Seventh universe on Earth! Sun Gohan brought everyone to Earth at this time, except for Bardos, who went to the zero universe, other angels and the God of Destruction all arrived.

This seventh universe became the final decisive battle, and when he saw Sun Gohan and his group, Bike, No. 21 and others showed a happy smile.

"Gohan, I thought you became strong, but still stronger than I expected, your potential has always been the strongest!"

"It's a pity that I never reached that supreme level, Uncle Vick! Otherwise, I can fight Kronos head-on with Miss Kros.

Sun Gohan replied with some loss, clenching his fists unwillingly, before he told everyone all about the original sin, everyone learned the meaning of the original sin itself, and now everyone is praying that Bardos can arrive in time to prevent the Great Priest and Sun Wuling from destroying Lucifer.

Rose was even more sullen at this time, space is irregular, there is no regularity, she and Gohan have never been able to reach that supreme realm, not only that, her strength is the same as Ryan, almost comparable to a fallen angel.

"Extremely comfortable, dark realm!"

Rose whispered softly at this time, completely oblivious to Vegeta arriving behind her.

"Hey, Rose, what's wrong with you!"

Vegeta's call made Rose turn around.

"I'm okay, Uncle Vegeta!"

Rose shook her head, squatted without care, and supported her chin with her hands, although she said so, but on her slightly green face, she couldn't hide her loss.

Vegeta could see at a glance what Rose was worrying about at this time, even if it was, she was talented, and her essence was just a girl who was just sixteen years old, compared to Sun Wuling, compared to them, she looked too immature.

"Still worried about that closed loop of space?"

Vegeta's voice made Rose nod, Rose puffed out her mouth, her face looked like a hamster, and replied: "Disorderly, chaotic, every time when imagining the world, there will always be subconscious control, and the result is failure, and Lane is the same." "

To conceive the world, its own power also needs to reach a certain level, if there is a panel to describe it, it is to use the basic power of mysterious Gohan, plus the transformation of Super Saiyan Four, and its own divine power to be at ease, self-extreme, to achieve such strength to have the ability to conceive a closed loop of space.

"That's because you're too rational!"

Vegeta's words made Rose nod, she also knew her reason, but there was no way, it had become instinctive.

"Anger, Rose, only the moment of losing your mind, you will make yourself forget your instincts, just like me and Kakarot, Gohan when he first transformed into a Super Saiyan, Rose, you are different from us, you will definitely succeed!"

Vegeta's words made Rose startled, tilting her head, and her slightly green little face was full of doubts.


Rose tried to make herself angry and angry, and looked at the certain appearance of Yamucha lying in the deep pit in the distance.

"Can't do it! Uncle Yamucha's death made me angry, but I still didn't get out of control as Uncle Vegeta said, I'm sorry.

Rose lowered her head in disappointment, and suddenly, Tianjin Fan and Klin came to her side.

Klin smiled and said: "Rose, your practice since childhood is like this, maintaining rationality is a merit, you just have too high control over yourself, speaking of which, Sun Wuling him, I have never seen him angry and lose his mind."

Tianjin Fan also nodded in agreement, for Rose they can be said to be in the eyes, even Vegeta, this proud guy is the same, praise Rose, the senses are very good, have you ever seen Vegeta enlighten others?


Suddenly, the faces of Rose, Sun Gohan, and Lane changed, and the spatial fluctuation sounded in the minds of the three.

"Come here!"

Sun Gohan led the group of people backwards, opened the distance, and blocked the front of everyone, his face grim.

Suddenly, a silver vortex of energy suddenly appeared, Kronos flew out first with the dragon god Salama, and Kesi followed closely with Sun Wukong.

After returning to reality, Sun Wukong quickly let go of Kesi and teleported back to Sun Gohan and the others.

"Drink..." Kesi

let out a girlish and childish voice, and his fist slammed into Kronos's chin, directly knocking Kronos away.


Suddenly, an invisible soul fluctuation came, and Sun Gohan and the others released it together, covering Kronos at this time.

"What, what, damn it, a bunch of bugs are also worthy of fighting me! Ahhhhhh


Suddenly, a huge force came, and the condensed power suddenly poured out and dissipated, and Kesi jumped and kicked Kronos's body.


Kronos's body instantly flew out of the Earth's atmosphere, Kross moved at high speed, and in less than a second, her body flew out of the solar system.


Kesi's twisted braid was thrown behind his head, and after seeing Kronos's figure, the power of his own mind condensed, and the energy vortex formed covered Kronos at this time.


Kronos's figure was stunned, forming a huge soul power to form a protective shield, erasing most of the power of Kros's soul storm, but it also made him become riddled with holes and precarious at this time.


Kronos, Kronos, who space shifted and disappeared outside the solar system, reappeared in an unknown galaxy, appeared in a posture, Kronos's fist hit Kronos hard in the face.

"Damn, I'm really going to lose to this little girl Kess!"

Kronos's appearance at this time was very miserable, very embarrassed, and he looked much more embarrassed than Xus now.

"Well, why is Zamas's breath so weak!"

Kronos suddenly sensed something and used the ability of space transfer to transfer Zamas's space to Earth and placed it with the dragon god Salama.


Kesi was also shocked in his heart, Zamas will not really be killed by his own people!


Sun Gohan and the others on Earth opened their mouths in disbelief, supported, supported a lonely, and at most released soul impact together and other moves caused Kronos a little trouble.

The dragon god Salama stood up from the coma, and suddenly, Zamas, who was already dying at this time, instantly fell beside him, making him startled, and the angels around him, Sun Gohan and others had surrounded them.



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