In the distance, Bidili, Satan, and Sun Wukong all stopped chasing at this moment, flying on the sea, closing their eyes, and always perceiving Sun Wuling, Sun Wuhan's qi.

Sun Wukong will teleport, and Sun Wuling, Sun Wuhan does not control his qi, as long as he perceives Sun Wuling, after Sun Wuhan stops, it is not better to use teleportation to take everyone over!

"Not good... Everyone, in many places, now suddenly there is a large-scale gas disappearing! Bidili suddenly opened her eyes and shouted.

Vic unnaturally had a cold sweat on his body and said: "Sure enough, Sun Wuling is right, there is more than one of those little Shalu, it must be made by those little Shalu, if Shalu really reaches maturity, can we only rely on Gohan?" Sun Wuling, have you even thought about your plans for the future?

"Cut, this time it's not just in the Western Capital!" Vegeta clenched his fists unwillingly, if that cunning guy really grew to maturity.

Satan was calling the heads of other cities at this time, and the answer was the same, no sirens sounded at all.

After Satan told everyone about the matter, Vic said in a deep voice: "Judging by the situation, it is still in the mountain village, this time it is so direct and large-scale cannibalism, and now it completely ignores us."

"Damn it, this bastard!"

Sun Wukong sensed that so many people were sacrificed, and clenched his fists angrily.


At the bottom of the sea, Wuling Sharu held up a protective barrier, isolated the current, and kept fleeing towards the south, followed by Sun Wuling, similarly, Sun Wuling and Sun Wuhan, Wuling Shalu also sensed it.

"Haha... My children have succeeded, it takes great vitality to grow to maturity, now, those people are enough, as long as I reach maturity, Sun Wuling, what are you? I'm not afraid of you anymore.

"However, Sun Wuling just now is the same as the old man of the Turtle Immortal! It's as if the body has dodged itself! As

soon as Wuling Shalu thought of this, his eyes widened, and his heart seemed to have tens of thousands of ants crawling, he really wanted to know what the reason was, for the spirit fairy stream created by Sun Wuling, he was now even more eager for it.

In the sea, Wuling Sharu flew forward, Sun Wuling followed, and the distance was getting closer and closer, on the sea, Sun Wuhan had been sensing that Sun Wuling's qi had been flying synchronously.

Son Gohan was flying low above sea level, and in front of them was a land of glaciers, and they had already come to the glacier from the west.

The high-speed moving Wuling Sharu under the sea was full of fanaticism, and he was about to reach the place agreed upon with those little Wuling Sharu he made.


Suddenly, a silver flowing water-like radiance Enlightenment Spirit Shalu's side passed through, energy spread, silver energy particles spread, under his desperate gaze, shrouded him and Sun Wuling behind him.

Sun Gohan on the sea level also saw that the shimmering silver brilliance, the entire bottom of the sea was illuminated brightly!

"That light, is it Uncle Wuling's Extreme Realm?"

Son Gohan muttered softly.

"No... Bastard, Sun Wuling, just a little! Wuling

Shalu's eyes were almost angry at this time, the spread of the extreme realm had made him unable to escape, the dense qigong bombs hit the surroundings like crazy, and finally, the condensed turtle sent qigong waves towards Sun Wuling at this time.

At the same time, the wings spread, the tail behind it suddenly opened, a green egg, dragon ball radar and universal capsule, and a bag were quickly thrown out by Wuling Sharu.


The turtle faction qigong wave slammed on Sun Wuling's protective barrier, and the extreme realm spread, and in the bottom of the sea, Sun Wuling and Wuling Sharu were shrouded together and disappeared into the bottom of the sea.


Sun Gohan stopped at the sea level, and even Vegeta, Sun Wukong, and others sensed that Sun Wuling's qi had disappeared.

"What's wrong? The Qi of the Enlightened Spirit suddenly disappeared! Tianjin Fan couldn't help but say.

"Everyone, grab me! Gohan's anger also stopped!

Sun Wukong suddenly shouted to everyone, and after everyone grabbed each other, they moved instantly and brought everyone to Sun Wuhan's side together.

At this time, Son Gohan is still the appearance of a Super Saiyan, but he does not burst into breath, just like usual, calm and ordinary, it is a Super Saiyan full power state! It can also be said that Super Saiyan is restrained! The power of the Super Saiyan is completely controlled.

"Gohan, what's going on? Why did the Qi of Enlightenment suddenly disappear?

Sun Wukong hurriedly asked Sun Gohan, he was afraid of the situation when Nami Nemesis appeared, even if he knew that Nameki's Dragon Ball could resurrect Sun Wuling, he was still worried.

Sun Wuhan explained what he had just seen and said, "Just after the silver light appeared at the bottom of the sea, Uncle Wuling's qi disappeared, as if Uncle Wuling said to us about the realm of extreme intentions!" "

Extreme Realm, Silver Light!"

No. 17 and No. 18 even felt the scene of being trapped in the realm of extreme intention yesterday, their mentality exploded, and their strength was suppressed, if it weren't for Sun Wuling not wanting to kill them.

No. 18 rubbed her lower abdomen, feeling a faint pain, Sun Wuling did not show mercy to her subordinates because she was a woman, as long as she was an enemy, she would not show mercy at all.

"That is Sun Wuling's extreme realm, which is to pull the enemy into a world created by Sun Wuling, where the enemy will be suppressed and weakened, and the consumption of strength will accelerate, and you can't escape at all, if you want to escape from that world, unless you kill Sun Wuling."

No. 17 immediately said: "Shalu seems to be weaker than Sun Wuling, and now that he has been pulled into the realm of extreme intentions, he will not have another chance!" Sun Wuling didn't look like he would let him go.

"What? The world of creation, the 17th, the 18th, you say, Sun Wuling created a world! Vic asked in disbelief with wide eyes.

Yamucha, Tianjin Rice, Bidiri and others were also surprised to close their mouths! Create a world, is this really the same earthlings as them?

"It's so powerful, it turns out that the Extreme Intention Realm is like this, I really want to see the Extreme Intention Field of Wuling in the future, hehe..." Sun Wukong showed his usual hearty and excited smile at this time, looking belligerent.

Only Vegeta, Tenanks looked at Son Gohan's appearance at this time, did not feel the tyranny of turning into a Super Saiyan at all, calm as usual!

"Is this also a Super Saiyan?"

Tenanks said dumbfounded.

Vegeta even asked directly to Son Gohan, "Gohan, what's going on with you?" Also Super Saiyan? Could it also be the result of Sun Wuling's training for you? Sun

Gohan was stunned when he heard this, looked at his appearance at this time, retreated from the Super Saiyan state, and said with a smile: "Yes, Uncle Wuling asked me to maintain the Super Saiyan in my usual state, telling me that I can only surpass the Super Saiyan after completely controlling the Super Saiyan!" "


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