With the start of the first match, the audience gradually became quiet, and in the eyes of everyone, Sun Wukong and Golden Bear both came to the ring, and everyone's attention was focused on the center of the ring at the same time.

In the ring, Sun Wukong and Golden Bear stared at each other, wanting to test each other's strength first, and the air instantly became extremely calm.

Sun Wukong stared at each other, then smiled slightly, and said lightly: "Hey, what's your name?" Jin

Xiong glanced at Sun Wukong flatly, with a slight disdain in his eyes, and gently spit out a sentence, "Bodama

" "Hey, what a strange name." I know, let's get started," Sun Wukong smiled slightly and said lightly.

"Hehe, let you see how powerful I am, Monkey King" Golden Bear smiled strangely, shrunk his fat body into a ball, and gently jumped up in place.

"What are you doing?" Seeing this, Sun Wukong asked with some doubts.

I saw that the golden bear jumped on the spot, instantly came to a height of tens of meters, and then used the free fall movement to fall quickly and dig towards Sun Wukong.

Goku was taken aback and quickly dodged the moment the opponent descended, and the Golden Bear at this time used the advantage of the venue to bounce around the ring like a balloon.

Seeing this, Wukong couldn't help but be stunned, and inadvertently a yellow light and shadow collided directly into Sun Wukong's back


Sun Wukong shouted, and the figure fell unsteadily towards the edge of the ring, and at the moment of falling, I saw Wukong stabilize his figure with the help of a qigong wave.

Outside the field, Vegeta was already covered with black lines at this time, and felt that Sun Wukong's attitude of not being serious about fighting was too humiliating, and couldn't help but scold: "Kakarot, if you don't want to fight, get me down!" Hearing

the sound, Sun Wukong covered his head, hehe smiled, and then rearranged the fighting posture, and said lightly: "I'm going to start serious

" At this time, the golden bear was putting his hands together, looking at Sun Wukong with disdain, seeing this, Wukong moved quickly, and came behind the golden bear in the blink of an eye, his hands turned into a calyx shape in an instant, and said lightly in his mouth: "Turtle Sect Qigong"

suddenly, A white pillar of light broke through the resistance of the air and hit the golden bear directly, and then the white smoke evaporated, making it impossible to see clearly.

As the dazzling light dissipated, the white smoke also dispersed with the wind, but what everyone did not expect was that the golden bear stood unharmed in place.

"It's so good, it's all right" Sun Wukong was taken aback, and praised the other party with some surprise.


In the blink of an eye, Sun Wukong's figure disappeared again, and the next moment he appeared in front of the golden bear, and then swung his powerful fist to hit the opponent's body.


The sound of the stormy attack sounded in the ring, and the golden bear did not dodge or dodge, but Sun Wukong's terrifying attack only completed some painless ripples on the other party, and even the opponent's body was unable to retreat.

"Haha, are you Saiyans in the seventh universe just like that? Is it tickling us in the sixth universe? Xiangpa looked at the childlike fight in the field and sneered coldly at Beerus.

"Hmph, you'll know then" Beerus gave him a blank look, but his face also became gloomy, and shouted loudly at Sun Wukong: "Sun Wukong, you give me more seriousness, hurry up and send this big stupid bear to me!" "

Huh" Frost looked at the two children fighting in the field, and couldn't help but smile slightly, and his eyes showed a strange look.

"Haha, didn't you eat? It is ridiculous to beat people without strength, and to threaten to challenge the masters of other universes" Golden Bear stared at Sun Wukong with disdain, and his tone was slightly provocative.

Sun Wukong smiled slightly, and asked a little puzzled: "What kind of body are you, it's too strange, right?" Hearing

this, the golden bear smiled lightly, and said a little proudly: "My body is the most elastic in the universe, you can ignore any attack, you can't win me, haha

" "Hmm, such a powerful body." Hearing this, Sun Wukong's pupils shrank and said with some solemnity.

Looking at the childish fight between the two, Vegeta's whole person looked very annoyed: "What is this guy Kakarot doing, it's a waste of so long to fight this thing!" Saying

that, he shouted directly towards the Monkey King in the audience, "Kakarot, can't you use your brain?" Hearing

this, Sun Wukong's eyes lit up, and the next moment he directly hit the other party's stomach!

"Eight Grid Tooth Road! I'm letting you use your brain, not for you to hit your head, you idiot! Seeing this, Vegeta's whole person stood up directly angrily and said angrily.

Everyone: ............

"Haha, laugh at me, Beerus, are you people in the seventh universe here to be funny?" At this time, Xiangpa had been rolling on the ground with pleasure, pointing at Beerus and saying defiantly.

Beerus did not refute after hearing this, his head was already full of black lines, and he gritted his teeth and said: "This fool, he shouldn't be the first to play!" Sun

Wukong also shook his head with a wry smile, for the other party's body himself is also very headache, no matter where he hits him, the other party does not move, in desperation, Sun Wukong moves, since the conventional play is not good, then don't blame me.

Sun Wukong squatted down, a golden bear with legs flipped to the ground, and then turned around, pulling the opponent's slender yellow short legs to drag him off the field.

"Groove! What the... What the? At this time, the golden bear lying on the ground was full of surprise, he did not expect that Sun Wukong would actually use such a rogue fighting style!

Terrified in his heart, he shot directly behind Sun Wukong, but his neck was too short, and with the speed of Wukong, they all shot lonely, and then Wukong fell on his back, and the proud golden bear was eliminated.

"In the first game, Sun Wukong wins!" With the elimination of the golden bear, the referee also recovered from his confusion and quickly announced the victory of the Monkey King.

"It's great to win, actually win," the seventh universe suddenly cheered excitedly.

"Damn, I lost! What a useless fellow," Xiangpa smiled at the golden bear in disgust and said with some displeasure.

Immediately, he turned to Frost and said: "You go, teach me a good lesson about these guys in the seventh universe

" Hearing this, Frost bent down slightly, and said with a smile: "Very willing to serve"


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