
At this time, Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan, even Sun Wuling did not expect that Wuling Shalu spit out an egg at the last moment, just like before the Great Demon King of Vic was about to die.

The eggshell grew slowly, and the newborn Wuling Sharu was as immature as a child at the moment, and became five or six years old, and the skin on his body was mainly green, and he retained all his memories and changed back to his infancy!

"Abominable... Dad, I must grow up to be mature and take revenge on Sun Wuling and them! "

The newborn Wuling Sharu put away the Dragon Ball radar, fairy beans, and universal capsules, and raised his head full of hatred, at this moment, Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan is on this sea.

Move at high speed and fly towards the glacier! He was going to rush over and fuse with the life collected by those little enlightened Spirit Sharu, his current appearance was too weak, Vegeta, Tenanks and any of these people could hold him, not to mention martial virtue, what Saiyan pride did not see at all.


Extreme realm!

At this time, Wuling Sharu was on all fours, panting heavily, and cold sweat condensed on his forehead! The smile is full of silence and madness! He had just spent a lot of strength to create a child, he had hidden it from Sun Wuling, he knew that he would die, but he wanted to give all his will and last wishes to the child he created! The former Vic Great Demon also created the modern Vic before he died!

"Child, new student, he..."

Wuling Shalu let out a smile in his heart, as long as he hid from Sun Wuling and these people, and then hid it, as long as the child who inherited everything from him slowly dormant and grew to maturity, then it would be the death period of Sun Wuling and others.

"This is what the inside of the Extreme Realm looks like, hahaha... What an honor! Sun Wuling, your world is really desolate! "

Wuling Shalu died in the name at this time, already knew that he could not live, instead of being as humiliated as Shalu in that parallel world, it was better to be frank, let him surrender is absolutely impossible, his character, his heart, his pride will not allow him to do this.

Sun Wuling was also a little strange at this time, although his Extreme Intention Domain would weaken the enemy, it would not be so ruthless, directly making Wuling Sharu look completely exhausted.

"Although you control the qi, but looking at your current appearance, the consumption should be very large, what have you done? The Turtle Sect Qigong wave you bombarded me just now wouldn't consume so much? The

gaze under the sunglasses was full of scrutiny, looking at this face that was almost the same as when he was young, Sun Wuling seemed to want to see through Wuling Sharu.

"Hah... Sun Wuling, why, you are obviously an earthling, but you can surpass Sun Wukong, Vegeta these monsters, can you meet my wish before death, what is your spirit flow? I really didn't play any tricks this time, I was stuck here, I didn't have any chance anymore. Wuling

Sharu reluctantly stood up at this time, his eyes were full of curiosity, and he stretched out his palm tremblingly, almost using his last strength.

After a moment of silence, Sun Wuling kept thinking about what was going on with Wuling Shalu, and whether he still had any backhand!

Suddenly...... A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, looking at Wuling Shalu at this time, he immediately figured out something, took off his sunglasses, looked at Wuling Shalu with a smile, and said with a smile: "Shalu, you are really powerful, admire, admire, actually come up with this method to make trouble for us!"

Wuling Shalu smiled calmly and said: "Sure enough, I can't hide from you, that's right, I have Bike's cells, and I also inherit the same ability as him, I passed on my ability and my power to my children, it's a pity that I didn't grow into maturity and couldn't kill you!"

Sun Wuling raised his palms high, and a spiral qi element with a diameter of about one meter formed.

"Kill me, don't think about it, even if you grow into a mature stage, I am ready to respond, you have no chance of winning from beginning to end, to be honest, I still admire you a lot, actually in the face of any situation never thought of admitting defeat and asking for mercy, but strengthening yourself, if I didn't wake up early, I think you should have grown into maturity by now!"

"I can also tell you briefly about the Spirit Immortal Flow! After all, without special guidance, even if you reach hell, you can't cultivate! "

Even if Sun Wuling condensed the spiral qi yuan slash at this time, Wuling Shalu did not have the slightest look of panic and fear, and he had long put life and death aside!

Look at Sun Wuling seriously, prick up your ears and listen carefully! He said, "Listen!

"In fact, very early, probably before Raditz's arrival, I already had a hunch that I was about to reach my limit, the earthlings were as if they were bound to a shackle, too weak, too bad, and the earthlings formed a stereotype, weak, stupid..." To

be honest, when he first crossed, Sun Wuling also thought about making a wish to the Dragon Ball to obtain the Saiyan bloodline and the like, after all, everyone who has seen the Dragon Ball knows that Saiyan is the protagonist of this world.

Later, when practicing martial arts, his grandfather said that he had a unique talent in martial arts and would definitely become a martial arts master in the future, which also made Sun Wuling's heart waver a little in yearning for the Saiyan bloodline.

Until he saw his grandfather being trampled to death by Sun Wukong turned into a giant ape, he completely made up his mind, he wanted to become stronger as an earthling, and he wanted to walk out of a path that belonged to an earthling!

Based on the Turtle Immortal Stream, he spent more than ten years creating the Spirit Immortal Stream, and he figured out a path that belonged to the earthlings, although the end of this path also existed in the original memory of the Dragon Ball.

When the three dantian in his body were completely opened, his own strength was the mysterious state that he remembered that the old realm king god helped Sun Wuhan develop, the difference was that after his spirit immortal flow opened the dantian, it was impossible to appear in a state of degradation due to lack of training.

But it's not over yet!

Sun Wuling looked at Wuling Shalu and continued: "When you reach the highest limit of life, you can feel the way of extreme intention, break the shackles of life, and transform into a god, and I am walking the way of freedom and extreme intention, Shalu, goodbye!" "

The spiral qi yuan with a diameter of about one meter slashed straight towards Wuling Shalu!

"Break the shackles of life and transform into God! Hahahaha... It turns out that this is the Spirit Immortal Flow you created! God, what will God really be! "

Under the last words of Wuling Shalu, he was hit by the spiral qi yuan slash, and his body was involved in the explosion of the spiral qi yuan slash, and even the slag was left, and it was directly extinguished and dissipated!

"Turtle Sect Qigong Bomb!"

The spiral qi yuan slash dissipated, and Sun Wuling threw a turtle school qigong bomb to the place where Wuling Sharu died, he knows how difficult this guy is, he doesn't want to resurrect Wuling Shalu anymore!

The realm of extreme intention slowly dissipated, Sun Wuling put on sunglasses, formed a protective barrier, and said with a look of rubbing his fists: "It's really a big trouble, but it seems that that the newborn Shalu can't be like Vic now!" "


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