Sixth Universe

Bardos was driving the mysterious cube back to the God of Destruction Realm with Xiangpa, and suddenly, a faint green light appeared from the scepter in his hand!

The mysterious block stopped instantly, and Bardos looked curiously at what was happening inside the scepter, and then a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Bardos, what happened?"

Xiangpa behind him asked curiously.

Bardos smiled softly, and the crystal ball of the scepter in his hand was handed to Xiangpa, and then a blue planet appeared on it!

"This is?"

"Lord Xiangpa, this is the earth of our sixth universe! Now I don't know why, there is a trajectory of life on it!

Bardos explained lightly.

"Really? Doesn't that mean we can also go to Earth to taste delicious food?

Xiangpa said excitedly.

"Yes! It should be Lord Beerus who made a wish with Super Dragon Balls and restored our planet to its original state! Bardos thought for a moment and said lightly.

"Cut, who wants him to be nosy!"

Xiangpa pouted and said without care.

Bardos smiled heartily, ignoring the hard-mouthed guy, and then the mysterious cube under his feet moved quickly again!


After the end of the seventh universe

, everyone returned to Earth again and resumed their previous peaceful life!

Raditz returned to live on the island with his family and younger brother, and unconsciously, he has lived in this world for many years and has developed a lot of unique emotions for this world.

By comparison, everyone began a peaceful and peaceful life again, everyone would occasionally go to Bulma's house for dinner, and Sun Wukong often came to provoke himself, and so the days went by!

At the same time, the world is undergoing earth-shaking changes in the future



night falls, darkness hangs over the land, the city is in shambles, and the scene of ruins everywhere looks particularly bleak!

In the future world, the whole city has become extremely quiet, there is no current lights and bustle, only the land buried by ruins, and there is almost no trace of human beings as far as the eye can see!

In the ruins, a blue boy with a face was carefully shuttling through it, his footsteps were light, and he didn't seem to dare to make the slightest sound!

This person is none other than Trunks of the future world!

"Damn dark man, I said I would never let you go..." Trunks

looked at the desolate scene in front of him, his fists were clenched, his eyes were red, at this moment he was already angry to the extreme, but he didn't dare to show his slightest breath.


With the sound of an explosion, the flames were everywhere in the ruins not far from where Trunks was, and the air waves kept rolling.

A dark figure slowly fell from the void, and I saw that he was dressed in black, his eyes were deep, and he was wearing a strange earring at his ear, and his appearance was the same as that of Sun Wukong.

"Trunks, I know you're here..."

"I see you"

The dark man's face froze, and a condensed energy light wave shot out from the palm of his hand, and a huge burst of energy sounded again.

And Trunks was hiding in a secret corner, not daring to make the slightest sound, just watching the other party blindly blowing up Trunks

' deep eyes staring at each other deadly, the murderous aura in his eyes shuddered, and after a moment, he turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

On the other side, after leaving the ruins, Trunks tossed and turned to a simple and damp basement, and saw a figure busy in front of the experimental table!

Trunks looked at the back of the person in front of him, his eyes couldn't help but dim a little, and he said dejectedly: "Mom, I'm back

" Bulma slowly turned around, her beautiful face was a little more vicissitudes, after seeing Trunks, her face was suddenly happy, and she said excitedly: "Trunks, come and see my research results!"

Trunks was stunned and asked with some curiosity: "What!"

Bulma smiled faintly, and then took out a container filled with a light blue liquid from in front of her.

"This is..."


Trunks carefully took it into his hand, and his face suddenly smiled after careful inspection, he is no stranger to this thing, as long as he has this, he can travel back in time and space to find his idol Raditz to help!


Bulma smiled and nodded

, "However, the conditions are too difficult now, and I only collected fuel for one flight!"

"All blame this hateful dark man, if it weren't for him, this world wouldn't be like this!"

Trunks gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and said viciously.

"Don't worry! Trunks, as long as you can go back in time and seek Goku's help, the future will definitely be saved! Bulma patted him and encouraged.


Trunks nodded vigorously, as if he had seen hope, and his eyes had become bloody at this time!

"As long as Mr. Raditz is here, I believe he will be able to defeat the Dark Man!"

Bulma looked at Trunks, who suddenly became a little middle-two in front of her, and couldn't help but smile, she still doesn't know what kind of person Raditz is in Trunks' mouth, because in her impression, Raditz is just the bad guy who destroyed the earth and was killed by Goku.

"I really want to see the Raditz in your mouth, you seem to like him!"


Trunks nodded, recalling the scene of their big battle against Sharu, and a confident smile could not help but appear on his face.

"Trunks, while the dark man has not found himself, you hurry back first!"


Trunks nodded firmly, and walked to the time machine with the fuel in his hand!

Suddenly, an explosion sounded, followed by an evil aura rushing towards him, and Trunks looked tight, staring at the figure coming out of the darkness!

"Trunks, let's go"

Bulma pushed Trunks beside her, a tear of despair crossed the corner of her eye, and then rushed towards the dark man.

"You must find Goku and save the future world

" "Mom..."

Trunks shouted, his eyes were already wet with tears, but he didn't choose to go up and rush up, and gritted his teeth, turned around and rushed into the time machine!

"Mom, I will definitely come back! Wait for me! Looking

at Bulma who disappeared into the explosion, Trunks felt a pang of pain in his heart and pressed the button of the time machine with tears of despair.


With a flash of white light, the time machine and Trunks disappeared in an instant!

"Strange, where did Trunks run!"

"Can't feel his breath?"


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