Gillian was panting at this time, his clothes were tattered, he covered his arms, and looked at Lane stubbornly, and now he was the only one left in the eleventh universe.


Ryan, who was about to mend the knife and kick Gillian out, put away this thought.

"My name is Ryan, I am an earthling, Mr. Gillian, in addition to protecting your eleventh universe, you have other purposes for participating in this conference, what are your wishes in your heart that need Super Dragon Ball to fulfill!"

"What does this have to do with you, I'm not your opponent, I recognize, there are people outside the people, there is a sky outside the sky, but, you want me to join forces with you, you have such a power, the final victory must be you, even if you plan to use Super Dragon Balls to fulfill my wishes, at that time I would have disappeared with the eleventh universe."

Gillian gritted his teeth, saw through Ryan's intentions at a glance, and refused without hesitation.

Ryan shook his head with a smile and said, "I'm sorry, I won't give you this Super Dragon Ball's wish, I also have a wish, I hope everyone is still alive as usual, this is the reason why I participated in this power conference, and it is also the wish that Lord Pa, me and my partners have promised."

"What did you say?"

The boss with Gillian's eyes glared, looking at Lane at this time, looking incredulous.

"This is my wish that needs Super Dragon Ball to fulfill, so I'm sorry, Mr. Gillian, I can't give you Super Dragon Ball's wish."

Ryan's gentle smile made Gillian unload his guard, coupled with Ryan's angel-like power, so that Gillian's inner pride and cold pride were slowly melted.

"I have just been paying attention to you, Pride Team, warriors who maintain peace and justice in the eleventh universe, Mr. Gillian, please, give me a little of your pride and justice, so that I can win the power conference."

After speaking, Lane bent down slightly and stretched out his palm to Gillian.

"I lean on..."

Vegeta, who had been observing, burst out directly.

"It's not good, Kakarot, let's go quickly, hurry up and find Sun Wuling and them, Gillian is going to join forces with Ryan."

"Ah, good!"

Sun Wukong, Vegeta hurriedly rushed to Sun Wuling's side.

On the way, Vegeta shook his head, just now even he was almost moved by Lane's words, obviously Lane did not use any moves and abilities, so that this Saiyan prince had an idea in his heart to help Lane win immediately.

"It's hateful, obviously the strength is so strong, or the emperor of the noble status, actually in order to win over people, he still bends over, Sun Wuling's cheap son, really does not look like a king at all."

Vegeta muttered in his heart, if he had the pride of a Saiyan in his heart, he would never do such a thing to someone weaker than himself.

"Ah, fight, Vegeta! Wuling they fought with Hit, Zhai Kou. Sun

Wukong's voice brought Vegeta back to his senses, and at this time Sun Wuling became a state of self-ease and extreme restraint, and Zhai Kou was helpless and was retreating.

Hitt was also restrained by Son Gohan, who became Super Saiyan Four and completely crushed Hit.

"Wow, ahhh..." I

saw that Gabe, who had become a Super Saiyan at this time, was hit by the combined blows of Rose, No. 17, No. 18, and Bike, and with the minimum cost, knocked him away, fell from the ring, and sat in the stands.



Broly let out a maniacal roar, the grass green madness, maintaining sanity while remaining wild.


The primitive wild collision between Super Saiyans, Kyle with his fists, Broly with his fists, tyrannical, crazy feeling that even the God of Destruction in the stands is a little numb.

"This is human! Savage and worthless, Miss Kers, I always thought I was right. Zamas

, who was hiding in the shadows at this time, saw the appearance of Broly and Kel, and his eyes were full of hatred and disgust.


Suddenly, a sense of danger came, Zamas crossed his arms in front of him, and Vic kicked Zamas away.

Zamas spun back, steadied himself, flicked his arms, and looked at Vic coldly.

"Humans in the seventh universe!"

The combat uniform on Vic was taken off before he could participate in the power conference.

"You have been watching us in the dark, what exactly are your plans, if I remember correctly, when the power conference began, you were the one who stood on the side of the tenth universe."

Vic stretched out his palm, aimed at Zamas, and said.

"Hmph, my name is Zamas, is the Nemesis of the seventh universe? Twenty minutes have passed since the start of the power conference, and none of you in the seventh universe have been eliminated, and the warriors of other universes have also noticed you, it seems that the seventh universe needs a person to be eliminated.

Zamas showed his hand knife, the purple aura condensed, revealing a bloodthirsty crazy smile, Vic showed a smile, his index finger and middle finger were placed on his forehead, and the magic light killing cannon was charged.

Bang! Bang!

Just as Zamas was about to swing his hand knife and attack Bike, two days of huge force suddenly kicked him in the back, and his body flew out uncontrollably.

"Rose, Bike!"

No. 17 and No. 18 are artificial people, they have unlimited energy energy, and they will not perceive qi like others, Zamas did not notice it at all, and were attacked by No. 17 and No. 18.

"Turtle Sect Qigong Wave!"

"Magic Light Killing Cannon!"

Rose, who had been hiding and waiting for an opportunity, was released together with Bick and slammed into Zamas's body.

"One hundred times the realm..."

Zamas was about to use the Out-of-Realm King Fist, but the figure had already reached the stands, he was sneak attacked, and he was beaten back to the stands before he could even use the Realm King Fist that he had been studying for a long time.

"Zamas... Why are you so eliminated!

Rumsey looked mad at this time and shouted at Zamas.

Kess covered her face with a look of regret.

"Alas, I originally thought about observing the situation of the power conference for a while, and I felt that something super interesting would happen, but I didn't expect it to end like this!"


Zamas looked at the ring, clapping his hands in celebration, No. 18, No. 17, Vic Que, this is really playing the rules of the power conference.

"Yes, Kers!"

Suddenly, the Great Priest came to the face of the Tenth Universe.

"Father, no, Lord Grand Priest?"

Kesi raised his head in amazement, looked at the Great Priest, and said suspiciously.

"Great Priest!"

The Rumsey of the tenth universe, the realm king god, and all the players were stunned, and even Zamas's heart jumped very fast.

"Kers, Lord Quanwang has made you an angel of the seventh universe temporarily and watch the next game."

The Great Priest spoke.

"What? Thank you, Lord Quan Wang!

Kesi said in surprise, stunned.

The Great Priest showed a smile, returned to the original stand, stood upright, and solemnly announced the demise of the tenth universe.

After saying goodbye to Rumsey and Kvass, they came to the stands on the side of the seventh universe, so they did not fall into a deep sleep because of Rumsey's death.


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