowd, his face was full of polite danger, but behind his face there was a trace of coldness.

"Hello, my name is Frost! It is the captain of the space guard of the sixth universe!

Frost bowed deeply with one hand, with a little smile on his face, and greeted him kindly.

Everyone looked at each other when they saw this, after all, Frieza brought too many shadows to them, and suddenly a face against Frieza was so friendly to himself, he always felt a little strange, he didn't know how to respond to each other's enthusiasm.

At this time, only the nervous Monkey King walked out with a smile, greeted the other party enthusiastically, and said,

"Hi, hello!" My name is Monkey King, in our universe, there is a very good and very similar person to you, but he is very bad, so everyone is a little too comfortable with

you" "I can already see from your attitude just now, I am also curious about the person you are talking about" Frost smiled slightly and responded to Monkey King.

"Okay, is the nonsense over? The game is ready to begin!

Xiangpa suddenly stood up and said to everyone with some impatience.

"Mari point quickly explain the rules" Beerus glanced at Xiangpa, picked his nose, and then a black substance was thrown on the other party's body.

"Beerus, are you disgusting,"

Xiangpa said angrily as he knocked off the disgusting substance on his body in disgust.

"Haha, who made you so stupid, you can't dodge"

Seeing this, Beerus turned his whole person on the ground and mocked mercilessly.

"Beerus, you bastard, are you trying to fight?"

"Hit and beat, am I afraid that you won't succeed?"


With the two air currents surging, the fists of the two have collided together, and the power of the God of Destruction made the entire pomp and ceremony tremble.

"Lord Beerus, calm down

" "Lord Elephant, have you forgotten the purpose of our coming here today?"

Hearing this, the two people returned to their positions unconvinced, Xiangpa's lying on the ground, his fertile stomach instantly bulged, and said in a voice

, "Bardos, you come to announce the rules of the game

" Hearing this, Bardos smiled lightly, and then said:

"Okay, since that's the case!" Let me explain to you: this competition is divided into two parts. First of all, it is a competition, that is, a competition of culture, and then a competition of martial arts, a competition of strength! Hearing

this, Beerus frowned slightly, and said with some displeasure:

"Why is there still a written test?"

Xiangpa stood up and said lightly to Beerus on the opposite side:

"Of course there is!" This is a competition between our two universes, of course, compared to the competition of culture, are you all mentally retarded in the seventh universe? Haha

" After hearing this, a trace of anger flashed in Beerus's eyes, and he said with some impatience:

"Bibi, I want to see who has more cosmic mental retardation"

Beerus glanced at his side lightly, it seems that except for the fat man and Sun Wukong, they are not idiots, but even so, what is the problem based on the weak intelligence of Xiangpa.

Thinking of this, he immediately nodded and said, "Then let's start!"

"Then let's decide on the contestants too,"

Sun Wukong looked at Raditz and said lightly.

"Hmph, I don't care, Uncle Ben definitely wants to participate"

Vegeta clasped his hands to his chest and snorted coldly, and said.

"I won't participate in this game, Broly won't participate in his ability to train, Jin and Buu can"

Hearing this, Raditz glanced at the three little brothers behind him, and then said lightly.

"Ah, brother such a good opportunity you don't participate? Don't you want to play with these masters? Hearing

Raditz's words, Sun Wukong was a little surprised, but also said with disappointment.


"Just because they are worthy, my opponent must be at least a God of Destruction,"

Raditz said with a shake of his head and a nonchalant look.


" "In that case, then the players we are participating in here are, me, Vegeta, Xiaojin, Majin Buu and Bike"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong was a little embarrassed, listening to the other party's Versailles statement, there was always a little bad taste in his heart.

After deciding on the contestants, the two team members were arranged together, a table was placed in front of them, and then a paper roll fell in front of their eyes!

"This written test is a multiple-choice question, there are ten multiple-choice questions on the paper, and those who answer five questions correctly will be considered victorious!"

Bardos looked at the confused people, smiled slightly, and explained lightly.

Everyone's faces became a little serious. Then picked up the paper on the table, Dingqing looked at

"Dad gave Xiaoming ten yuan, Xiaoming bought a lollipop and spent one piece, bought a bucket of instant noodles and spent six yuan, asked how many puddings can be bought for the rest of the money

" "Lying groove"

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but secretly scold in their hearts, which big fool forced the question!


"Whew, it's finally over,"

Monkey King let out a long breath, and then took the test paper to Bardos.

"Let me see

" At this time, Xiangpa's hand snatched the test paper, and saw that it was written on it, and the rest of the money could also buy the pudding after eating

, "This... That's a great answer, this man is a genius"

Soon, everyone finished answering these mentally retarded questions. And Sun Wukong and Majin Buu just passed with the worst results in the game.

Bardos looked at this group of not very smart people, smiled slightly, then coughed dryly, and said lightly

: "Since everyone has passed the competition, the next step is the duel between the two players!"

This duel is a wheel battle, as long as you defeat your opponent, you can take the next step and continue fighting with the next opponent until the match is won!

Another point is that the draw is used to determine the order of appearance. Saying

that, Bardos's scepter flashed, and a box appeared in front of everyone, and then said lightly

, "Okay, let's start drawing lots"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong and others also put their hands into the drawing box one after another, and a moment later, Sun Wukong jumped up excitedly and said

, "Great, I'm the first

" "Hmph, it's really cheap for you, Kakarot"

Vegeta then threw his No. 2 signature on the ground and said with some disbelief.

"Let me see who my opponent is

" "Yay! It's the big stupid bear

"Bodama: "......"

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