"Ahhh... What's going on! Sun

Wukong held his body, and the gravity of the King Star made Sun Wukong very reluctantly let himself stand up, and his body was like poured lead!

"The King of the Realm, is the Lord of the Realm King here? My name is Sun Wukong, and I am a martial artist on earth. With

every step, Sun Wukong seemed to be frozen.


Suddenly, there was a cry of protest in his stomach again, and Sun Wukong lay uncontrollably on the ground.

"Stomach, hungry!"

Sun Wukong just took out his last immortal beans and quickly shook his head!

"No, the fairy beans can't just be wasted..." Sun

Wukong saw that the big tree in the distance was still bearing fruit.

"Hey, hey... Let's go over there and find something to eat first!

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and walked towards the tree step by step.

"Who are you? How did you end up with me?

Sun Wukong was stunned, turned to look, one looked not tall, wearing a black robe, pink sleeves, and a special symbol character, the skin was blue, the face looked a little round, the ears were pointy, and he was wearing glasses.

Two beards stretched left and right, and two insect-like antennas on their heads!

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Mr. Jie King, are you Mr. Jie King?"

In addition, there is an orangutan pet Barbust, and a Guregoli who floats in mid-air, looks like a grasshopper, but has a psychic mind and can speak!


Earth, celestial!

Tianjin rice, kelin, dumplings, Yamucha ended their practice!

The Heavenly God looked at the four and said, "You have surpassed me, and Mr. Bobo and I have nothing to teach you, during this time when the great war is coming, go back to your own cultivation!" In the future, the earth will be entrusted to you. "


Colin. Yamucha replied with a voice.

He took off his weight-bearing clothes, said goodbye to the heavenly realm, returned to their respective homes, and began self-cultivation.

And at this moment, Sun Wuling began to instill the natural qi again, integrated into the body, and Vic and Sun Wuhan began to practice against each other!


Sun Wuhan was beaten by Bick, his nose was completely blue and his face was swollen, even when he practiced against Sun Wuling, Sun Wuling did not keep his hand!

Sun Gohan stood up, rubbed his wounds, did not cry like before, and his personality became resolute and strong.

Sun Wuhan has a high potential, starting from nothing, he is forced to catch up with Bike, as for Sun Wuling, Bick himself no longer wants to see him, and the gap with him is now getting bigger and bigger, even if he is instilled with the Qi of Nature by Sun Wuling.

"Gohan, don't stop, go ahead!"

Vic struck towards Son Gohan again, his palm like a knife, and his face was smiling madly.

Looking at Sun Wuling, who was growing bigger and bigger than himself, Vic understood that he would never be able to surpass him, and Sun Wukong also went to practice where the King of the Realm was gone, and I am afraid that he would only be stronger at that time!

"Gorei, didn't you say that Gohan has potential that neither you nor Son Goku can imagine? I see how capable he can be. What

Vic was thinking, Sun Wuling did not know, he had been instilled by the Qi of Nature in the past few months, and his strength had grown by leaps and bounds.

"Enlightenment, can you hear me? Enlightenment! "

Familiar voices come straight to mind!

"This is ... Telepathy, the same move as Bike, Goku, you're here for the King of the Realm! Sun Wuling asked in surprise, it has only been more than two months, he seems to remember that the original Sun Wukong seems to have taken half a year or four or five months.

"Yes, don't worry, I'm fine here, Wu Ling, just now Lord Realm King told me that the Saiyans still have two hundred and eighteen days to reach Earth."

"Two hundred and eighteen days!"

Sun Wuling can't remember how much it used to be, but now it's definitely more than it used to be!

"By the way, Goku, it took you so long to reach the Realm King on the Snake Road that the Celestial God said, don't forget the time to come back." Sun Wuling reminded.

"Ah, yes, Wuling, if it weren't for your reminder, I almost forgot, I would definitely remember!" Sun Wukong suddenly realized and shouted.


Sun Wuling didn't know if Wukong would really remember it by then.

"Goku, let's talk to your sister-in-law after you come back, she is very angry with you for not saying goodbye!"

Sun Wuling's ridiculous words made Sun Wukong feel a tingling in his mind, and he imagined Kiki's anger.

After finally chatting a little more, Sun Wukong began to telepathize with Tianjin Meal, Klin and others, and the main purpose of Sun Wukong this time was to tell everyone how long before the Saiyans arrived.

"Two hundred and eighteen days! Vegeta's combat effectiveness is over 10,000, I don't remember how much. Sun Wuling looked at his hands, but when he thought of the situation that had broken the rules in the future, he still for, what did he think about?


Time passed, Sun Wukong remembered Sun Wuling's reminder, and after practicing for two hundred and sixteen days, he began to go back, and after less than a day's journey, he came back early, and then immediately came to find Sun Wuling, Bike!

On the 218th day, two unidentified spherical spacecraft passed through the atmosphere and crashed into an urban city.

The sky seemed to be engulfed in sparks, and Vegeta, Naba flew out of the spaceship, causing a wave of panic in the city!

"Hmph, this is the earth! Not bad? Vegeta said with an evil smile on his chest.

Naba showed a bloodthirsty smile, "Then let me say hello to these guys who have never seen the world!" That

palm condensed, one, the qi in the body began to surge, and just as it was about to erupt, a qigong bullet cut through the air.


Vegeta, Naba was startled, Vegeta reacted, flew into the distance, and dodged, but Naba couldn't react, and was directly hit by the qigong bomb.


The loud explosion sound frightened the people around, and some of them were directly scared to pee their pants.

The dust dissipated, Naba's back was scorched black, many parts of his body were directly burned, and the angry fire-breathing gaze looked behind him.

"Who, who dares to sneak up on Uncle Ben!"

Vegeta landed on the ground, looking at the figure falling from the sky in front of him with a somewhat solemn expression.

He has black broken hair, looks handsome, and wears a purple martial arts suit!

"Whew, it's fine! Caught up. Sun

Wuling breathed a sigh of relief at the moment, Bulma monitored every move in space, and after learning the place of the fall, he hurriedly came and interrupted Naba, who just wanted to destroy the city!

Vegeta, Naba quickly used the detector to check Sun Wuling's combat power, but the value displayed by the detector was five.


Naba laughed loudly as he looked at the combat power values coming from Sun Wuling's body.

"You are only five garbage, you actually dare to disturb Uncle Ben!"

Naba's tall and burly body gave people a sense of oppression, strolling towards Sun Wuling!

Standing in front of Sun Wuling, he lowered his head and looked directly at Sun Wuling from the bottom of his eyes!

Sun Wuling's height is one meter eighty-three, and Naba's height is probably more than two meters.

Sun Wuling raised his head, his indifferent face with a hint of a smile, in that stunned gaze, ridiculed: "I find that sometimes dressing up as a pig is really comfortable, but it seems that you are not a tiger, Qi Yuan Chop!" "


Sun Wuling's left palm Qi Yuan Slash instantly formed, and after Naba's waist was cut, the Qi Yuan Slash in his hand was dispersed, passing past Naba, and his eyes looked directly at Vegeta!

"What, what?"

Vegeta looked at Sun Wuling solemnly, Naba slowly turned around, the tall body waist slowly seemed to be cut open, directly turned into two halves, let out a painful scream, lying on the ground of the upper body, frightened eyes only saw Sun Wuling's back.


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