The weather in the clear sky of the earth

Bulma's home

at this time suddenly turned fierce, and the golden energy gathered in the sky, and then outlined a void blood stain, from which an earthy yellow machine slowly descended!

"Hey, what is that"

Little Trunks, who was playing in the courtyard at this time, quickly flew in that direction after seeing the strange movement not far away!

"There seems to be someone inside?"

Little Trunks looked at the machine in front of him with some surprise, stretched out his small hand to wipe the stain on the glass cover, and saw a teenager fainting.

"Huh? There is actually a sign of our family on it! How strange! Little

Trunks touched his chin and said seriously.

At this time, the Pirav trio also ran over after seeing the movement here, and when they saw the machine in front of them, they were shocked, and thought that some amazing cosmic person came.

"Hey, you guys go get my mother here!"

Little Trunks shouted downwards.

"Hear that? Call you? Hurry up!

Pirav kicked the Shiba Inu next to him and said commandingly.

"Why me?"

"Because doglegs run fast! Hurry

" "Okay! You bully me every time..."

When Bulma learned that a strange machine had landed in their yard, she ran over!

"Time machine?"

Seeing the machine Bulma in front of him, he couldn't help but be shocked, could it be that something big will happen in the future world?


Bulma wiped the dust on the machine and finally said in a word!

"Mom, do you know this machine?" Little Trunks asked curiously.

"Is the person inside the machine a young boy with blue hair?"

"Yes, that's right!" Little Trunks nodded seriously!

"It seems that something big has really happened! Feed? Trunks, you hurry up and help him out! "


little Trunks nodded, then opened the glass cover under Bulma's direction.

When she saw that Trunks had fainted, Bulma ran over with some worry, only to see that he had become scarred at this time.

"Trunks, you hold on, I'll call Vegeta right away!"

Bulma took Trunks' hand and said with a worried look.

"Why is it called Vegeta?"

"Does Uncle Vegeta have anything to do with this?"

"Didn't you hear that Bulma called him Trunks just now?"

"You say, is it possible that this is Vegeta's illegitimate son, and his name is Trunks,"

I said the Pyraf trio as you spoke.

"It's really possible,"

Xiao Wu came back to his senses and carefully looked at the size of Trunks

, "The two really look alike!"

"Nope... No, he won't really be my parents' illegitimate son, right?

Little Trunks covered his mouth and said in surprise.


After a while, Raditz, Vegeta and the others who were guests in the God of Destruction Realm accepted Bulma's message, and after learning of Trunks' arrival, everyone was surprised, only Raditz nodded secretly.

"I didn't expect time to pass so quickly, and Black Goku has already appeared!" Raditz whispered.

"Brother, what are you thinking, let's go!"

Raditz's reminder interrupted Raditz's thoughts, and he smiled slightly when he came back to his senses, and then motioned for several people to put their hands on his body.

Soon, under the full burst of little Trunks, Raditz captured a trace of the other party's breath, and with a bang, everyone disappeared in place!

"Vegeta, do you still have fairy beans on you? Trunks is in a bad situation,"

Bulma asked anxiously at the sight of the arrival of Vegeta and the others.

"That... I'll pick it up right away! Sun

Wukong glanced at Trunks lying on the bed, and quickly used teleportation again!

"I don't know what happened to the bottom of the world in the future, Trunks will actually be injured like this!" Bulma put her hand on Trunks' forehead and said distressedly.

"Vegeta, the fairy bean is here, quickly take it to Trunks!"


Vegeta nodded, and then quickly took the fairy bean!

At the moment of taking Xian Bean, Trunks' injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he quickly opened his eyes.

"Hey, Trunks! Long time no see! Sun

Wukong and Raditz looked at each other and greeted each other in a friendly way!

However, Trunks, who had just opened his eyes, suddenly shrank his pupils the moment he saw Sun Wukong, his body couldn't stop trembling, and the picture of Bulma being murdered suddenly appeared in front of him!


Suddenly, Trunks directly exploded and attacked towards Sun Wukong!

"You bastard

" "Trunks, what's wrong with you? It's me? Sun Wukong caught Trunks' fist and asked with some doubt.

"Is it Uncle Goku?"

Hearing the other party's words, Trunks reacted in a trance, looked at the familiar scenes around him, and knew that he had returned to the past!

"I'm sorry Uncle Goku, I offended a lot just now!"

Trunks hurriedly made a big gift and said with a humble face.

"Hey, hey, it's okay!"

Sun Wukong scratched his head and said without care.

"By the way, Trunks, how did you come back so well?"

Bulma's voice made Trunks' eyes red, slowly turned around, Trunks could no longer hold back his emotions, and knelt directly in front of her, tears in his eyes dripping!

"What's wrong, Trunks,"

Bulma touched his head and said with some distress.

"Hey, little ghost, if I'm mistaken, you're supposed to be called Trunks too, right?"

Beerus leaned over to Xiaote's side and asked aloud.

"Yes... yes,"

little Trunks nodded seriously.

"So it is, I see!"

Weis's eyes suddenly became solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "It seems that time has been manipulated!" "

Nani?" Beerus's face sank, and he said in surprise.

"Hey, Trunks, calm down and tell us what will happen to the future world?"

Trunks wiped his eyes and slowly stood up.

"Mom, who is he? Why do you call him Trunks too? Xiao Te bit his lower lip and asked in surprise.

"He's the grown up you

" "What?"

Xiao Te covered his mouth and said with an incredulous look.

After Bulma's explanation, Beerus and the others also figured out the cause and effect.

Beerus walked in front of the time machine, looked at himself above, and couldn't help but say in surprise,

"I didn't expect that humans could really create such a thing as a time machine!"

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