Sun Wuling clapped his hands lightly, and looked back to see that Monette was still in shock at this time, and returned to his previous elegant and gentle appearance.

"I'm sorry, Monette, for frightening you!"

Monette looked back and saw Sun Wuling's appearance at this time, and it was almost the same as just now, which made him wonder for a moment whether he was dreaming just now, making his head feel dizzy, and he had not eased up.

"Those three little bugs are solved, Monette, come with me to Earth and resurrect your grandson!"

Monette quickly nodded and replied, "Okay, thank you, Mr. Sun Wuling!"

"Grab my shoulders!"

Sun Wuling took Monette to the Realm King Star in an instant, and after saying hello to the Northern Realm King, he returned to Earth with Monette.

At this time, on the earth, Tsley was hanging from a tree at this time, and the kind of tortoiseshell bound was obviously the handiwork of Tianjin Rice, and it was now learned and used, and how Sun Wuling treated him before was also used on Cilai's body.

Everyone was also in the shade, playing games together, playing cards, and divided into several groups.

On the 17th, take Tenanks, Sun Wutian to play games! Take it with you in a universal capsule.

Rose is more powerful, one person is playing Go with Klin, Yamucha, Tianjin Rice, Broly, Sun Wuhan, Bidili, Bick, Clin, Bick and other seven people scattered, Rose sat alone in the center, and Bra's eyes shone straight while watching the battle, watching Rose play Go alone with Klin and six others.

Vegeta, Sun Wukong, the three of No. 18 were fighting the landlord at this time, and No. 18 grabbed the cards in his hand at this time, and cursed angrily: "Vegeta, you won't play for another game, what do you mean by four two with two kings!"

Sun Wukong also complained: "That's it, that's it, you still always up, obviously the two of us are a gang, and the 18th is the landlord!"

Vegeta's face turned slightly red, he would play, and said with a tough quibble: "Shut up, Kakarot, I feel bad with the explosion in my hand, I can already play, this wins me."

"Don't always up!"

Sun Wukong complained wordlessly.

"Wu Ling is back!"

No. 18 dropped the cards in his hand and turned his head to notice Sun Wuling and Monette.

Sun Wukong was the same, shouting joyfully: "Finally back, alas, how did you bring back a Vic ah!"


Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Vic was unable to complain, the chess game on the chessboard was already powerless to return to the sky, dropped two chess pieces on the chessboard, helplessly wiped the sweat beads on his forehead, and he was actually the first to lose.

"Hey... Come back, this takes me the landlord, I'm going to win! Kakarot, number 18.

Vegeta shouted loudly, seeing Sun Wukong, the two of them on the 18th ignored him, dropped the playing cards in their hands in dissatisfaction, and walked over.

Sun Wuling introduced Monette and told everyone everything on Cyril, including his own elimination of Frieza, and the Dragon Ball of Cyril.

The appearance of the Monkey King surprised Monette very much, in the early years, he and Gran Ruora were saved by Bardock, and after learning from Vegeta's mouth, the Monkey King was Bardock's son, he was surprised.

Bardock had also used Cyril's dragon to make a wish before, so that Kakarot and Raditz could grow up safely.

After greeting for a while, the chess game between Rose and the others was also over, and the game with Tianjin Rice and Yamucha was lost, but the rest all won, and played against seven people at the same time, obviously Rose is not enough now.

Everyone scattered and went home!

On the way back to Bun Mountain, Monette was carried by Satan on the fly, telling him about Gran Ruola, his hatred for Frieza, and his desire to use Dragon Balls to make a wish and obtain the power of the first in the universe.


Sun Wuling lost interest in this kind of guy after hearing Monette say that Granola wanted to use Dragon Balls to make a wish and become the first in the universe!

Bidili, Rose, and Sun Gohan took out all the dragon balls, and with the call of Sun Wuling's spell, the sky became gloomy, and the divine dragon soared, appearing in everyone's eyes.

Monette said in surprise: "Is this the divine dragon of the earth?" It's completely different, and Dragon Balls also need to collect seven. "

Sun Wuling... Was the moon blown up again?

After seeing Sun Wuling, Shenlong couldn't help but be a little speechless, and said again.

"Ah, not this time, the moon is still there!"

Sun Wuling waved his hand with a smile, pointed to Monette standing next to him and said: "Shenlong, please, resurrect the Cyril Star, Monette's grandson Granola!"

A red light flashed in Shenlong's eyes, and he replied, "Well, that Cyrillic named Gran Rula has been resurrected!" Sun Wuling, what is your second wish?

Shenlong asked again towards Sun Wuling.

"Resurrected... Gran Jorah is resurrected!

Monette bent down excitedly towards Sun Wuling and Shenlong, and said, "Thank you so much!"

"Second wish?"

Sun Wuling thought for a moment, turned back to Sun Wukong and the others and asked, "Do you have any other wishes to fulfill?"

Sun Wukong, Kiki, No. 18 and the others all shook their heads, they didn't pay much attention to the Shenlong wish, unless there was something necessary, even Sun Wuling was the same.

"By the way, I suddenly remembered, Shenlong, trouble tell us, who is the one who revealed our information to Frieza and them? Why did you do this, is there any secret behind it, what is involved, tell us everything about that guy's relationship?

As soon as Sun Wuling's words came out, Sun Wukong, No. 17, No. 18, Rose, Sun Wuhan, etc. also put away the smile on their faces!

Traitors, there are traitors among their soldiers, and they leak their news to the Frieza army!

After a moment of silence, Shenlong sweated like rain in the sight of Sun Wuling and the others at this time, fear, fear, fear, even if he had seen the god of destruction Beerus before, Weiss did not look like this.

Shenlong said: "The person who leaked your information to Frieza is called Yurin, but I'm sorry about the existence behind her, I can't disclose it, the other party is very terrifying, both in strength and its own status far beyond Lord Beerus, the god of destruction, as long as I reveal a little information, he will immediately know, in an instant can make me destroy and completely disappear." "


Shenlong's words made Sun Wuling and the others widen their eyes, looking incredulous

, Sun Wukong condensed a bead of sweat on his forehead, and the smile on his face also lost, and there was an inexplicable sense of horror in his heart, "Far beyond the existence of the God of Destruction, and has been monitoring us!"

Sun Wuling's mind set off a wave of shock, far beyond the gods of destroying gods, in his memory, angels, great priests, all kings, that's all.

Shenlong must know who the other party is, but he dare not say that Yulin, the junior sister of Tianjin Rice in his memory, can actually involve a character who makes Shenlong dare not speak.


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