After learning the whole situation from here, the Eastern Realm King Shenxin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, said goodbye to everyone, and returned to the Realm King God Realm, they only hoped that Bardos could catch up, and quickly explained the matter to Sun Wuling, the Great Priest, and prevented them from eliminating Lucifer.

After Sun Gohan sensed the breath of Rose, he directly took Vese, Beerus and others and directly teleported to the earth, and began to prepare for the next battle with Kronos.


In the zero universe, Sun Wuling alone made Lucifer difficult to deal with before, and now he added the Great Priest, and after a few rounds of confrontation, he soon showed a decline, revealing several flaws, and was beaten by Sun Wuling and the Great Priest.

The soul power poured into the palm of the Great Priest, causing unimaginable damage to Lucifer, and together with Sun Wuling, he hit Lucifer's body again.

Lucifer's appearance at this time was very embarrassed, and the power of extreme freedom surged madly, forming a whirlwind, spreading, spreading, and instantly swept the nearby range of one hundred light years.

The Great Priest was condensing energy at this moment, and Sun Wuling stood in front of the Great Priest, protecting him behind him, and the pineal gland had been accumulating silver brilliance.

"This trick was taught to me by Kess, or is it the first time to use it, Soulstorm!"


The soul storm mixed with the power of free intention instantly blew away Lucifer's whirlwind, and struck towards Lucifer without sparing any effort.

Lucifer's extreme power formed a barrier to block Sun Wuling's soul storm.


The Great Priest came to Lucifer's life in an instant at this time, and the power of soul and the power of free intention surged, and the palms converged, forming an energy wave, which was caught off guard and directly penetrated Lucifer's chest.



Sun Wuling naturally did not stand still like that, the soul power gathered in his palms, forming a calyx shape, and the turtle school qigong wave exploded with it, covering Lucifer's body.

The Great Priest turned instantly, and the space moved to Sun Wuling's side, looking at Lucifer, who was covered by the Turtle Sect Qigong wave at this time, the ring behind his head bloomed with light, and the surrounding space was completely blocked.

The turtle school qigong wave dispersed, at this time Lucifer covered his chest that was penetrated, the battle god robe on his body had long been damaged, and the body was full of wounds, and the turtle school qigong wave that had just caught Sun Wuling had obviously consumed too much power, and now Lucifer has become the end of the strong crossbow.

"It's really tenacious, but it's almost, Lord Great Priest, let's give him the final blow together!" This time it was my all-out Turtle Sect Qigong wave. Sun

Wuling placed his palms on his waist, forming a calyx shape, free with the power of extreme intention, the soul impact converged in the palm, and the entire space of the zero universe was also compressed and gathered in the palm, and he was constantly accumulating power to increase the power to the maximum.

The Great Priest was the same at this time, the space of the Zero Universe was compressed in the palm of his hand, the power of the soul, the majestic power of freedom and the power of the Extreme Intention gathered, and the power accumulated by him and Sun Wuling was enough to make the Zero Universe renovate hundreds of times.

Lucifer naturally did not have the slightest fear, extremely free power, soul power converged, merged with Genesis, ready to go, this is also his last resistance, he lost, but it does not mean that they lost.


On an unknown planet in the seventh universe, Zamas was thinking about what to do next, and suddenly, a feeling of danger made him sweat and explode in an instant, and in an instant, a spiral of qi slashed and exploded in the place he had just been, sharp enough to turn the defenseless him into dust.

"Who is it?"

Zamas's gaze froze, not only cold sweat condensed on his forehead, he did not perceive the existence of the other party at all.


Suddenly, a huge force kicked him in the back, kicking him away, Zamas let out a roar of his pupils, and his body fell directly to the ground, setting off a huge deep pit.

The No. 18 palms continuously formed qigong bombs and bombarded Zamas.

"One thousand times the Realm King Fist!"

The continuous qigong bombs bombarded Zamas's body, and the severe pain made Zamas come back to his senses, and the red qigong flames condensed around him scattered the No. 18 qigong bombs.

Zamas spat out blood from the corner of his mouth, jumped in an instant, came to the side of No. 18, and the hand knife unceremoniously attacked No. 18.

No. 18 condensed qi yuan slash collided with Zamas's hand knife, making a metallic collision sound.



No. 18's fist clenched, his breath condensed, and he hit Zamas's chest hard.


Zamas's body was directly punched through by the 18th punch, Zamas's eyes widened, he was not the opponent of the woman in front of him at all, his consciousness began to blur, is he going to die? It is clear that he has worked hard to hide from Kronos, Lucifer and them, and now he really died like this?

No. 18 pulled out his fist, flicked it lightly and indifferently, the blood stains on his hands were shaken off, without a trace, a pair of blue eyes looked at Zamas in front of him indifferently.

Zamas fell weakly, slowly fell, and the No. 18 in his sight was now charging the Turtle Qigong wave, intending to completely destroy him, he remembered at this time, at the time of the power conference, the 18th and 17th attacked him at that time, and they could not be sensed.

"Well, just die like this, just to atone for my previous misconceptions, I'm sorry, Miss Kers, I'm dead."


The turtle faction qigong wave struck towards Zamas, and just when the turtle faction qigong wave was about to crush and cover Zamas, Zamas's figure disappeared instantly, and the turtle faction qigong wave streaked across the sky, erupting and spreading.


No. 18's beautiful eyes froze, just now Zamas's power was about to die, there was no power to move in an instant, and it disappeared so suddenly.


Suddenly, No. 18 sensed a huge aura of energy.

"This energy, can't be wrong, it's Kronos, well, and Miss Kronos, Goku, back, Miss Kroth and Goku came back safely, great, the wheel of time was destroyed, Son Gohan and everyone are also there, as long as you help Miss Kronos drag Kronos, waiting for the arrival of Goth and the Great Priest, it's all over."

Number 18 gently ruffled one of his blond hair, and just now Zamas was transferred by Kronos and returned to Earth.

No. 18 index finger, middle finger on the forehead, after sensing everyone's breath, teleportation to rush back, soul impact she will also, although she can't fight an enemy of Kronos' level head-on, but it can help Kros.


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