
The eleventh universe surpasses the beautiful people of the god of destruction!

Bang! Bang! Huh....

Each time Gillian punched in front of Ryan, he was blocked by a silver wall of energy.

Ji Lian's eyes widened, and the invisible energy impact broke through the silver energy wall.

Lane's body is light, natural, more like a fish wandering in the water than Gillian, and every blow is missed, completely unable to hit Lane.

"You, very strong?"

Lane distanced himself from Gillian, showing an indifferent smile, and five thin silver threads spread out in his fingers, entangled with Gillian's body.

"The thread of time!"


Under everyone's stunned gaze, Ji Lian now wrapped his hands around his chest and stood beside Tuo Po and the others in the distance.


The fighters in the ring, and the remaining god of destruction, the angel, shouted in surprise.

"This, what's going on, Gillian, why are you here? Didn't you just challenge each other?

Topo asked loudly.

"Because, I set his ego back a minute!"

Lane didn't know when he came behind them, and his easy-going and elegant voice fell into an ice cellar in Topo's ears at this moment.

Tis broke, Topo and other mechanical turns, Lane's ten fingers, the thread of time wrapped around everyone in the eleven universe.


Topo is a candidate for the Eleventh Universe Destruction God, and the destructive energy condensed in his body breaks free from the line of time and stops at the moment when he is about to fall outside the realm.


The other eight players in the eleventh universe did not have the strength of Gillian, Topo, and when they came back to their senses, they were already in the stands.

"This, what the hell is going on?"

Covering his head madly, he was stuck by Lane's silver silk thread, and suddenly fell.


Xiangpa laughed wildly at this time, especially the eyes of the other gods of destruction, angels, he was simply the brightest at the moment.

"This is Ryan's move time line, as long as it is stuck by Ryan's time line, you can follow Laine's will, up to two minutes back in self-time, or be controlled by Ryan, self-time acceleration by 0.2 seconds, hahaha..."

"Can the power of free extreme mind still be used like this?"

Lane's time line allowed Sun Wuling to open the door to a new world, and he has always been affected by the direct battles in the Dragon Ball world, plus Beerus next to him, or Saiyan, even if Rose said the ability move of the angel Weiss, he didn't think too much.

"Accelerated by his control for 0.2 seconds!"

Vegeta and the others also changed their faces, for their strength, even 0.01 seconds can affect a battle situation, or flaws, let alone Lane.

"Lane has always been very strong, but I didn't expect it to exceed my imagination!"

Although Sun Wukong was laughing, the cold sweat condensed on his forehead showed that he was not calm in his heart at the moment.

"Can we win against such an opponent?"

No. 21 asked a little weakly at this time, his voice a little unconfident.

"Must win, must win, Gillian and Topo those two may still allow Lane to use some moves, Goku, Vegeta, you guys are here to watch well, Broly, Gohan, let's go and eliminate a few more people from the sixth universe."

Sun Wuling condensed a silver halo around him, his hair turned silver, stood up, steady, natural, and free with an extremely intentional aura without a trace of leakage, and took the lead to lead everyone towards the rest of the sixth universe.


On the 18th, Rose and the others left with Sun Wuling, leaving Vegeta, and Sun Wukong and the two stood in place to watch the battle between Lane and Gillian, Topo.

With the explosion of energy, Ji Lian's body condensed a fiery aura, raising his strength to the highest. With both hands raised, they formed hot orange-red fireball gas bombs and threw them towards Ryan.


The destructive divine power on Tuo Po's body formed a huge purple qigong bomb, which was thrown towards Lane along with it.

Lane's palm spread, and the energy of his own intention condensed in his palm, and in the sight of Vegeta and Sun Wukong, the surrounding space seemed to be suddenly compressed in Lane's palm, forming a square silver square.

Space Warp!

The silver square in the palm of his hand was thrown out and hit the qigong bullet of Ji Lian and Tuo Broken.


Time seemed to stand still, and the silver square suddenly expanded and exploded, shattering the attack of Ji Lian and Toro in an instant, and the expanded space knocked Ji Lian and Toro into the air.


It was not over, the deafening shaking resounded throughout the boundary, and the spatial earthquake generated by the outbreak of space distortion made the surrounding space shake violently, and in the ring, even Sun Wuling and others who were ready to take the opportunity to attack Hit, Zhai Kou could not help but stop and stabilize their figures.

"Whaaaa It's a space earthquake, it's so powerful! The

excitement of the whole king in the ring was straight to the starlight, even if the surrounding space produced a violent vibration and tilting feeling, it was not affected in the slightest.

The God of Destruction on the stands, and the bodies of the eliminated players were not controlled, until the Great Priest made a move and stabilized the stands, so that the God of Destruction and the others stabilized their figures.

Beerus didn't care about sorting out his embarrassed appearance at this time, grabbed his ears, looked at Lane in the ring with a collapse, and shouted: "It's too exaggerated, can this really win?" The

wild laughter of Xiangpa's unbridled excitement seemed to overshadow the sound of the space tremor.

"Beerus, this is Lane's space distortion, I used to be killed by Lane's move, hahaha... In the end, it will be my sixth universe that will win.

Bardos showed a faint smile and said with a smile: "That human named Gillian actually stood up to Lane's spatial distortion head-on, I remember that Lord Xiangpa at that time was crying and shouting for me to make a move!"

Xiangpa's face turned red, and he looked at Bardos with dissatisfaction, and shouted: "Don't mention these things again, Bardos!

Bardos covered his mouth and snickered, making Xiangpa angry and helpless.

The strength left in the ring at this time is relatively strong, even if the surrounding is in a state of space earthquake, no one is eliminated.

"Is Sun Wuling's cheap son a monster? Is this the power of the same level as Weis? The

space earthquake stopped, cold sweat condensed on Vegeta's forehead, and the Saiyan bloodline that was crazy and eager to fight seemed to be poured with cold water at this moment, and there was no intention to fight.

"Zhai Kou and Lane are completely incomparable, but fortunately, Lane doesn't look like Zhai Kou, hehe... We can't do it at all, Vegeta!

Sun Wukong's smile was both excited and helpless.

On the other side, Sun Wuling gritted his teeth, and when the space stopped, Vic and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Rose gently patted the dust on her body, and thought of Weiss taking them and riding the shuttle block, and said: "The ability of space, the same as Weis!" "


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