August 17th has arrived!

Before everyone prepared a wedding gift for Sun Wuling, on the 18th, they also made a fuss and chose their most sincere gift.

The turtle immortal also changed his usual cynical appearance at this moment, and with the blessing of everyone, Sun Wuling officially married the 18th!

And just as the wedding was about to end, two familiar figures slowly came to Bun Mountain.

One of the old men gave people a kind feeling, wearing a martial arts uniform, although he looked handsome, but still gave people a free-flowing feeling, with a halo on top of his head.

"Bun Mountain has changed a lot, hahaha... It's been so long, even Goku and Wuling have grown up! Another

old woman who looked a little petite and delicate, with a wizard hat on her head, was sitting on a floating crystal ball at the moment, and said: "You can only have twenty-four hours in the Yang world, Sun Gohan, hmph, obviously you have been dead for so long, you didn't come back before Goku got married, why did you come back this time when Goku got married!"

The elderly Sun Gohan smiled and said, "Because I didn't expect that Wuling would also get married, and some facts don't worry about him, so I can only ask your help from the divination mother-in-law, by the way, speaking of which, I have to thank you for teaching me this unaccomplished grandson for a while." The

divination mother-in-law replied, "Hmph, it's his own talent, and I probably know why you let him and I learn soul-type moves!"

The old Sun Gohan was stunned, looked at the divination mother-in-law, and asked nervously: "That, divination mother-in-law, you didn't tell the others!" "

Is the old man the kind of person who talks a lot?"

The divination mother-in-law's voice raised a few points in dissatisfaction, so that the elderly Sun Gohan quickly apologized!


Bun Mountain, at this time Sun Wuling was wearing a red wedding dress, No. 18 was the same, red cheongsam, wedding costume The two finally chose this one, Sun Wuling's own feelings were in it, and No. 18 felt that this was simpler than the white wedding dress.

Suddenly, Sun Wuling and Sun Wukong stared at the boss, and the eyes of the two looked neatly at the two figures in the distance, and even the others were attracted by the divination mother-in-law at this time, the elderly Sun Wuhan.

"Grandpa..." Sun

Wuling, Sun Wukong, the two voices were very neat, and even a little couldn't believe it!


Sun Wuhan, Bidili followed his gaze and looked over, the two were still the first time to see Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong looked so gaffe.

"Gohan, sister..." The

turtle immortal was wearing a decent suit at this time, and his eyes under the sunglasses were also very surprised.

Bulma, Yamucha, Klin, Oolong, Pu'er or the insider, Vegeta, Bike, No. 17 and others quietly inquired about it, only to know who these two people really are?

"Hey, hey, hey... Goku, Goku, long time no see, you have grown taller. The

words of the old Sun Wuhan made Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong, and quickly trotted over. On the 18th, Qiqi quickly followed when she saw this.

"Grandpa, I really didn't expect you to come..." Sun

Wuling's eyes were a little moist, even Sun Wukong, but he didn't cry! Excited, at a loss.

Gently rubbing his eyes, Sun Wuling pulled No. 18 and introduced to the elderly Sun Wuhan: "Grandpa, she is No. 18, she is also my wife, and I also have a family." "


No. 18 also glanced at the elderly Sun Wuhan with some restraint, the halo on her head, she had seen the photo of Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong and the elderly Sun Wuhan when she was a child!

"Alas... Hey, hey, hey... Wuling, good vision, on the 18th, if Wuling bullies you in the future, you go to the divination mother-in-law, please divination mother-in-law bring me a message, I will come back immediately to teach him! The

elderly Sun Gohan smiled at No. 18.

Sun Wuling replied: "In that case, grandpa, why don't you resurrect and live with us, I will resurrect you with dragon balls, so that you can also look at me."

"Come less, if it weren't for the worry of you smelly boy, how could I come over, the beauty of the netherworld is like a cloud, you don't want to get me back this old man."

After the elderly Sun Wuhan glanced at Sun Wuling, he felt a little inexplicable, and he couldn't help but muttered inexplicably in his heart, could it be that grandpa really came back to find him? When Goku got married before, he didn't come back.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I killed you!"

Sun Wukong clenched his fists, this apology made the elderly Sun Gohan stunned, looking at the tail that Sun Wukong wrapped around his waist, he understood, it turned out that Sun Wukong already knew the truth of his death.

"Hahaha... Goku, there is nothing to apologize for, and Goku you reassure me, what I am most worried about is Gory, Goku, don't forget, Goku is your younger brother, you must protect him.

Sun Wuling put his hands around his chest, squinted at Sun Wukong, and said, "Grandpa, you still don't know what Wukong looks like, who takes care of whom between us!" You still don't trust me?

"Ah, hey, hey... Grandpa, I definitely will! Sun

Wukong directly ignored Sun Wuling's words, although he did not have any blood relationship, but he was a brother who grew up from childhood.

"By the way, Grandpa, Kiki and I have a son, and now Kiki is pregnant again! Gohan, this is your grandfather, come on! Sun

Wukong greeted Sun Wuhan, who was a little timid at this time, with a smile, and the elderly Sun Gohan looked at his grandson with inexplicable excitement in his heart.

Only Sun Wuling can still wait for a group of people to have an inexplicable strange feeling, Gohan is about to see your grandfather Gohan... It looks strange and inexplicable.

Finally, the wedding ended with the elderly Son Gohan and the divination mother-in-law!


The full moon at night hung above the sky, and the old Sun Wuhan took Sun Wuling to the previous house at this moment! Although this place is no longer inhabited, Sun Wuling will still clean this place with Sun Wukong.

The groom on the body did not unload the groom costume, sat on the bed very familiarly, looking at the elderly Sun Wuhan sitting in the rocking chair at this time, it seemed to return to the time when he was young.

With his feet shaking flexibly, Sun Wuling asked directly: "Grandpa, you specially asked the diviner mother-in-law to come back from the netherworld this time, what happened?"

"Yes, because I can't worry about you more than Goku, Goku, especially after learning about your marriage from Lord Hades, I think it's time to tell you everything!"

The elderly Sun Wuhan looked amiable and said with a smile: "Wuling, do you know why I gave you the name Sun Wuling?


Sun Wuling tilted his head and replied, "As long as it's the name given by grandpa, it's nothing, I like it all?" "

Hey, hey... Yes, I remember that you complained for a long time, Wu Ling, after all, this name really doesn't sound as good as Ling Yuxing!" "

The words of the old Sun Wuhan made Sun Wuling solidify!

Sun Wuling looked at the old Sun Wuhan mechanically, and his pupils were stretched.

"This, well, hehe... Grandpa, what are you talking about! Who is Ling Yuxing, grandpa, your friend? Sun

Wuling was sweating like rain at the moment, even if his strength was now able to surpass the mysterious Gohan in his memory, but at this moment it was as if he had been stripped naked, his heart was beating fast, and he was nervous.


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