"I'll go, that's okay!"

Kiki said speechlessly, Sun Wuling is still the familiar formula, never understand what his brain circuits are like, he has no qi now.

Violet and Maren both stared wide-eyed at this time, because of Sun Wuling's words, which caused the two of them to doubt life.

"Who am I? Where am I, ex-girlfriend, I'm your dad, I'm your mom, can it still be like this? Did Klin really think so?

Coming back to her senses, Violet gently rubbed her eyes, looked at Sun Wuling, and asked: "This is what you think, Wuling, if this is really what it means, why did Klin never tell me, if I hadn't accidentally learned about this, I'm afraid I wouldn't have known for the rest of my life."

Sun Wuling spread his hands and explained: "Of course, I don't want you to be too careful, so Klin didn't say that this matter Klin did very badly, and he underestimated you."

Violet proudly straightened her chest and said, "Hmph, I'm not one of those unforgiving little women, Wuling, you are not allowed to use telepathy, I will ask him now, whether this is what it means, Maren, let's go and see what your father means." After

saying that, Violet held Maren and walked out, Sun Wuling gave Bidili a look, he can't, Bidili can, and signaled Bidili to tell Klin about the matter immediately!

Bidili nodded quickly, and telepathy immediately told Klin about the matter! And explain the situation.


Suddenly, Bulma sighed, and in the eyes of everyone, slowly said: "Wuling, why didn't you say it earlier, since this is the case, my son and Vegeta will be called Yamucha."

Sun Wuling's face changed, and he quickly said: "Forget it, Bulma, Tenanks knows what you think, and will cry!" "


Received Bidili's telepathy in advance, Klin instantly became clear, reconciled with Violet and Maren, and the contradiction was solved, although it was briefly thundered, but it was also brought to a new world by Sun Wuling.

"Maren, Maren, I'm your dad!"

"Maren, Maren, I'm your mother!"

Kling, Violet both have an unimaginable sense of comfort in their hearts, and they have fun playing, only the world where Maren is injured.

Seeing this situation, Sun Wuling also completely understood, Klin's purpose in naming his daughter Maren was to miss his first love girlfriend, Sun Wuling was really speechless, and he didn't know what to say.


Three days have passed!

Rose Wei had been shutting herself in the practice room, and did not come out, and the natural qi condensed around her body merged into her petite body and converged towards the upper dantian.

The Qi of Nature is like a Han Sea, like the two poles of yin and yang, flowing two crescents to form.

Suddenly, his eyes opened, his eyes were angry, and the breath on his body suddenly skyrocketed.


At this time, the entire earth began to gather and shake because of the breath of roses, and the people training under Bun Mountain were also full of disbelief.

Beads of sweat condensed on Vegeta's forehead, and he said in disbelief: "This, this is Rose's qi, she really got through the upper dantian that Sun Wuling said!"

Sun Wuhan also shouted in surprise: "Rose, she actually got through the upper dantian one step ahead of me!"

Sun Wukong let out a laugh and said, "Hehe... Gohan, Rose's talent is really stronger than all of us, and you, and Rose works harder than you. No

. 18 wrapped his hand to protect his chest, his arm squeezed, as if it was dented, a pair of blue beautiful eyes looked at Sun Wuling, and said: "Wuling, I remember that when you were in the Spirit Time House, you fought all the dantian on your body in order to hurry up, but you received a lot of sins, suffered a lot of suffering, and died and lived in pain, and now I don't know what to think!" "

Sun Wuling's body condenses the energy of free intention, his hair is like silver, and the aura that was originally emitted is all condensed on his body at this moment, and he is extremely intentional, he has not been idle for more than half a year, and when he fights with Beerus, he has signs of a breakthrough.

Sun Wuling rushed to Rose's practice room with No. 18 teleportation, and said with a smile: "I would have been very relieved at that time, but I still hope that Rose can be happy!" Sun

Wukong also teleported with the other people and then arrived, now that the earthquake is slowly stopping, Rose has begun to control her power, and finally regained calm.

The practice room opened, Rose Wei was wearing a purple martial arts uniform at this time, and tight-fitting underwear of fishnet socks, looking at Sun Wuling, No. 18, childlike voice, could not suppress the excitement in her heart, and shouted: "Dad, mom, I succeeded, I got through all the dantian on my body." "

Hmm... Fantastic, Rose!

Sun Wuling gently helped Rose Tian Tian her hair and said softly.

No. 18 also excitedly held Rose in his arms and said with a smile: "It's great, Rose, it took a lot of effort for your father to get through all the dantian in his body."

Sun Wuling said with a smile: "Qing out of blue is better than blue, Rose, your talent is stronger than all of us, including Gohan, but you are too young and immature."

Sun Wukong, Vegeta, Bike, Broly, etc. all nodded in agreement, Rose's talent and hard work they all looked at, compared with Tenanks, Sun Wutian, and Bula of the same age have a very obvious difference.

Sometimes with Rose, it is difficult to think of Rose as a child around ten years old, in addition to talent and effort, the gaze and sight of things will be different, which they feel when they get along with Rose.

"Rose, let's get acquainted with the power next, and cultivate with us!"

After speaking, Sun Wuling picked up Rose, petite look, it is difficult to imagine that at this time, this thin body already has the power beyond the 21st and comparable to the mysterious Gohan in memory.

"Gohan, your practice is still slack, Rose has opened all the dantian before you, one year, starting from today, one year must open the upper dantian."

Sun Wuling seriously criticized Sun Wuhan, a year later, it will be the power conference, and by that time, if Sun Wuhan opens all the dantian of the body, coupled with the transformation of the super four, the strength will definitely reach a terrifying level.

Not only that, Broly, and him, in such a situation, the power assembly he will not believe that he can still lose, what else can happen.


Six days to arrive!

Tens of millions of spaceships flew into the solar system and towards the Earth! And Frieza of the main ship looked at a green-skinned, silver-haired woman next to him at this time, wearing a combat uniform and a delicate appearance, looking also unique and full of capable feelings.

"Miss Tsley, you stay here, as long as you find something wrong, contact Solbey, ask him to summon the dragon, and bring us back."

Frieza got down from the suspended throne and spoke.

Tsley quickly nodded and said: "Yes, King Frieza, but I have some puzzles, King Frieza, since we are not opponents, why do we come to Earth, the earth has become a forbidden area in the universe, and everyone talks about it." If

Frieza had heard this, he would have killed or punished him, but now, Frieza only let out a burst of laughter, also because Tsley was the greatest contributor to his resurrection, and now he was his confidant and secretary.

"Boom... Miss Tsley, I found that after I practiced for five months and completely mastered the power in my body, I found that it was difficult for my own strength to improve, so I needed to fight them, maybe my strength would become stronger! "


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