Why did Sun Wuling decide to accept Satan, there are many benefits, he originally found a public spokesperson, but he has not had time, but he did not expect that now Satan came to the door, looking at the original performance and luck, Sun Wuling chose to accept him.

"Stand up and talk!"

Hearing Sun Wuling's words, Satan quickly stood up, straightened his posture, and looked at Sun Wuling.

"Before teaching you qi, I can also tell you about martial artists, after becoming a martial artist, although you gain strength, but also have a deeper responsibility, when there is a crisis on the earth, you must be at the forefront, do you understand?"

"Understand, Master Wuling, you defeated the Great Demon King of Vic together with Mr. Goku, and the Saiyan just now, I understand, Master Wuling, although I am timid, but I really want to become a martial artist, Master Wuling." Satan looked at Sun Wuling firmly, and Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King, and Kiki on the side all showed an appreciative smile, obviously satisfied with Satan's words.

"Start cultivating tomorrow, I'm a little tired today, by the way, Satan, do you have a family or something? I'm afraid that I won't be able to go home for a while? Sun Wuling said to Satan.

Satan smiled and replied, "Hee-hee... Master Wuling, I still have a daughter, but I have already asked Mr. Bull Demon King to take her with me.

"Dad..." I

saw Sun Wukong's home, a little girl about the same age as Sun Wuhan, with a meticulously carved look, a somewhat round face, black hair, and Satan is almost like two people!

Sun Wuling: ......


Wukong City, which was once the position where Sun Wuling and Sun Wukong finally defeated the Great Demon King of Bike, was re-established from the ruins, a city with a population of more than 10 million, and the king's palace was also built here.

Klin and Yamucha dressed up in disguise at this moment to avoid being recognized, carrying a large number of purchased materials in their hands!

Looking at the statue of the Monkey King when he was a child, located in the central square, Klin and Yamucha looked at them with a hint of a smile.

Klin: "Well, I still remember when I participated in the 23rd First Martial Arts Meeting under Heaven, I was so crazy about Sun Wukong, the fans who shouted at Sun Wuling, and the whole street was jammed at that time.

Yamucha said with a smile: "Of course I remember, I still remember that Sun Wukong didn't even know what the bride was at that time, and thought it was something delicious, haha... Then I married Kiki so confused, but there was a large number of Monkey King's female fans wailing at that time! "

Phew! Bang! Huh....

Suddenly, the continuous shooting made Klin and Yamucha startled!

The orderly rout of the crowd!

I saw a large group of humanoid robots chasing a woman with long purple hair with a gun!

The woman with long purple hair returned fire with a pistol, and each shot hit the robot's head and brought down a robot.

"That, Klin, look at the robot's logo!" Yamucha pointed to a red double opposing trapezoidal mark on the robot, with R characters engraved on both sides.

"Red Ribbon Legion, impossible, wasn't the Red Ribbon Legion wiped out by Goku and Goku?" Klin was speechless in surprise.

"There may be remnants of the party, save people first!" Yamucha and Klin removed their disguises and rushed up together, moving quickly and cleanly, and in less than a few seconds, they eliminated the robots.

The purple-haired woman was slightly surprised, she recognized Yamucha and Klin! She originally wanted to go to them, but she didn't expect to meet them.

"Are you all right?"

Klin asked the purple-haired woman with concern.

"I'm okay, thank you, Klin, Yamucha!" The purple-haired woman looked clean, sorted out the dust on her body, showed a capable and hearty smile, and smiled at Klin and Yamucha.

For this purple-haired woman to recognize them, Klin, Yamucha has long been strange, although there are not as many fans as Sun Wuling and Sun Wukong, but they can still be remembered, especially Yamucha, because it is more active in the public and has a lot more fans.

"Why did the Red Ribbon Legion hunt you down..." asked Yamucha as she looked at the purple-haired woman, her eyes full of scrutiny.

The purple-haired woman smiled and spread her hands and replied: "Because I also used to work in the Red Ribbon Legion, my name is Violet, I used to be a colonel of the Red Ribbon Legion, and when Sun Wukong and Sun Wuling destroyed the base, I took the opportunity to dig out the vault and ran away." "

What... What the? "

Klin, Yamucha shouted out in surprise, they didn't expect that this purple-haired woman named Violet in front of them would actually have such an identity?

Looking around, Klin said: "This is not the place to talk, take her to the Turtle Immortal House, about the Red Ribbon Legion, let's also talk to Goku and Gohan!"

"Well..." Yamucha nodded approvingly, and together with Klin brought Violet back to the Turtle Immortal House.


At this time, Bun Mountain, Sun Wuling, Satan, and Satan's daughter Bidili were standing in front of him rigidly, for Bidili, who was as big as Sun Wuhan, especially Bidiri, who was still a little loli at this time, with a look of worship and eyes shining, Sun Wuling didn't say anything more? Let her listen with Satan.

A qigong bomb in his hand condensed, and under the incredulous gazes of Satan and Bidili, it hit a stone in the distance, forming a gravel block.

"This is Qi, in addition to attack, Qi has many abilities, isn't it? Magic, not even some trick, tricks, Satan, how to channel your own qi out I have told you, calm, patient, concentrated, if a month has not succeeded in gathering qi, I advise you to forget it!

Sun Wuling glanced at Bi Di Li, his impression was that originally Bi Di Li seemed to be out of anger with Sun Wuhan cultivation, but Satan's look should almost be able to gather qi! If it doesn't work for a month, he will turn to the second teaching of Bidili, after all, Satan is also a talent!

"Yes, Master Wuling!"

Satan and five-year-old Bidili replied in unison.

"Uncle Wuling, Uncle Wuling..."

Sun Gohan flew in a purple martial arts suit of the same style as Vic Qi.

"What's wrong, Gohan!"

Sun Wuling asked!

"Uncle Wuling, just now Uncle Klin contacted Dad, and Dad asked me to call you to go to the Turtle Immortal House together, is there anything about the Red Ribbon Legion?"


Sun Wuling's heart was suddenly shocked, and what came to his mind were two artificial people, No. 17 and No. 18!

"Let's go right away, Gohan!"

Sun Wuling danced the air technique and flew towards the direction of the Turtle Immortal House, and Sun Wuhan followed closely with the time! Leaving Satan and Bidili with wide eyes.

Especially Bidili, she remembers correctly, the one named Son Gohan is as big as her, and now she is able to soar and fly in the sky!

"Fly, Bidili, we must come on, and after the qi is induced, we can really worship the teacher." Satan smiled at Bidili.

"Come on, Dad, we will definitely be able to become disciples of Master Wuling!" Bidily looked at the direction of Sun Wuling's departure with both eyes, and her handsome and cold and proud posture was imprinted in her mind like a prince in a fairy tale, which could not be forgotten for a long time!


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