Golden Frieza has arrived!

That calm and restrained appearance has obviously fully mastered the power of this form!


Frieza spread his hands excitedly at this time, his current form was more than twice as powerful as before! But it also seems to have reached the extreme, and it is difficult to make further progress.

Vic shouted in disbelief: "This, this is Frieza's anger!" "

Sun Wukong, Vegeta also felt a tingle, even Sun Wuling, who had known for a long time, felt a heart palpitation!

Sun Wukong swallowed his spit and said, "What kind of practice have you carried out!" No

. 21 and the others felt a chill and were a little incredulous.

Sun Gohan said: "Like Shalu, it has become a golden form, but the power is much stronger than Shalu!"

Sweat beads condensed on Sun Wuling's forehead, and said to Sun Wukong: "Brother, I'm really glad that you killed Frieza when you were a Nemesis, otherwise Shalu would have gotten Frieza's cells..."

Vegeta, Vic and the others nodded in agreement.


Sun Wukong scratched his head embarrassedly at this time and laughed.


Golden Frieza heard Sun Wuling and the others' words, sounding as if he had seen him now.

"This is the power I gained after five months of hellish cultivation, and the name is not creative, just call it Golden Frieza, but listening to your words, it seems that I have seen a transformation similar to me!"


Sun Wukong replied, looking helpless, now thinking back to that time, he still felt a tingling in his scalp, and said: "We have an artificial human named Shalu here before, he can also turn into a golden form like you, but it made us all suffer at that time!"

"Shalu??? Android! Golden

Frieza asked suspiciously, and what answered him was Sun Wuling jumping in front of him in an instant, and the silver brilliance condensed on his body directly entered the realm of free extreme signs, and directly began to move.


Golden Frieza's pupils stretched a little, and his body did not react at all, and he was directly shot away by Sun Wuling.

"Up..." As

Sun Wuling began to strike preemptively, the rest of the people rushed towards Frieza's army!


wanted to hit you for a long time!"

"Your signature laugh is so familiar and unbeatable!"


Every time Sun Wuling said a word, his fists and feet were a little harder, and he beat Golden Frieza in a crushing posture the whole time.

"By the way, Frieza, why did you deliberately expose yourself so that the Galaxy Patrol could discover you and give us time to prepare, for what? Is it just to get beaten? Every

word, every fist carried a strong anger, venting the anger of the Nemesis in his heart on Golden Frieza.


"These are all salutes to you at the time of the Nemesis."



Satan was wearing a purple martial arts suit at this time, he was also fighting for the first time, although he was afraid, but he still came, after all, this is a real life and death battle, and even after defeating a few miscellaneous soldiers, he began to be proud.

"Hahaha... I am Satan, the weakest disciple under the Spirit Immortal Flow, come on, you miscellaneous fish, hahaha..." Satan

excitedly condensed the Turtle Sect qigong wave, and his blood boiled.

"Dad, be careful!"

Bidili flashed behind Satan. A qigong bomb blows up the miscellaneous soldiers behind Satan.

Bidiri is also wearing a purple martial arts suit, fishnet tight underwear, a curvaceous figure, and long black hair, looking heroic.

"Bidili..." Satan

and Bidili were back to back with each other, and Qigong waves and Qigong bombs were constantly released.

"Dad, you're fighting with us this time! What you said just now is really handsome! "

Bidili's palm is like a knife, slashing an attacking miscellaneous soldier directly from the waist, splitting it in two, easy second kill!

"Really, really? Bidili, was I just really handsome? The

smile on Satan's face was even worse, and his whole body became hot.

"Of course it's true, Dad, it's really handsome."

Bidily fired another qigong wave and solved nearly a hundred miscellaneous soldiers in a row, and the wind was light.

"Ahhh You Frieza lackeys, come here! Satan

condensed his qi and rushed over excitedly.


Frieza's army is decreasing at a rate visible to the naked eye, a lot, and it is also weak, all cannon fodder brought by Frieza, but it is too scattered.


Because of Rose, Bra will also practice together, even if the limb is severed, the blood is dripping, Bra does not look afraid at all, and the boiling feeling of blood makes her never so eager to fight.

Vegeta, Son Goku, Broly and others did not become Super Saiyan, and after seeing the situation on Bula's side, Vegeta was completely relieved.

Suddenly, Vegeta saw Sun Wuling's violent beating of Golden Frieza at this time, and couldn't help but say: "Sun Wuling, that bastard, shouldn't he kill Frieza directly!" "


"Hey... Kakarot, Bike, Broly, Gohan, hurry up and get rid of these trash fish, and then go beat up Frieza together! After

Vegeta finished speaking, his palms converged, and the successive qigong bombs were released intensively around, and Rose, No. 21, No. 18, No. 17, etc. did not leave their hands.

Sun Wuling, the battle of Golden Frieza was also temporarily stopped because of Vegeta's shouts just now.

"Super Saiyan Blue? It is based on the Super Saiyan God, and the further Super Saiyan transformation, I don't know what the Super Saiyan God's transformation with Super Saiyan Four will be like.

Sun Wuling turned his head to look at the golden frieza who stood up again at this time, the corners of his mouth couldn't help pulling, this golden frieza really resisted, he didn't show mercy in every punch, and as a result, the golden frieza was still able to stand up.

"Abominable... Vegeta that guy, just with this color!

Golden Frieza gritted his teeth, he knew that he was not Sun Wuling's opponent, and Vegeta that guy deserved to say so with him.

"Sun Wuling, I heard about you, I was able to fight with the God of Destruction Beerus, and also injured the God of Destruction Beerus, at that time I understood that even if I became what I am now, I still won't be your opponent."

Golden Frieza showed a faint smile towards Sun Wuling and said.

"Oh, it seems that there is still your eyeliner on earth, Frieza, and it seems that it is all around us!"

Sun Wuling's voice cooled down and said.


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