"It's great, No. 18, it's a great singing!"

Taise, Kiki, Snow, etc. clapped their palms and shouted at No. 18.

Snow leaned against the wall at this time, supported her body, and said lazily: "On the 18th, how did you and Wuling set the wedding date on August 17th?" No

. 18 was now red-faced, like a child, and the duck sat on the floor, pouting.

"Hmph, Sun Wuling, this bastard, he just wanted to set his wedding date on August 18th, which is my birthday!"

"Wow, how romantic!"

Tais looked envious.

Kiki asked suspiciously, "Then why a day earlier?"


No. 18 puffed out his mouth, drank the beer in his hand, and complained a little: "Romantic ghost, this bastard put the wedding day on the same day as my birthday, in order to give one less gift every year, a man's mouth, a deceitful ghost, is angry with me."


Taise, Snow, Kiki and others were all stunned, is there actually such a routine?

The 18th complained angrily at this time: "So after my wedding anniversary, I have to celebrate my birthday again, Sun Wuling, that bastard, I will never forgive him in my life!" "


The first rays of sunlight in the morning illuminate Bunzi Mountain!

The bud-like grass and trees on Bun Mountain seem to welcome a new day at this moment!

Suddenly, a harsh scream broke the tranquility of Bunzi Mountain in the morning.


In the martial arts hall, Vegeta looked at himself in a bikini costume, the tail belonging to the Saiyan was wrapped around the waist at the moment, the original clothes were somehow ripped off, and then thrown in a corner in the distance, and the futon on his body was covered by Son Gohan.

"What's wrong?"

After seeing that someone was about to wake up, Vegeta picked up his clothes and hurriedly ran to the bathroom in the martial arts hall, changing his clothes, his lips were trembling with anger, he remembered the last vague impression that he was sung by Sun Wuling as a microphone, and then dreamed back to the time when he used to wear women's clothing, he put bikinis into his clothes and avoided the fate of social death.

But reality is completely opposite to his dreams, what did he do after falling asleep drunk? Why was he stripped naked and then replaced with a bikini.

At this time, on the other side, Bidili and Sun Gohan hid in the cultivation field, holding each other's cameras and showing excited smiles.

Bidili smiled and said: "It's so interesting, Gohan, last night the 18th senior lady she held Aunt Bulma and sang the red lotus flower, hahaha..."

Sun Wuhan replied in surprise: "Alas, Uncle Wuling is too, holding Uncle Vegeta to sing to the sky for another five hundred years, and then Uncle Vegeta was stripped by Dad, Uncle Wuling, Uncle Bike, Uncle Tianjin Rice, Uncle No. 17, they stripped naked and put on bikinis!"

"Lying groove, women's clothes again, show me quickly, show me quickly, Gohan..."

Bidiri stared at the boss, surprised and directly burst into foul language, is the boy's side actually so explosive? Pulling Son Gohan's arm, he pleaded.

Sun Gohan played the video, and Bidiri snuggled on Sun Gohan's shoulder, very natural, and the two watched the live video together!

Sun Gohan complained: "Uncle Vegeta, Aunt Bulma really poured blood mold?" Both husband and wife were poisoned by Uncle Wuling and Aunt 18.

Bidili put her arm around Sun Wuhan and said softly: "In the second half of the night, Aunt Bulma got up to go to the toilet, and ran to Master Wuling's bedroom in confusion, and as a result..."

Bidili's face changed greatly, she had already imagined that Sun Wuling was about to explode next, and continued: "Finally, Aunt Bulma ran to the bathroom in confusion, holding the toilet and singing and gradually attracted to you!" Then she fell asleep and was taken back to her room by me. Sun

Wuhan felt that his head was going to grow big at this time, he had already thought that Bun Mountain might explode next, but looking at Bidily at this time, what fear, fear disappeared, although he is not old, but he is now the strongest, that is, his Uncle Wuling is not his opponent.

"So Bidili you deliberately let that Bulma guy into my bedroom, didn't you?"

Bidili laughed loudly: "yes, hahaha... I also didn't expect that Aunt Bulma would use Master Wuling's room as a toilet, I thought that Aunt Bulma was looking for the wrong room, and then I couldn't stop it if I wanted to, hahaha..."

Suddenly, Sun Wuhan, Bidili froze instantly, her smile stopped abruptly, and two cold killing intents made the two swallow their spit unnaturally.

The two turned their heads mechanically, Sun Wuling, No. 18 and the two of them wrapped their hands around their chests at this time, showing a playful smile, so that the video recorder in their hands fell to the ground.

"Master, Master, Master, why is your aisle silent!"

Bidiri was about to cry out at this time, and her petite body was trembling at this time!

"Okay, Bidili, I used to say in the chat group that I was unlucky, but now I'm even more daring! Sure enough, when I grew up, my wings were hardened.

"No, Master, I didn't, Master Wuling, I'm really wrong."

Bidily was holding Sun Wuling's thigh at this time, looking coquettish and cute, and kept rubbing with her little face, like a kitten.

"You... Alas, okay, Bulma told me before she left, Bidili, today you and Gohan took out the carpet and bed in my room and burned it, and then went to the warehouse, got a new bed, and moved to the empty room on the other side of the second floor.

Sun Wuling gently rubbed Bi Di Li's little head, he and Bi Di Li's master and apprentice were like father and daughter, and now Bi Di Li has also grown up a lot.

"Yes, Master, let's go right away!"

After making an OK gesture, Bidi Li grabbed Sun Wuhan's hand and handed the video recorder in his hand to Sun Wuling, No. 18, and quickly left.

Sun Wuling, the two of them looked at the video recorder in their hands and were slightly fascinated, looked at each other, and showed a faint smile.

Yesterday played too hi, it can be said that they are really embarrassed, and the two of them are too, but they feel not bad, completely let go of themselves, and even feel much more comfortable.


Bulma House!

Compared with the aftertaste, even the Monkey King, No. 18, now Vegeta, and Bulma who can even talk about it years later, seem to have lost their faith at this time, and they are confused.

Bulma locked herself in her bedroom and did not come out, and even Tenanks was handed over directly to Dr. Brive, who looked after Mrs. Brive, who was completely black yesterday.

Vegeta is the same, shutting herself in the gravity room and practicing without saying a word! His face was also lost!

"Sun Wuling, you bastard, how can there be someone like you under this sky!"

Vegeta let out a sad and angry roar, he completely gave up his plan to take revenge on Sun Wuling, he couldn't play him, but if there was a chance, he would definitely not let Sun Wuling go.

At this moment, Bulma in the bedroom, and Vegeta in the gravity room, said in the same voice at this moment: "Sun Wuling, No. 18, you two damn husband and wife!" "


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