After simply eating enough here in the Garin Immortals, he said goodbye to the Garin Immortals, danced and flew towards the location of Vic and Son Gohan!

"It seems that everything is going well! Goku should still be running on that snake path now! Ten immortal beans should be able to hold him to the Realm King.

Sun Wuling arrived, at this moment the mountain stone here was broken and broken, and Sun Wuhan was lying on the hillside and sleeping, and changed into a new clothes, the same orange martial arts suit as Sun Wukong, the difference is that there is a magic word written in front of him on the back, and there is a sword next to him.

"Wuling, you're finally here!"

Vic floated in the air, his green face tense, and his cold eyes carried a glow in the dark starry sky!

"Thank you Vic for seeing the moon destroyed, and I thought about Gohan!" Sun Wuling looked at this moment without fear and said with a smile.

"This little devil does have amazing potential, Wu Ling, I have already helped you take care of this stinky little devil who loves to cry, we should also start cultivating!" Vic shouted loudly to Sun Wuling.

"Tomorrow morning, I haven't been idle all day today, wow..." Sun

Wuling yawned and continued: "By the way, Tianjin Rice and Vic Your meditation has given me a great inspiration, Vic , your mind is the calmest, smartest, and most knowledgeable I have ever seen, so I thought of you, if you really succeed, maybe we can really defeat the next Saiyan and surpass Wukong."

"More than Sun Wukong, you, hum, Sun Wuling, I want to see what you said?" Vic snorted coldly, leaving Sun Wuling with a back.

Sun Wuling's expression did not change in the slightest, and now Vic no longer had the evil aura of the Vic generation, and suddenly, a smile appeared on his face, and he shouted to Vic who flew away: "By the way, Gohan has also asked you to train him with me during this period of time." "


Vic was unstable, almost fell directly, his expression can be said to be very wonderful, he actually has to take care of the crying little ghost! This period of time alone has already driven him crazy.


Early the next morning, Sun Wuhan woke up alone from his dream and opened his road to survival for this period of time, and Sun Wuling, Vic was on the mountain peak in the distance at the moment.

"Qi, Bike, I am very sensitive to the control and perception of qi, I can feel that in addition to air, the earth itself, flowers and trees have qi."

Sun Wuling's palm spread, and in Bick's line of sight, the surrounding qi slowly converged, and finally formed a white energy gas bomb!

"Goku, you mean to think?" Bick's eyes widened and he looked at Sun Wuling with some disbelief.

"That's right, you're watching, Vic!"

The qi in Sun Wuling's palm merged into his body and was slowly absorbed by his body.

Vic felt that the strength on Sun Wuling's body had vaguely become a little stronger.

"No wonder you and Sun Wukong can surpass me so much, but Wuling, what you said should not be so simple, otherwise you wouldn't need my help." Vic asked to Sun Wuling.

"yes! But Goku didn't, I said it for a long time at that time, Goku didn't understand what I meant, so I gave up.

Sun Wuling said with a smile, and then gave Vic a diagram of the internal structure of the human body, pointed to the three dantian locations he specially marked, and said: "Every life has an upper limit to qi, what I imagine is whether it can store qi in the dantian, if the qi is stored in the dantian, the upper limit of life will also increase, and I don't know how to flow qi into the dantian."

"Lower Dantian, Middle Dantian, Upper Dantian!" Wuling, although I don't want to praise you, but I really can't help but say, you are really a genius, but Wuling, you ignored, qi can be absorbed by the cells in your body, indicating that you have not reached the limit! Vic looked at Sun Wuling and said.

"Am I not at my limit?"

Sun Wuling looked at his hands and fell into deep thought, in the future, it is more like becoming Sun Wukong's lone home field, Super Saiyan, and Klin, Yamucha, Tianjin Rice, etc. are more like being bound by a shackle, and can no longer keep up with the pace of Sun Wukong and Vegeta.

As for the dantian, how could Sun Wuling forget ah, Bike's praise, Sun Wuling can only be happy in his heart, see if he doesn't speak, but for himself has not reached the limit, Sun Wuling is very surprised, it seems that he still underestimated himself.

"Vic , would you like to try it too, but it may hurt!"

Sun Wuling's palm spread, and the condensed qi was the size of a basketball this time.


Vic who just wanted to refuse stopped suddenly, his current strength is worse than Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong is a lot, now Sun Wukong has gone to the realm king to practice, he doesn't want to be left behind so much by Sun Wukong, Sun Wuling!

"Come on! Sun Wuling! "


Vic's harsh scream resounded throughout the valley, and all the qi condensed by Sun Wuling was instilled into Bike's body, slowly absorbed by the body, and it took at least several hours before he recovered.

The feeling of fullness and swelling in the body disappeared, and Vic looked at his hands, he became stronger, those qi belonged to the world, there was natural qi.

"It's getting stronger... Vic looked at himself, and his strength suddenly rose a lot! Suddenly, something came to mind in his heart, and he quickly looked at Sun Wuling.

"Don't worry, I know what you're worried about? I deliberately calculated for a long time, the gods of heaven, the Garin immortals have also seen it, no problem, how can I do that to the things that are promoted by pulling seedlings, this ability is very useful to us, but only once a month, otherwise it will really hurt the root, now, you need to condense your own strength!

Sun Wuling took a fighting stance against Bike.

"Okay, Gory, come! It just so happens that I will also try my current strength! "

Phew! Shout!

Vic and Sun Wuling collided with each other in the air, the roar was continuous, the figure was fast, and each collision caused the nearby valley to collapse.

As for why Sun Wuling didn't use it on Sun Wukong, or Klin, it is also very risky to introduce natural qi into the body, if you don't understand the structure of the body, it will hurt the root!

Sun Wukong doesn't say, in addition to the meridians, acupuncture points, body, heart, small intestine, and other internal tissues, you also need to be able to control this natural qi, before Klin was just a finger-sized natural qi that made him hurt, Tianjin rice and others can't do it.

This method suits him, he can control the natural qi with a radius of one meter into the body, while Vic can withstand the qi the size of a basketball, and even so, Sun Wukong can still catch up, and when he was in Bun Mountain before, he has been able to chase him closely!


Time passed, more than two months have passed, and the Tianjin rice, Yamu tea, Klin, and dumplings of the heavenly realm are practicing under the guidance of the heavenly gods!

Sun Gohan has also become stronger in the past two months, his personality has become a lot stronger, and he has also joined his practice with Bike, but only to practice and teach Sun Gohan moves!

And at this time, Sun Wukong, who had reached more than a thousand combat strength, spent two months to finally reach the end of the snake road and saw that realm of kings!

"It's finally here, whew... There is only one fairy bean left, and when the fairy beans run out, I really don't know what to do! "

Sun Wukong's Dancing Void Technique flew up, towards the planet standing on that cloud!

Just when he arrived at the Realm King, a huge pressure suddenly made him fall directly on the Realm King, and his body seemed to be poured with lead, and his movements were very slow.


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