

, oh, oh... The battle between Broly and Zhai Kou has entered a fever pitch, although the current Broly's strength is not much different from what Sun Wuling remembers, maintaining the fighting nature of the Saiyan beast, while still having absolute sanity.

Zhai Kou is in the Super Saiyan Five full power state at this time! Coupled with his own basic strength, he spent some strength to catch Broly's flaws and beat Broly off the field.

"Seventh Universe player Broly fell off the field, and Sixth Universe player Zhai Kou won!"

With the host's shout, Son Gohan came on the stage!

Zhai Kou at this time after defeating Sun Wukong and Broly in a row, his breathing has begun to be a little messy, but even so, he still stubbornly looks at Sun Wuhan at this time.

"Son Gohan!"

"Zhai Kou!"

The two glared at each other!

Sun Gohan's body condensed with a brilliance, and he turned into the four forms of Super Saiyan, calm, natural, and without waves! A pair of golden pupils looked at Zhai Kou coldly.

Sixth universe this time! Gabe said in surprise: "The transformation of the seventh universe Sun Gohan seems to be called Super Saiyan Four, and Mr. Zhai Kou is Super Saiyan Five."

"In this case, Mr. Zhai Kou may be able to directly defeat the other party all at once."

At this time, Hit, who had been calm and silent, interrupted Gark's words and spoke: "Transformation does not mean strength or weakness, although that Son Gohan is only Super Saiyan Four, but it gives me the same feeling as Zhai Kou!"

"What? Then Mr. Zhai Kou is not dangerous.

Gark's eyes widened and he looked nervously at Zhai Kou, who had already appeared in the ring.


In the ring, as the host's words fell, Zhai Kou raised his qi to the highest in an instant.

Zhai Kou knew what his strength was, and planned to directly use his full strength to fight the victory, but Sun Gohan seemed to have no gap, and his figure did not mean to stop at all.

"Hahaha... What a reckless man, just like Broly just now, Son Gohan! In

just a few seconds, everyone didn't have time to have too much surprise, reaction!

"What is Gohan going to do? How is it so reckless. Vic

was also taken aback by Sun Gohan's appearance at this time!


Centered on Zhai Kou! A strong energy fluctuation spread around, and the golden energy fluctuation set off a violent shake of the entire Infinity Star.

The staff in Bardos and Weis's hands formed an energy barrier to protect both sides, and Zhai Kou's energy was all isolated.

"Gohan..." "

Bike, Goku, Kiki, Bidili saw Son Gohan who was involved in energy, and shouted out in shock, even Son Gohan frowned slightly, he didn't understand how Son Gohan could be so reckless, his personality is not like this!

Zhai Kou's burst of energy covered Sun Wuhan, and in the sea of energy in the waves of the sea, the protective barriers condensed on Sun Gohan's body were being shattered one after another.

The pupils contracted, and under Zhai Kou's incredulous gaze, Sun Gohan's fist hit his face, and the huge force almost deformed Zhai Kou's face, and his body flew out uncontrollably upside down, crashing into the protective barrier created by Bardos.

Zhai Kou was no longer able to maintain the state of Super Saiyan Five, changed back to his previous posture, and had reached his limit, his body fell uncontrollably, and he collapsed to the ground.

Losing Zhai Kou's control, the pervasive energy in the ring dissipated, and Sun Gohan still had some burns on his body at this time, gasping slightly, or hanging some color, but retained most of his strength, and defeated Zhai Kou at the minimum cost.

"The sixth universe Zhai Kou landed, and the seventh universe Sun Gohan player won!"

"Wow..." "

Awesome, Gohan!"

"That's awesome..."

shouted Kiki, Bulma, and others in unison.

Vic also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, no one thought that Sun Gohan would actually be like this, and in the short time he used the protective barrier to protect himself, he directly knocked Zhai Kou down.

"Much more powerful, Gohan, I really thought Broly was possessed?"

Sun Wuling was also relieved in his heart, Sun Wuhan's strength has improved a lot, I am afraid that after entering the realm of gods, with the transformation of Super Saiyan Four, it will not take long to surpass him.

did not become a wild rice like in memory, how terrifying is the talent of Sun Gohan who practiced seriously, Sun Wuling really saw it, he has now left Sun Wukong, Vegeta, and Broly behind, only Sun Gohan not only follows in his footsteps, but can surpass him.


Son Gohan's gaze flashed with a purple halo, and the spiritual eye opened, scanning the other contestants of the sixth universe, pausing slightly on Hitt's body, and his eyes regained the golden pupils of Super Saiyan Four.

Xiangpa was crazy at this time, and said, "Ahhhh Why, except for that Sun Wuling, how can everyone else be so powerful!

Bardos cured Zhai Kou at this time, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his eyes, and said: "No way, it was Lord Xiangpa himself who did not allow Mr. Lane to participate." "


Looking at Bardos, who was still dismantling his own platform, Xiangpa scratched his ears.

"No, next time I want to hold a martial arts meeting, let Lane also come to participate, when the time comes, what Sun Wuling, Sun Wuhan's, all at once."

Zhai Kou sat on the sofa at this time, squinted at Xiangpa, and said, "Master Xiangpa, Laien, he doesn't like this meaningless martial arts meeting, he won't participate." "

You, Zhai Kou, aaaaa Believe it or not, I broke you! When

Xiangpa saw that Zhai Kou was also following the demolition, he suddenly trembled with anger, and the flesh on his body was trembling, looking angry and corrupted.

Zhai Kou spread his hands and looked innocent, and continued: "Master Xiangpa, don't be angry? Ryan, he is preparing a sumptuous meal waiting for you, and Miss Bardos. "


Xiangpa's qi suddenly disappeared.

Bardos held up his chin with his palm, and said with an aftertaste look: "Mr. Lane's tofu is really delicious, white and tender, melts in the mouth, I don't know if there is any."

Zhai Kou nodded with a smile and replied: "Of course there is, not only that, milk is also prepared, it can be beautiful and beautiful, and the things that Miss Bardos likes, naturally cannot be forgotten."

Xiangpa glanced at Bardos, Zhai Kou, with a broken look, and shouted: "Hey! Don't say something misleading! "


The game continues, and the second player of the sixth universe, Portamo, plays!

Portamo is a huge golden bear, wearing a red vest, and at the beginning of the game, he was directly kicked out of the court by Son Gohan without resistance.

Frost came on the field, according to the theory, it can be regarded as the Frieza of the sixth universe, with an indifferent smile, bent down towards Son Gohan, and saluted.

"Your Excellency, it is my honor to compete with a warrior like you, Mr. Son Gohan!"

Frost came to Son Gohan, stretched out his palm, and said with a smile.


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