Located in a desolate valley on Earth, white clouds flutter and flocks of birds can be seen flying by.

Shout! Shout! Phew....

Suddenly, a succession of figures streaked across the sky, and the flock of birds instantly scattered, Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong, Vegeta, etc. flew first, and Broly, Sun Wuhan, No. 21, No. 17, No. 18, etc. followed behind.

This time to fight, Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan, Broly, Vegeta, Bike, No. 17, No. 18, No. 21, Rose, Bidili, Satan, Klin, Tianjin Rice, Yamucha, Tenanks, Son Wutian, and Bra!

Bra was wearing a red combat suit at this time, the same style as Vegeta, stuck out his tongue, and flew beside Rose! In the end, Vegeta agreed to her, but to follow them and not to fight alone.

"Rose, look, this is what my mother made for me, how is it, is it beautiful?"

Bra flew beside Rose at this time, and her little face could not contain her joy.

"Pretty? The red color is good, if it is stained with blood, you can't see it!

Rose's slightly childish little face said terrifying words, and Bra shivered in fright.

Bra had already made up his bloody appearance, quickly shook his head, and replied: "Don't say such terrible things? Rosebush!

Rose said seriously and seriously: "I'm not kidding, Bra, the enemies are all holding the mentality of killing us, it's different from the usual fight, I came with my mind, so I hope you are the same."

"Hmph, of course I'm too, Goten, Tenanks are not afraid, of course I can't be afraid, Rose, our good sisters won't lose to them?"

Bra clenched his powder fist and looked at Sun Wutian behind him defiantly, Tenanks!

"Hmph... Don't be proud, Bra, you and Rose must be no better than us Gotenks, right, Goten!

"Well, Tenanks!"

Tenanks, Sun Wutian, Bula and Rose have a clear contrast, Sun Wuling, No. 18, Sun Wukong and others looked back, the strong contrast, it seems that the rose at this time is very prominent.

"It's the same as when Wuling was a child!"

Sun Wukong, Klin, Yamucha and others couldn't help but muttered in their hearts!

"Arrived..." came

Sun Wuling's shout, and everyone fell smoothly in an empty valley plain, and above the sky, tens of thousands of spaceships broke through the atmosphere and were falling towards the earth.

"Here, I can't imagine that Frieza's qi is actually so strong!"

Sun Wukong said in surprise.


Vegeta put his hands around his chest and snorted coldly, "Even if he becomes stronger, his current strength is not even as good as Rose, let alone us, just because I want to seek revenge on him, I will slaughter him with my own hands."

Sun Wuling replied, "I also have a feud with him, and I, like you, died at his hands, Vegeta, let me fight him first this time."

Vic said coldly, "I also have a feud with him, since I reached the realm of gods, my new power has never been used."

Looking at Vegeta, Vic who refused to give in, Sun Wuling finally thought of a way to compromise, and said: "In that case, Frieza will hand it over to me first, after you all solve his miscellaneous soldiers, we will go together, everyone has revenge and wrongs." "


Vic finally agreed, and even Vegeta "cut" in dissatisfaction, did not refuse, and when he learned of Frieza's resurrection, he thought more than once about slaughtering Frieza with his own hands.

Suddenly, under the astonished gaze of everyone, Rose took a step forward, and her palms formed the shape of a calyx and placed it on her waist.

"Turtle, pie, qi, gong... Wave! "


Frieza was sitting on the spaceship in the center at this time, and the spacecraft smoothly passed through the atmosphere, shaking the red wine glass in his hand, and Tsley on the screen reported to Frieza at this time.

"King Frieza, I have reached the specified coordinates, and the simulated communication wave can see every move on the earth!"

Frieza drank the red wine in his hand, put the glass aside, and said with a smile: "Not bad, Miss Tsley..."

Without the soldiers' reports, Frieza also sensed a strong sense of danger.


Suddenly, the turtle qigong wave released by Rose directly shattered the spaceship where Frieza was! The aura around Frieza erupted, pierced through the sparks, and flew to the ground, without a trace of dust on his body.


Sun Wuling's dark eyes instantly became cold!


This guy who once killed him, a guy who made him rack his brains and really fill up fear and despair, is also an existence that cannot be forgotten!

"Oh, long time no see, everyone, there are a lot more raw faces, Sun Wukong, Sun Wuling, that Nemesis named Bike, oh, and Prince Vegeta, Oh

..." Frieza turned his head to look at Rose, his forehead bulged with green tendons, although he was laughing, but he was full of words: "Is this young lady greeting well?" "


A death beam from his finger struck towards Rose!

Rose raised her palm and slapped Frieza's death beam away, which fell on a valley in the distance, shattering rubble.

Rose struck towards Frieza, Frieza's palm was like a knife, slashing towards Rose, Rose's body turned into an afterimage and dissipated, and the afterimage punch tricked Frieza into revealing flaws.


Rose struck instantly, kicked Frieza hard in the face with both feet, kicked Frieza flying, hit it in the distance, and set off a violent cloud of dust!


Frieza stood up, spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Rose, the little girl who looked about his height!

"My name is Sun Qiangwei, and I am Sun Wuling's daughter!"

Rose's firm voice resounded throughout the audience, and Sun Wuling's heart was full of gratification, and the rest clapped even more.

Bra's eyes lit up, and with a look of adoration, he shouted: "It's so handsome, Rose, kicked that dwarf lizard away!" At

this moment, the hatch of the spacecraft opened, and a dense number of soldiers flew out of the spacecraft, scattered chaotically, and about 100,000 soldiers of the Frieza Army appeared, flying all over the sky.

No. 18 was wearing a combat uniform made by Sun Wuling at this time, able to keep his body moving flexibly, even his figure was covered, and he gently ruffled his hair, saying, "There are really many of these people!"

Sun Wuling was trembling with excitement, and it was difficult to suppress the excitement in his heart, "Bring so many miscellaneous fish with you to die, Frieza, you really have a broken head after you are resurrected."

Frieza wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said lightly: "Sun Wuling, is your daughter's strength not bad?" Your things are also thunderous in the universe, but you don't think that's all I have! "


Frieza's body condensed a brilliance, and a golden aura emerged, smooth and quiet, without any waves, calmly and naturally turned into golden Frieza.


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