Son Gohan did not shake hands with Frost, and his face was full of disgust and disgust.

"Frost, is it? No matter what you disguise, your soul cannot be changed, and my spiritual eye can see that you are very sinister and cunning, with different appearances, and I hate you when I see you!

Son Gohan was slightly excited, and Frost's appearance reminded him of the past when he was a nemesis, and he didn't want to recall it.

Frost was stunned, but still maintained that gentle, deceptive posture, he knew that he was not Son Gohan's opponent, so he planned to use some unconventional means to deal with Son Gohan.


As the bell rang, Son Gohan strolled towards Frost, and the state of Super Saiyan IV, with a sense of tension and oppression, made Frost retreat unnaturally.

"Hmph, Frost, do you have a form transformation, what are you disguised into, still can't change your essence, if you don't change your form, I will directly beat you up."

Sun Gohan's cold voice sounded, making Frost frown, no longer hidden, with the surge of breath, directly into the final form, that familiar appearance, so that Sun Gohan forehead condensed green tendons.

"Nasty, this look is really, Frost, those little tricks of yours are useless to me, in the eyes of my spirit, everything about you is hidden!"

Son Gohan didn't care at all and strolled towards Frost.


Seventh Universe This side!

Vegeta looked at Frost and said with a look of disgust: "This guy's appearance is unpleasant to watch, as if he has become a super saiyan and beat him up." Sun

Wuling, Bike, Sun Wukong nodded in agreement at the same time!

Sun Wukong also saw Frost's soul with his spiritual eyes, and the appearance was different, this was a perception of him, not like the appearance.

Sun Wuling said lightly: "If a hypocrite has been disguised for a lifetime, he is a gentleman, as long as Frost is smart, he can still have room for maneuver."

Sun Wukong replied, "Frost's strength feels inferior to that Frieza when he was a nemesis." Vegeta

looked at Sun Wukong and Sun Wuling with a cold face at this time, whether he wanted to consider learning the trick of Spirit Eye now, but when he thought of Sun Wuling, Sun Wukong might laugh, let him put away this thought.


In the ring!

Super Saiyan Four's Son Gohan was like a big mountain, weighing heavily on Frost's heart.

Whether it is qigong bombs or fists and feet, qigong waves, he has exhausted all means and cannot shake a single bit.

When he was Zhai Kou before, Frost already knew the gap between himself and Son Gohan, and he was now considering whether he was using that little trick.


Frost remembered what Son Gohan said to him at the beginning and saw through him! Frost punched Son Gohan hard.


Son Gohan instantly dodged Frost's punch and grabbed Frost's wrist hard, revealing the hypnotic needle.


"Hmph, it's still used, Frost, it's really stupid!"

Sun Wuling complained without hesitation.

Vegeta said coldly: "With this means, it is really not a good thing, cut!" Sun

Wukong had also expected it, and there was no accident, he had seen through Frost's soul with his spiritual eyes.

After the referee found the needle in Frost's hand, he immediately shouted: "The sixth universe frost player is disqualified due to a foul, and the seventh universe Son Gohan player wins." "


The seventh universe sighed continuously, and there was contempt for Frost everywhere.

Sixth Universe This side! Gabe, who had been dealing with Frost, did not dare to accept it.

"Why, Mr. Frost, people like you would engage in such small moves."

Xiangpa's eyes widened in disbelief, "Bastard, actually do such a thing."

Bardos explained: "So it is, you don't know ah, in fact, it is not strange at all, that is the true face of Frost, on the surface is a respected ambassador of space peace, but behind the scenes, there are a large number of space pirate organizations, provoke wars themselves, calm them down, and then buy the land that has been barren due to the war at the cheapest price." Frost

in the ring was so painful that he couldn't speak at this time, and Son Gohan kicked Frost directly out of the ring after hearing the result of the match.

Sun Wuhan didn't look at it, and said lightly: "Next!" "


On the side of the seventh universe, Vegeta put her hands around her chest and snorted coldly: "Sure enough, even in different universes, Frieza can't be a good person.

Sun Wuling shook his head and said, "Isn't it good to hide it all the time?" Knowing that there is a very strong strength gap with Gohan, it is really stupid to use this method and expose yourself. "

Sixth universe, Xiangpa also looked at Bardos with complaints at this time.

"Why, what's going on, Bardos, why did you choose this kind of guy!"

Bardos said calmly and indifferently: "Lord Xiangpa, you didn't say to pay attention to the character of the players, and told me to find someone who is sure of victory."

Xiangpa was full of embarrassment and helplessness, and his angry desire ruined this Frost.

Gabe was in the ring at this time, and Son Gohan's face did not have the cold and piercing of Frost before.

"Saiyans of the sixth universe, Gabe!"

Vegeta stomped his foot unwillingly at this time, unlike Sun Wuling, he wanted to fight, but as a result, Rock-paper-scissors ranked fourth, behind Sun Wuhan, I am afraid that he will not have the opportunity to play.

In the ring! The atmosphere between Gabe and Son Gohan was much better than just now.

Sun Gohan said directly: "Gabe, can't your Saiyans in the sixth universe become Super Saiyans?


Gabe shook his head and looked at Zhai Kou, who was sitting on the sofa in the distance, closing his eyes and nurturing his mind, and said, "Even Mr. Zhai Kou was originally a person from your seventh universe, and we don't even know about Super Saiyan things, let alone Super Saiyan Four and Super Saiyan Five."

Sun Gohan said with a smile: "There are two ways to become a Super Saiyan, you can calm your body and mind and stabilize, and you can generate Saiyan S cells, and you Saiyans in the sixth universe have no problems in this regard."

"The first one, extreme anger, but that situation I really don't want to see again, the second, after the S cells are enough, concentrate your strength on the back, and then guide through anger, have the opportunity to try!"

Sun Gohan punched Gabe's chest, and Gabe's blurred vision, with the last strength, said: "Thank you, thank you, Mr. Gohan!" I'll remember that. "

Gabe was knocked unconscious by Son Gohan, and only the last Hith player was left in the sixth universe,


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