"Spare your life, my lord! We didn't mean to hear it, I, we are also victims of the Frieza Army and are being held in prison. Sun

Wuling did not use all his strength, the dust dispersed, the three of them stood up at this time supporting each other, the man who just spoke had dirty braided hair standing up, light green skin, pointed ears, all kinds of scars on his body, and a treacherous sharpness on his face, at first glance it felt full of discomfort, obviously he suffered some kind of torture here in Frieza, even at this time in front of Sun Wuling, Monette, still showed an indifferent smile.

The other was burly and strong, also very tall, at least more than two meters tall, looking particularly fat, and speaking to the same race.

Another woman with purple dirty braided hair is also light green skin, even if she is wearing a prison uniform at this time, she gives people a hot and curvaceous feeling, and a pair of big eyes look at Sun Wuling in horror at this time.

"Eleck, it's actually you..."

Monette shouted, recognizing who the three people who had just eavesdropped on were were.

"Elek... Monette, do you know them?

Sun Wuling pointed to the three light green aliens in front of him and asked.

"Know, even if it turns into ashes, I won't forget it..."

Monette gritted her teeth and almost shouted, "Eleck, the boss of Sita gang, the other two are called Oyl and Maggie, Mr. Sun Wuling, these guys are not good people, these guys are ostensibly engaged in planet rejuvenation, accepting rewards and other legitimate businesses, but secretly partnered with the Frieza Army to do some shady things, but now after Frieza is resurrected, I don't know why I arrested them all, And there is one less person named Jace. "


Although Sun Wuling was laughing, but the smile was like hell evil in Elek and the others, the smile on Elek's face froze instantly, Sun Wuling was different from those he faced before, and it was completely difficult to deal with.

"So, the things that Frieza did in the past to slaughter the natives of the planet and sell the planet seem to be the same guys as you, and it is the first time I have seen these so-called buyers."

The space seemed to freeze, Eleck, Oyle, and Maggie felt that it was a little difficult to breathe, and Elek understood at this time that this man named Sun Wuling was even more dangerous and terrifying than the Frieza he had dealt with before, and it was completely incomparable.

Sun Wuling stared at Elek with scrutiny and asked, "What about Gajas that Monette said just now?" Why isn't he with you?


Elek's pupils trembled slightly, and he replied to Sun Wuling without changing his face: "Jas, he fled before we were captured by the Frieza army."


Sun Wuling's scrutinizing gaze made Elek can't help but dodge, not daring to look at him, and said: "It was killed by Frieza!" "


Elek's face changed drastically, so did Oyle and Maggie, and the three of them seemed to be stripped naked, completely seen through by Sun Wuling.

"How do you know! Can you read minds?

Elek shouted almost broken.

"Hmph..." Sun

Wuling snorted coldly with disdain, and despised Elek, Maggie, and Oyle to the extreme, the three were not good people, and Monette had a feud, he naturally would not be polite, and said: "Do you still need to use mind reading for you stupid people?" I think you can still live in Frieza's hands, probably because of the wealth you have accumulated over the years, so you didn't directly kill you three fools!" "

Stupid, stupid..."

Elek was the first time he had heard someone call him that, who was he? In the future, he will replace Frieza as the overlord of the universe, the one who rules the universe, and now for the first time he is called a fool.



Sun Wuling's spiritual eyes condensed, the soul impact was released, and Oyle's head exploded directly, instantly blooming, and the brain pulp splashed, so that Elek, Maggie, who had just had some emotions, the fiery heart that was about to erupt from head to toe seemed to be poured with cold water.

Monette's face also changed at this time, Oyle directly blossomed in front of his eyes, a disgusting feeling almost made him vomit, in his eyes the gentle Sun Wuling, he was also very cruel to the enemy.

Sun Wuling looked at Elek and Maggie, without the slightest pity and pity for Xiang Xiangyu, and said lightly: "He has already seen his brain pulp, it's your turn." "


Elek, Maggie knelt on the ground without hesitation, and kowtowed to Sun Wuling like crazy and begged for mercy.

Maggie shouted in a crying voice: "I don't want to die, I don't want to die, woo-woo... I don't want to die, my lord, please let us go! Where

does Elek still have the appearance of Monette's impression, the confidence and arrogance of the past, now he wags his tail and begs for mercy at Sun Wuling like a dog.

"Adult, adult, there is nothing in this world that money and intelligence cannot buy, as long as you let us go, I will tell you all the hidden money, please, just spare our lives."

At this time, Silbe left the atmosphere in a spaceship, and after learning that Frieza was dead, he quickly left Cyril Star in a spaceship.

Silbe saw Elek, Sun Wuling and others on the ground at this time through the big screen, and the scene of Elek kneeling and begging for mercy made him stunned.

"These guys are obviously quite tough when they were in prison, how can they look like this in front of that killing god!"

"Hmm..." Silbe

suddenly noticed that Sun Wuling raised his head at this time, his palm was raised, and the transparent aura gathered, and Sun Wuling in the big screen seemed to be looking at him, although he couldn't hear what Sun Wuling was saying, but the shape of his mouth was again: "It's all out!" That

smile was like a demon in hell, and in Silbey's line of sight, the qigong bombs in Sun Wuling's palm were released, and after flying out of the atmosphere of Cyril Star, they quickly spread, turning into countless dense qigong bombs, and attacked the fleet of the Frieza army that all flew out of Cyril Star at this time.


Under Silbey's cry of fear and collapse, every qigong bomb accurately bombarded every spaceship, and was remembered by Sun Wuling, and none of the Frieza troops who fled in the spaceship were buried in the universe.

Monette, Eleck, and Maggie also looked up, the beautiful sparks in the sky carried an endless chill in the hearts of the three at this moment, and every time the spark exploded, there was a Frieza army spaceship destroyed.

"Is there nothing in this world that money and intelligence can't buy?"

Sun Wuling's cold voice reached the ears of Elek, Maggie, and Monette.

Maggie didn't react yet, and like Oyle before, the brain plasma exploded, and she couldn't withstand Sun Wuling's soul impact, and it blossomed on the spot.


Sun Wuling did not have a trace of emotion, flicked his hand to control Elek's body, and said coldly: "Don't worry, I will not only let you see your own brain pulp, but also let you see what color your blood is, this is a special treatment for you, a guy who believes in money and intelligence." Elek

tore and shrill shouts came, tears welling up and wailing in pain, and he now wanted to die like Maggie and Oyle.

"Kill me, please kill me directly, aaaaa


Sun Wuling released a qigong wave, directly covering the bodies of Elek, Maggie, and Oyle, and there was not even a single cell left, completely disappearing in front of him.

Elek, Maggie, Oyil, counting the Jas who died at the hands of Frieza before, these Sita and his gang, who originally set off a bloody storm in the seventh universe after the Power Assembly and the Moro chapter, were completely destroyed at this moment.


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