In the stands, compared with other universes, Beerus, Ves, the realm king Shenxin, and the old realm king god are empty here, and no one has been eliminated so far.

"Miss Kers!"

Beerus, the King of the Eastern Realm Shenxin, and the King God of the Old Realm all greeted Kess.

"Hello, and Lord Beerus!"

Kesi greeted with a smile, girly voice, who would have thought that this loli-faced angel Kesi was actually the eldest of the twelve cosmic angels, the eldest daughter of the Great Priest.

Weiss also spoke, "We haven't been so face-to-face in a long time, Kers!" "

Well, Weiss, I can't imagine that your seventh universe is also full of talents, and the one in the sixth universe named Lane is the son named Sun Wuling, why did you run to the sixth universe?"

Kess's curious look made Beerus hear this, and lowered his head.

The Realm King God and the Destruction God are one, if the Realm King God dies, the Destruction God will also disappear, and when Majin Buu, he didn't know about the affairs on the side of the Realm King God, which also led to the blackening of the originally kind and gentle Western King God.

In the ring!

Gillian's injuries are healed by Ryan, and Gillian decides to help Ryan, who chooses to trust Ryan.

"I hope you do what you say!"

Gillian's tone was not as cold as at the beginning, but it still sounded a little arrogant.

"Then it depends on whether it is us who wins in the end!"

Lane rushed forward with Gillian.


Broly's battle with Kyle is full of tyrannical madness.

Kel's power is clearly inferior to Broly's, and there has been a decline.

Broly did not have the slightest intention of pitying Xiang Xiangyu, grabbed Kail's head, and directly pasted Kaier's face to the ground, forming a huge ravine under Kel's scream.


Tyranny, madness, Broly's crazy laughter resounded throughout the ring.

"That's it, Broly, quickly drop the Saiyans of the sixth universe."

In the stands, Beerus shouted loudly.

Broly smiled evilly, grabbed Kel, who was a little dying at this time, and threw it hard at the Realm King.

Just as Kel was about to fly out, Lane intervened and caught Kel to help Kel recover from healing.


Gillian clenched his fists and struck towards Broly!

"Hahaha... Come on, come on! Broly

laughed wildly, and after Gillian's fist hit Browley's chin, Broly directly pushed Gillian's fist back downward, and a qigong bullet condensed in his palm and slammed into Gillian.

Not to be outdone, Gillian condensed a red qigong bomb, colliding with Broly, tough, savage, full of beast madness while maintaining absolute sanity.


Zhai Kou of Super Saiyan Five faced Sun Wuling's all-out shot at this time, a little tired of coping, and the heaven-shattering palm of all nations formed, and every punch on Zhai Kou would make him scream bitterly.

"Wow..." Zhai

Kou let out an unwilling shout, and just as he got up to attack, Sun Wuling's fist condensed the aura of freedom and extreme intention, slammed on his chest, emitting a painful scream, and a large mouthful of blood spat out from the corner of his mouth.

The aura of Super Saiyan Five on his body dissipated, and just when his body Zhai Kou was uncontrollably about to fall into a coma, Sun Wuling's palm condensed, and the invisible gas cannon formed a powerful air flow, blowing Zhai Kou, who had lost his resistance at this time, out of the ring.


Zhai Kou's figure fell on the stands, and after Bardos healed Zhai Kou, he recovered.

The awakened Zhai Kou clenched his fists in dissatisfaction, "Damn, Sun Wuling couldn't imagine that he was so strong, I didn't have a trace of resistance at all, and I didn't hit him with a single punch."

"Watch with peace of mind, Zhai Kou, anyway, with Lane here, we won't lose, so you can watch with peace of mind!"

Xiangpa is full of confidence and indifference, the seventh universe is still a person who has not been eliminated, and his sixth universe is left with only four people: Ryan, Hitt, Kalyfra, and Kayl.

"Ah, bastard, none of the seventh universe has been eliminated!"

Elephant Pa shouted in dissatisfaction.

Bardos smiled and said, "Lord Xiangpa, don't worry?" Now other universes are also targeting the seventh universe. "


In the ring, the robot army of the third universe set their sights on the seventh universe.

The combined robot set its sights on Rose, No. 17, No. 18, and Vic at this time.

"Think I'm a bully? Mom! "

Well, let's go on, Rose, and let this gang of scrap iron know how good we are."

Rose Wei and No. 18 Condensed Qi Yuan slashed towards the robot, specifically cutting off the weak points of the joints of the limbs and flexibly dodging the attack.

No. 17 has been vigilant around, Vic let out a roar at this time, the breath on his body erupted, and the power of God awakened, turning into orange Vic .

"Rose, number 18, you guys dodge, magic flash!"

The huge golden qigong wave blasted the combined robot and fell out of the ring.

"The members of the third universe are all eliminated, and the third universe is destroyed!"

As the words of the Great Priest fell, the third universe was destroyed by the whole king and completely disappeared.

The fight in the ring continued, with Rose, Bike, No. 18, and No. 17 looking around each other back to back warily.

"No, obviously I feel that there are people around, even the spirit eye does not see the other party, what is going on?"

Rose had a purple halo in her eyes and took a fighting stance.

"Can't you see it with your spiritual eye?"

Vic was still in an orange state at this time, looking around vigilantly, the spirit eye could even see the soul of the living body, if even the spirit eye could not see the other party.

"Everyone be quiet!"

Number 17 ruffled his black hair behind his ear and listened to the other person's voice, Rose, Number 18, and Vic slowed down his breathing, afraid that he would interfere with Number 17.


Although it was very subtle, No. 17 heard it, and with his head down, Rose, Bike, and No. 18's gaze also saw that a bug smaller than a flea was walking towards them at this time.

"I saw it, it turned out to be too small, so the spirit eye didn't notice it."

Rose Wei sent out a qigong wave and knocked the bug who wanted to escape directly away, knocking it out of the ring and eliminating it.


At this time, on the other side, Sun Wuling was really surprised by the alliance between Jilian and Ryan, and he also had plans to join forces with Gillian, but not at first, there was no chance, Gillian's character, it was impossible to listen to him so much, and join forces with him.

Suddenly, Sun Wuling grabbed back, and the transparent person of the fourth universe was caught by him.

"Oh, what a nostalgia, transparent man, it reminds me of that time when I was a diviner."

A qigong wave directly blasted the transparent person away, all the members of the fourth universe were eliminated, and under the announcement of the great god, the fourth universe was wiped out by the whole king.

Now there are still the remaining universes, the sixth universe, the seventh universe, the eleventh universe! There were fifteen minutes left.

"The seventh universe is still a person who has not been eliminated! It seems that the final victory is still unknown! The

Great Priest showed a faint smile, the contestants of the seventh universe were very strong, Broly and Gillian separated, Rose, No. 17, No. 18, Vic Ek, Sun Gory, Sun Gohan, Sun Goku, and Vegeta were restored to peak state by No. 21.



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