"You guys, you'll regret it!"

Summoning the flying machine back, Vegeta turned his head to look at Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong and the others who were facing away from him at the moment, put down a cruel word, and drove the spherical spaceship away from Earth.

The electric arc that had been condensed in his hand then dissipated, and Sun Wuling smiled with interest: "It seems that this Vegeta and Raditz are really different?" "

Hey, hey... Sorry, Goy! Sun Wukong showed the same hearty smile as before.

"There is nothing to apologize for, be stronger than him in the future, even if next time Vegeta comes again, knock him down, and leave him behind forever."

Sun Wuling said to Sun Wukong, even if this result is a fact in the future, but he trusts Sun Wukong more than Vegeta, after all, they are brothers who grew up together, even if they are not related.

"Alas, I didn't expect that there was no opportunity to show my talents, but now my heart is finally at ease."

Klin breathed a sigh of relief, the threat of the Saiyans had been forcing them not to stop, and now they were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief!

Everyone said goodbye to each other, Klin, Yamucha returned to the Turtle Immortal House together, and after seeing Lan Qi, they were surprised for a while, Tianjin Rice, and Dumplings returned to his Taoist hall together!

Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong, and Sun Wuhan returned to the Bun Mountain!

Kiki saw Sun Wukong and Sun Wuhan, and after Sun Wuhan, she left tears with excitement and hugged each other!

"Great, my Gohan, and Goku, it's great that you're finally back!"

Sun Wukong: "Kiki..." Sun

Wuhan: "Mother..."

Sun Wuling on the side looked at the scene of the family reunion in front of him, smiling and pulling the laughing bull demon king and an explosive-headed man to leave....

"Wait, blasthead... Lying groove..." Sun

Wuling was suddenly startled, he who had always been stable and mature even burst into foul language, his figure jumped back and jumped a step to open the distance, how bun mountain suddenly had another stranger.

"Who are you?"

The palm condensed the Qi Yuan Slash, and Sun Wuling was ready to throw it at this explosive head man at any time, and asked loudly, as long as he didn't say a word, the Qi Yuan Chopper would be thrown directly.

The explosive-headed man was startled by Sun Wuling, and quickly knelt on the ground, "Master, wait, don't do it, I'm a martial artist, my name is Satan, I'm here to worship the master, Master Wuling!" Don't do it. "

Satan... Apprentice!

Sun Wuling glanced at the Bull Demon King and found that he nodded, and the Qi Yuan in his hand dispersed.

"Gory, a month ago, when I was out hunting, I saw him being chased by a group of Tyrannosaurus rex and rescued him, he said that he came to find you and Goku to worship, he has been trapped in Bun Mountain for a week, and I finally brought him back." The Bull Demon King explained with a smile.

Sun Wuling fell into deep thought, Satan, he didn't expect that because of his change, he would actually appear in such a way!

Satan, the name of the devil in his past life, the fallen angel hostile to God, the demon who seduces mankind to fall. In the Bible, the serpent who lured Adam and Eve into eating the forbidden fruit of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, also representing the demon of hell.

Sun Wuling doesn't know if this name is intentional, anyway, combined with the original memory, the appearance depicted and the name of Satan really match!

But now....

"I remember what I said before, just climb the Garin Tower and find the Garin Immortal Cultivator, right? Moreover, I'm afraid you haven't even practiced qi on your body!

Sun Wuling asked in a condensed voice, and Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan, and Kiki on the side also came over.

As for why he is now worshipping him alone as a teacher, Kiki, the Bull Demon King knows the nature of Sun Wukong, let him teach people I'm afraid!

Sun Wuling did not refuse, Satan can mix with the original nature will have his excellence, now martial arts has been completely exposed to everyone's vision, plus Wukong City, Wuling City, these two cities named after them, and the statues set up, I am afraid that the passage of time will forget everything, time can sometimes really change everything.

After hearing Sun Wuling's words, Satan's eyes lit up, when he called Master, Sun Wuling did not refute it, he had a chance!

"Master Wuling, my qualifications are dull, disciples of schools like Turtle Immortal Flow and Crane Immortal Flow have never encountered it, so I dared to come to Bunzi Mountain, just when the disciple was about to die in Huangquan, I was saved by Mr. Bull Demon King, and the disciple was fortunate to see you!"

Satan burst into tears, and the snot made Sun Wuling couldn't help but pout, and said with some disgust: "Take back all the tears and snot to me!"

"Ah, yes..." replied Satan quickly.

When Sun Wukong heard Garinta, he looked at Sun Wuling and said with a smile: "Galinta, hehe... I really miss it, I almost died at that time, or Goku carried me and climbed up the Garin Tower, and then the Garin Immortals saved me with fairy beans. "

What?" Kiki, Sun Wuhan, the Bull Demon King, and Satan all looked at Sun Wukong curiously, there was actually such a thing.

Satan's heart was even more shocked, of course he had been to Garinta, and he heard from the locals about two boys, one of whom climbed the Garinta with a dying boy on his back.

How big is the Garin Pagoda he has personally experienced, there is no end in sight, that is like the Galin Tower running through heaven and earth, at that time, Sun Wuling actually carried Sun Wukong up together.

Sun Wuling also looked at his palms dimly, and seemed to be able to see the hands that were stained with Sun Wukong's blood at that time!

At that time, it was also his first appearance of Qi Yuan Chopper, at that time, there was no Dragon Ball on his body, and he encountered Taobai Bai in Garinta, he and Sun Wukong were not opponents at all at that time, seized the opportunity created by Sun Wukong, Qi Yuan Chopping separated Taobai Bai's corpse, and the corpse was destroyed by him with turtle faction qigong waves!

Sun Wukong was hit by the peach white hole wave, there was no Dragon Ball at that time, but it did not hit the point, because they all became stronger at that time, so Sun Wukong deviated from the point!

After Sun Wuling bandaged Sun Wukong's wound, he tied the rope, carried Sun Wukong and gritted his teeth to climb up the Garin Tower, and after practice, the two smashed the headquarters of the Red Ribbon Base together!

"Don't mention the past, Goku!" Sun Wuling interrupted Sun Wukong, who was still telling the story, he was really frightened at that time, if it caused Sun Wukong's death because of him, he was afraid of what to do when Raditz was in the future.

It is also the case, Sun Wuling has become more cautious, a pot and a half of fairy beans, plus the Dragon Ball that has been placed in his house, as for whether he is selfish or greedy, collect things like Dragon Ball separately, Sun Wuling does not want to encounter those things.

"Haha... Sorry, Wuling, but this Satan can be regarded as quite perseverant to come to Bun Mountain, what are you going to do! Sun Wukong smiled embarrassedly.

Satan is also looking at Sun Wuling with expectation, although the contact time is not short, but he also knows a lot about Sun Wukong's character, kind, gentle, and more accommodating.

Compared with Sun Wukong, Sun Wuling looks more reliable, he remembers Kiqi, what the Bull Demon King said to him, it is really right to worship Sun Wuling as a teacher.

"I didn't say I wouldn't accept it... But!

Satan's smile disappeared in an instant, and he looked at Sun Wuling expectantly.

"However, next I will tell you the condensation method of qi, if you can't gather qi, I won't accept you, Satan!" Sun Wuling looked at Satan coldly and said.

"Yes, Master Wuling!" Satan excitedly kowtowed to Sun Wuling, he finally had a chance to contact qi!


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