Weiss nodded, the scepter in his hand swayed gently, a divine aura burst out from his body, and finally said with words: "Come out!" Shenlong (Divine Language) "


After a long while, the seven dragon balls the size of seven small stars in front of them shone with golden light, and the field suddenly became quiet, and their eyes were tightly fixed on the dragon balls.

After a while, the entire starry sky trembled, and then a mysterious and powerful force spread out, and the golden light flourished.

Looking at the scene in front of him, a nostalgic smile appeared on Goku's face, and he couldn't help but speak:

"I really miss the days when everyone was looking for Dragon Balls together, when it was not as easy to find the seven Dragon Balls as it is now!"

"yes! I didn't expect time to pass so quickly! Bulma also sighed.

"Yes, remember that we met precisely because we were looking for Dragon Ball, and after that, we also met

Grandpa, and you still ..." "Hmm..."

Before Sun Wukong could finish his memories, Bulma rushed up and blocked his mouth and angrily scolded....

"Shut up, you idiot!"

Vegeta's direct eyelids on the side jumped sharply, and a bad premonition inexplicably rose in his heart.

"Strange, why is the head so itchy!" Vegeta scratched his head and whispered.


As everyone sighed, the seven super dragon balls once again burst out with brilliant golden light, and a huge golden dragon head loomed in the golden light!

As a dragon groan sounded, a golden giant figure gradually solidified, and the mighty scene made everyone stunned!

The moment the golden dragon appeared, it swam in space, engulfing countless asteroids in it!

"This... Is this the Super Dragon? Good... That's awesome! Vic looked at the golden dragon in front of him in surprise, as a Nemesis who could make dragon balls, for the first time he felt so small!

"Oh my God, I don't know how many times bigger than the divine dragon of the earth!" Bulma couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, not even Bolunga!" Sun Wukong nodded in agreement.

"Is this the Super Divine Dragon, so can I make a wish now?" Beerus asked thoughtfully.

Hearing this, Bulma nodded and spoke, "Yes, but you must use the Word of God!" Also, don't forget that you promised me, don't make any bad wishes!

"I know, I don't need you to remind me!" Beerus said with some impatience.

"Weis, come on!"

Hearing this, Weiss nodded and promised

, "Yes, Lord Beerus!"

"Cough..." The

next moment, Weiss organized his language, cleared his throat, and then said to Shenlong: "~%$&\-~, @" (divine language) "

Brother, do you know what Weiss is talking about?" Goku leaned into Raditz's ear and asked in a low voice.

"He praised you for being handsome!" Raditz gave him a blank look and said lightly.

"Really? Actually, I think so too," Sun Wukong scratched his head and said a little embarrassed.

Soon, Ves finished his wish, and the golden dragon's eyes glowed red, spitting out a pouring mouth, and uttered a divine word that most of the people present could not understand

: "The wish has been fulfilled, leave!"

As soon as the words fell, the golden dragon turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the starry sky, and seven huge dragon balls also flew towards all parts of the universe!

"That... Is this the end of it? Lord Beerus, what wish have you made? Sun Wukong asked with some curiosity.

"yes? It doesn't seem like anything has changed! Bulma nodded in agreement.

"It's a secret!" Beerus reminded softly.

"What secret? No matter how you say that Dragon Ball is also won back by everyone, just tell us! Bulma walked up to him and asked unrelentingly.

"That's it, Lord Beerus, don't be so petty!" Sun Wukong on the side also asked again and again.

"Well, since you want to know so much, I'll tell you! I asked Shenlong for a big bed that was so comfy that it was outrageous! Beerus tilted his head, and after thinking for a moment, said to several people.

"What?" Hearing this, the employer couldn't help but be stunned, I didn't expect everyone to spend so much effort, just for a bed!

"Stupid! How can I make such a request, can I achieve it casually? What an idiot you wasted such a great opportunity! Bulma couldn't bear it anymore and cursed directly.

Beerus's face turned dark, this woman was really getting more and more presumptuous, and said with a gloomy face: "I dare to call me an idiot? Am I pampering you too much to make you unaware of your status? "

I'm sorry, Lord Beerus, she didn't mean it." Seeing this, Vegeta on the side quickly pulled Bulma away and apologized.

"What I said is the truth!" Bulma pouted, still a little unconvinced.

"Okay Bulma, let's say two words!" Vegeta said comfortingly.

"The wish has been granted! I'm a little tired, Weiss, let's go back to sleep! Beerus tilted his head and said lightly.

"Yes, Lord Beerus," Ves nodded in response.

"Really, come for nothing!" Bulma said with some grievances

, "Hehe, I don't think so! It's really worth the trip to get to know a master like Hit! It's exciting to think that you will soon be able to compete with the masters of other universes! Sun Wukong clenched his fists, and his eyes showed a strong fighting intent.

"Hmph, it's really a single-celled creature, no wonder Kiki doesn't let Gohan learn martial arts" Bulma gave him a blank look and said coldly.

"What! I'm telling the truth! Sun Wukong said a little unconvinced, and then patted Raditz's shoulder and asked,

"Brother, you think so too, right?"

"Yes, yes, you're right! Don't bother me! Raditz took his hand and said impatiently.

"By the way, do you have any plans next?" Sun Wukong asked curiously.

"What can you plan, go home and sleep!"

"Why don't you come to my house for a few days! Let's have a look! Sun Wukong rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

"You have this strength and I have a yarn, and Vegeta is going!"

Raditz replied lightly!

Then, no longer bothered to take care of each other, and took the family in the other direction!

"That... Vegeta, what do you think? Sun Wukong asked again?

"Hmph..." Vegeta snorted coldly, feeling a little unconvinced in his heart, only now remembering Lao Tzu!

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